
The Importance Of A Working Relationship With Administrators And Peers At His School

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Presenting Problems The client was referred to counsel, by his mother. He has failed to establish a working relationship with administrators and peers at his school. Due to client multiple school disciplinary infraction, he incurred a high truancy rate; which led to the lower educational performance. The client exhibition of inappropriate behaviors has increased over the past four years. When angry he punches and kick holes in the wall and doors. He has also steals from his mother and declares that he did not. David often sneaks out the house at night to meet with friends. On occasion David has run away from home, because things did not go his way. Overall, David presents himself as intelligent, humble, and creative person. Back ground Information David is identified as a 16 years-old Caucasian American. However, after performing the interview it was discovered that he was Bicultural. His father is a United States Citizen and his mother was Lebanese who later gained her United States citizenship. David attends school in Fayetteville, North Carolina and has been in this school system for a total of four years. During his time in this school system, his grades have consistently dropped. David is irresponsible and does not complete classroom assignment nor homework. Also, during the last school year his truancy rate was high; missing a total of 22 days, out of his three out four assigned courses. When asked, “How you are doing in class?” He stated,” I am doing well trust me.”

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