
The Importance Of Art And Its Influence On The Area 's Reputation And Overall Attractiveness

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1. Introduction Art has always been a fundamental part of every society. Be it prehistorical paintings on the walls of the Chauvet Cave in southern France, dating back as far as 33 000 years (Brad Shaw Foundation, 2016); the world-famous art of the renaissance masters such as Leonardo da Vinci and Raffael Santi or the ever-present abstractness of the 20th century’s avant-garde art movements– visual art has always had the ability to bring out various ranges of emotions in people, not only in the artists themselves but most importantly, the viewers. While in the past, art was often only available to people, who stood high on the social ladder, nowadays it is an important instrument, throughout which people can connect to each other – regardless of their gender, nationality, culture, religion, social class or any other factor. People travel to see it and experience it. Therefore we believe, that the presence of art can greatly enhance the area’s reputation and overall attractiveness. The region of North Jutland is home to at least two well-established art areas as well: the first one is Skagen – an idyllic northernmost fishing town and the home to a prominent late 19th century Danish art movement known as Skagen Painters (, 2016) – and the second one Lønstrup, a small coastal town known not only for its beautiful natural surroundings but also as a home to an artist community, which makes its presence known by the numerous establishments set up by jewel makers,

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