Presenting Problems The client was referred to counsel, by his mother. He has failed to establish a working relationship with administrators and peers at his school. Due to client multiple school disciplinary infraction, he incurred a high truancy rate; which led to the lower educational performance. The client exhibition of inappropriate behaviors has increased over the past four years. When angry he punches and kick holes in the wall and doors. He has also steals from his mother and declares that he did not. David often sneaks out the house at night to meet with friends. On occasion David has run away from home, because things did not go his way. Overall, David presents himself as intelligent, humble, and creative person. Back ground Information David is identified as a 16 years-old Caucasian American. However, after performing the interview it was discovered that he was Bicultural. His father is a United States Citizen and his mother was Lebanese who later gained her United States citizenship. David attends school in Fayetteville, North Carolina and has been in this school system for a total of four years. During his time in this school system, his grades have consistently dropped. David is irresponsible and does not complete classroom assignment nor homework. Also, during the last school year his truancy rate was high; missing a total of 22 days, out of his three out four assigned courses. When asked, “How you are doing in class?” He stated,” I am doing well trust me.”
The intervention that was implemented was the invitation for the father to participate in the therapeutic sessions with his son and ex-wife. I explained the client’s recent behavior and the subsequent admittance to my agency. I clarified that the client’s behavior worsens after their divorce which is evidenced by the increased disciplinary infractions he received at school. The client also became more combatant and argumentative with his mother and siblings as reported by them. I proposed the idea of meeting for a family therapy session to uncover the cognitive reasons behind the
Darren currently lives with his guardians, their children, and a sibling. Darren follows household rules and expectations. Darren is consistently subject to appropriate consequences for bad behavior and consistently receives appropriate rewards for good behavior. His guardians always practice good supervision. His guardians clearly disapprove of his behavior. Darren 's home includes very little conflict, and the guardian’s authority is accepted and respected by the children. Darren has never run away or been kicked out of the house. His family provides numerous opportunities for growth and always provides love, caring and support. Darren has good relationships with his guardians, their children, and his siblings. There is a strong social support network for Darren 's family.
Presenting Problem: Dejon has a diagnosis of ADHD- CT, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, and R/o Learning Disorder. He has presented with being verbally and physically aggressive towards his siblings and mother, and he requires constant adult supervision. He is impulsive and he lacks the skills needed to be trusted in the community. De’jon’s poor judgment leads him to be put in situations where he is either harming others or setting himself up to be injured. He was involved in a shooting of a 7 year old child in the head with bb gun in Marcy 2016. He intentionally obtained the bb gun. He also threatened bodily harm to school staff and was involved with shoving a teacher this past school year. He has poor coping skills and he becomes explosive and dangerous to others when he is in frustrating situations.
David is a 17 year old Chinese-American and the only son of Cheng and Li-Hua Wang. He is currently in his sophomore year at a public high school and currently has a 3.98 GPA. In addition to his high academic standings David has a starting position on the junior varsity basketball team and is expected to move up to the varsity level before the end of the season. Aside from one minor traffic citation, David has no criminal record or disciplinary problems in or out of school. His parents, Cheng and Li-Hua, both emigrated from Taiwan and became naturalized citizens shortly before the birth of David. Neither Cheng nor Li-Hua has a college degree but both have been successful in working in the service industry. Cheng currently is a manager of a small Asian market located in their neighborhood and Li-Hua is a teacher’s aide for a small preschool.
The following is a case study of a client by the name of Lydia Sanchez. Lydia has been truant 20 times within the past 3 months. Lydia teacher Ms. Ellis sent a referral to the main office because Lydia came in her classroom smelling like alcohol, and marijuana. Ms. Ellis also noted in the referral that Lydia pushed her when she tried to look inside of her backpack. The principal found cigarettes, and a white water bottle filled with alcohol inside Lydia’s backpack. Ms. Ellis noted in the referral that Lydia has not handed in any assignments this year yet. Ms. Ellis told me that Lydia was a straight a student last year, and that she does not know what has gotten into her. Lydia’s mother Stephanie also called into the school stating that her daughter Lydia needs help, and that she has been dating a 21 year old man for the past 6 months. Stephanie does not know what to do with Lydia anymore, and she is worried that she might drop out of high school.
Presenting concerns/condition: Valdimir placement was at risk for disruption before placement change. Valdimir had several reports of display of verbal and physical aggression. Valdimir refused to comply with rules of the home and community. Valdimir struggle with peer and adult interactions daily. Valdimir had several school reports of inappropriate behaviors and interactions with peers. Valdimir refused to communicate his needs.
Daniel self-reported sometimes obeying his parents. He is usually subject to appropriate consequences for bad behavior and usually receives appropriate rewards for good behavior. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon reported practicing good supervision. His parents clearly disapprove of his behavior. Daniel reported his home features some conflict that is distressing. This conflict includes the family yelling at each other.
The issues in this case study involve Bob Parrish, an seventh-grade student with defiant behavior as a background; Rebecca Philips, a special education teacher with six years of experience; and Mr. Parrish, Bob’s dad. Besides Bob’s defiant behavior, he has moved schools multiple time due to his mother trying to escape Mr. Parrish and has a history of being placed in a self-contained classroom to receive academic instructions. Bob lives with his grandparents and his dad in an unstructured environment. Mr. Parrish is very inpatient and tries to correct Bob’s behavior through acts of violence.
Furthermore, stays at a friends house while his mother works from 1:00am to 5:00am. Per documentation the patient presents with mannerism of throwing his head back, laughing at inappropriate times, and throws his hands over eyes to talk. The patient presented with these behaviors during the time of assessment. According to collateral the patient reports to "Ms. Mitchell, principal at Tabernacle Elementary School, that he was going to kill himself and others." Collateral reports that patient cut himself with a broken razor from a pencil sharpener. Further, the patient reports that he is useless and that no one likes him nor does he have anyone to play video games with. The patient expresses these thoughts during the assessment. According to collateral the patient has multiple incidents with his behavior since 2013. As noted, "Some of these behaviors including pulling string out around neck from sweatshirt, smashing milk in cafeteria, kicking others students, swinging a waffle bat at another student, inappropriate language and hitting a student on the bus." The mother expresses that the patient does not see a need to go to school and wishes to stay home.
Client was referred to New Behavioral Network for Therapeutic Support for Families. Client was referred for services to address his history of aggression, which include tantrums, crying, throwing himself to the ground and hitting his sister. The client aggressive behaviors could extend for periods of 15 minutes to several hours when upset on a daily basis.
I am currently doing my field practicum at an agency named Quality Care and Advocacy Group (QCAG). QCAG is a therapeutic clinic that provides an assortment of mental health services to clients that need their psychological needs met. Some of the of the services provided at the agency are in-home counseling, behavior aid, family therapy, individual counseling, life skills, and crisis intervention. Our clients’ ages range from children to adults. Many have acute emotional and psychological disorders that they are struggling to overcome in their life. My caseload typically consists of children, elementary to middle school age. My client is an eight-year-old African American male. My client currently resides with his mother and step-father. He has a younger sister that is one-year-old and his mother is presently pregnant with another girl. The client’s natural father was murdered several months ago. The mother reported that the client feels some anxiety over his father’s death and frequently states that he misses him. The client has a strained relationship with his step-father and habitually opposes his rules. The client has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). This causes him to misbehave at home and school. The client repeatedly engages in altercations with other students and even staff. The client will attack students and staff with pencils by attempted to stab them. The mother has been called to the
This paper covers a client scenario for a human development class at Tarleton State University. The paper will cover the ethical and legal considerations in the client scenario and the student will develop a case conceptualization utilizing theories of human development. An appropriate counseling treatment plan with related interventions is also covered with a diagnosis as well. This paper will examine the human behavior that includes addictive behavior, exceptional behavior, psychopathology, and situational and environmental factors that affect both normal and abnormal behavior.
However his partner is said to be “really understanding and supportive” during this time. Concerning the client's other personal relationships, it is unknown if he has criminal friends or associates. Regarding the client's education he has no specific numeracy literacy or language learning difficulties, however informs it is hard for him to concentrate for long periods of time and did not like being in a classroom. Looking at employment, the client does not have negative attitudes towards employment stating he has had many jobs and is currently
History of the Problem: The problem facing the client traces back in the first grade when Charlie was seven years old. The school authority was always in collision with the client in relation to petty thefts, fights, and truancy. These were
This essay is based on a client Ibrahim (30 year old, male) who is currently living with his three siblings with their biological father and step mother. The client has a history of juvenile delinquency with outrageous behavior. Due the suspensions from the school, he has a low academic performance. Currently, he is jobless due to abusing drugs and low academic performance, which made him feel depressed. The purpose of the essay is to evaluate the clients’ problems with the help of consistency theory and understand the possible neurological underpinnings that may have occurred in his brain. Also recommend possible interventions that are most fitting for client.