The distribution and the export of drugs to the countries that are in war need to stop to end the warfare. Children who join the armed groups are given drugs like cocaine, palm wine, brown brown (cocaine mixed with gunpowder), and marijuana in order to make them strong, give them courage to go and fight at the front and have no sympathy for the opponent. If the distribution of any types of drugs to armed groups is stopped then no children has to go through the abuse or threat of getting killed if they refuse to take the drug.
The use of drugs was widespread. With drugs cheap and available, men were constantly getting drunk and high on drugs. Felix said, that they needed something to mask the loneliness and the pain they were suffering in war. Eventually, it became so prevalent that the authorities gave up on trying to control it. He said that the CIA was responsible for bringing massive amounts of drugs into the country. I did not know that until he told me. So it’s good to know that now. He also said that the CIA was bringing drugs into the United States and taking all those drugs into the poorest neighborhoods. That is why there were many crimes committed due to
The nation's children are often trying these illegal drugs at early ages despite drug education. These children also happen to lack in nearly every subject when compared to other nations around the globe. Many of the free nations of the world are dealing with terrorism and we all hope for a solution that will prevent any further violent acts committed against innocent people.
I chose to watch a documentary called American Drug War: The Last White Hope, and do a little research on the war on drugs. The documentary I chose was very interesting. I learned several things about the war on drugs, as well as operations that have been swept under the rug. This documentary also provided some chilling statistics on deaths due to legal and illegal drugs. There were several different conspiracy theories about the government being involved in illegal drug trafficking as well.
In the past forty years, the United States has spent over $2.5 trillion dollars funding enforcement and prevention in the fight against drug use in America (Suddath). Despite the efforts made towards cracking down on drug smugglers, growers, and suppliers, statistics show that addiction rates have remained unchanged and the number of people using illegal drugs is increasing daily (Sledge). Regardless of attempts to stem the supply of drugs, the measure and quality of drugs goes up while the price goes down (Koebler). Now with the world’s highest incarceration rates and greatest illegal drug consumption (Sledge), the United States proves that the “war on drugs” is a war that is not being won.
The War on Drugs, like the war on Terrorism, is a war that America may not be able to afford to win. For over forty years the United States has been fighting the War on Drugs and there is no end in sight. It has turned into a war that is about politics and economics rather than about drugs and criminals. The victims of this war are numerous; but perhaps they are not as numerous as those who benefit from the war itself.
According to Michelle Alexander, why and how has the “war on drugs” developed over the last 40 years? What are the main political and economic factors that led to the war on drugs, and what are the main political and economic factors that shaped it as it developed over the last four decades? Draw on material from the Foner textbook chapters 25 through 28 to supplement Alexander’s discussion of the political and economic context.
Many people are still against this debate, but ending the War on Drugs will cause less violence and achieve peace on this issue.
Starting in 1914 the U.S introduced the first probation acts that prohibited the consumption of Opiates and Cocaine with the Harrison Narcotics act of 1914 Later this act was amended to include marijuana. This Act was the first use of federal criminal law in the United Sates to attempt to deal with the nonmedical use of drugs (wisegeek). The war of drugs started primarily in the 1971 when Nixon declared the war on drugs. He dramatically increased the size and presence of federal drug control agencies (Drug Policy). With the first major organized drug imports from Columbia from the Black Tuna Gang based in Miami, Florida Columbia was quickly growing into a drug superpower able to feed America’s growing addictions.
Afghanistan to guard the poppy plant fields. Poppy grows abundantly in the Middle East but is mostly found in Afghanistan. Poppy produces a euphoric compound known as opium. Opium is obviously a drug; however, it is not that fact that should disturb you. Opium is used in the production of heroin. Heroin use has been on the rise for the past three years in the United States. The available evidence points to only one outcome, and that is that the United States is participating in the production and distribution of heroin and is therefore directly responsible for the rise in heroin use. Why else would the FDA approve a heroin overdose kit to be sold in the markets? The fact of the matter is that the government is aiding in addiction, has completely made up the war on drugs, and is operating on some sort of hidden agenda. The CIA had a plane flying over the U.S./Mexican border that crashed. Among the debris at the crash site was several kilos of cocaine. How odd is it that the CIA would be transporting cocaine into the United States? In regards to drug policy, the United States must call back troops in the Middle East and return the Poppy fields to the people of Afghanistan. Heroin use would decrease.
these elements are part of the campaign to rid the world of the disaster that drugs
Tackling the War on Drugs (CD) and Combating Transnational Crime Organizations (TCO) is an important national security problem. While addressing this issue in a scholastic forum, I immersed myself into this problem set using the guidance of assuming the role of Colonel Tim Killian. Utilizing the provided case and the ADIA framework and course concepts, I reviewed and assessed the information presented. The goal of Joint Task Force North (JTFN) J-5 is to develop a “strategy for military support to counter drug efforts and more broadly fight transnational organized crime.”
After acknowledge the dangerous of this drug, many countries became prohibited the cocaine trading and it became illegal. Thus, the illegal trading make this drug increase their price highly and the dark side of people like “gang or cartel” formed to continuing drug trafficking. In addition, the “drug war” occurred between drug cartels with government in many countries especially in Mexico. Many thousands of dealers, policeman and innocent people have died because the drug war in Mexico.
In 2009 1,663,582 people were arrested for non-violent drug charges. These people’s lives are now forever changed because of a mistake they made. This mistake is continually made every single day and Americans are being punished in extreme ways for a non violent crime. The United States needs to decimalize all drugs because the drug war is costly, causes high incarceration rates, and isn’t effective as European drug solutions.
The part of the government fighting the drug war could also focus on more important drugs like cocaine and heroin, instead of a drug that is proven to not be as harmful. In the 1930s, the American media spread numerous false stories that marijuana was an extremely dangerous drug and therefore marijuana and hemp were banned in 1938. It is clear that the ban on marijuana in the United States was unnecessary because most of the things we believe to be true about the drug were just scare tactics made up by the government at the time to get people to want to get rid of all drugs.
The War on Drugs is a current conflict that has been going on for many decades. It is a movement organized by the United States Government in attempts to reduce the amount of illegal drug trafficking in the country. The War on Drugs enforced strict drug policies that are intended to reduce both the production, distribution, and consumption of illegal drugs. The term was first used by President Richard Nixon, during a press conference concerning the nationwide drug abuse issue, in which Nixon announces to the Congress that drug abuse was, “public enemy number one”. Illegal drugs are certainly dangerous; addiction and death are two but many factors as a result of drugs. However, even though the War on Drugs might sounds justifiable, in truth, it is actually making the drug issue worst in the country.