
The Importance Of A Specific Gathering Of Individuals

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Society is the qualities of a specific gathering of individuals, characterized by everything from dialect, religion, cooking, social propensities, music and expressions. Today for example, the United States as in different nations is populated to a great extent by workers, the society is impacted by the numerous gatherings of individuals that now make up the nation(Contributor, n.d.).
Cultural change is present in every generation it is a process that is influenced by many universal factors such as locally, and multi regional influencing factor, these factors are not necessarily based on philosophies and ideologies of one region, but of diverse regions or when in regard to India it is highly influential people; these ideologies and philosophies are further influenced by beliefs that are either formulated from the past, or in a way is used as a tool to have stability within communities and people of various regions. Standards of living could vary hence one could be a limiting factor or at advantage while the others are at a disadvantage. There are several obstacles that can be encountered, especially when trying to foster positive cultural change. Some of these obstacles that will be identified in the paper will be as follows:
• Affected by climate change

• Diffusion between cultures

• Inventions in a culture and further innovation.

• Art is a form of cultural control in restricting or directing change.

• Dysfunction in organizational culture is an obstacle to change.

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