
The Importance Of Being An American Identity

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Summary: In this article Walzer discusses what it means to be American and how that differs from other national identities. In most countries, identity is tied to the land and ethnicity. In America however, is different because the ethnicities within this country are diverse. Ethnicity is not tied to American national identity because of this. The national identity of “American” is constructed in a sense, and tied to the territory. Even the Sons and Daughters of the revolution, who were English, had to break away from their ethnic ties. The oligarchy and power system in England is what they fought against. The English Americans had to break away from this and those who refused to had to move. Loyalists were treated harshly for their beliefs regardless of their ethnicity. …show more content…

The phrase on the American seal represents this. It means “out of many, one” which alludes to how the diversity of this country does not take away from the unity within this country as much as one might believe. Many different ethnicities make up this country. But any individual may leave their formal culture or hold onto it while also taking the identity of American. This is where this sense of unity comes from. Despite this different type of nationalism Americans have, patriotism is still strong within this country. It surrounds this creed, or set of ideas, rather than an ethnicity. Walzer describes the American identity as being constructed around these ideas and this territory. Even the territory has been fluid throughout American history and what defines being “American” I still discussed and widely disputed today. This national bond is not as natural as an ethnicity. It has been constructed, and is currently being

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