
The Importance Of A Positive Learning Environment

Satisfactory Essays

Imagine being in a classroom where students and their teacher begin the day talking to one another on a personal level. All students are engaged and working on activities and projects that they can relate to and enjoy doing. One student may be creating a board game on the life cycle of a rose, while another is creating a music video about the life cycle of a frog. Students are working together or they may be working individually, but their choice in the classroom is evident. This is a positive learning environment. When teachers know their student’s emotional needs, learning styles, and their personal interests then a positive learning environment is established. Student and teacher relationships, emotional intelligence, and multiple intelligences in the classroom create a more positive learning environment. A positive learning environment can first be established by knowing a student’s emotional needs. Understanding a student’s emotional needs and situations is essential for a positive relationship. All students come from different home lives and experiences. Some may live with their parents, while others live with their aunt. When teachers take the time to know their students and their individual situations, students feel emotionally understood. This is the basis for a positive relationship. Orozio (2014) states that “emotional intelligence allows teachers to build positive relationships with students, which helps in creating an engaging and motivating classroom

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