
The Importance Of Ancient Egyptian Art

Satisfactory Essays

Did you know that your social rank, in Ancient Egypt, affected your positioning and height in artwork? THere were many factors that contributed to becoming a succesful country like art, architecture, and social structure. The skills and techniques that artists used, allowed spectators to see the main attributes of the artwork. It had many purposes and it reflected what a perfect world would be like. Not only did they make art, but they also built many structures out of mud bricks, and even stone. The social strucure of Ancient Egypt consisted of many classes and each group had a specific job to do. Ancient Egyptian art, architecture, and social structure were all significant to making their country successful.

The way that Egyptians made their art used techniques and styles that showed the main features of the artwork. For example, they designed their art on flat, horizontal surfaces. Then, they would give the people unpleasant positions like a sideways head, a chest facing foward and the joints had little amounts of movement to show all parts of the body. They made many types of art pieces like amulets and funerary art. The art was made out of gold and stone if it was important. However, if the artwork did not represent something significant, they would use other materials like clay and mud bricks. All in all, Ancient Egypt used very different styles when making art that matched what a perfect world would look like.

Their art

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