Everyday we live our lives dealing with problems society throws at us, but does all of it matter? Are we in a simulation? Are we even real? There are numerous simulation games and these certain games follows rules, much like our world and universe. Being in a simulation is highly probably and there is not only mathematics to show the probability, but also evidence of the simulation glitches within our universe. Sometimes glitches happen that goes against all laws of this world. The glitches could be bugs in an advanced simulation. For instance, the Mandela effect is something that we all have probably experienced. We remember something different from what it is. Not just a few people, but most of the population remembered differently.
This idea is represented in the matrix by “The Desert of the Real” and the motifs of mirrors throughout the movie. The reflections represent the confusion toward the blurred line between reality and simulation. Similarly, this idea of the blurred line between reality and simulation is reflected with Cypher’s conversation with Agent Smith. A firm believer in the theory “ignorance is bliss”, Cypher prefers the ‘happier’ simulated life to the truth facing him. By emphasising this simulated environment, the Wachowski brothers allow us to analyse our own dependency on technology for our lives. Similarly, Card analyses this idea of human kind living in a simulacra in his novel Ender’s game. Not knowing the truth, Ender is deceived by his military superiors into believing that the real battle against the buggers was simply a computer game. “Real. Not a game.” After this sudden revelation, Ender cannot cope with his existence, and only finds redemption in religion. In both texts, the composers use textual forms to highlight the idea that computers are used to create a simulation which absorbs the user, hiding them from the realities of life.
Despite the age and immensity of the Universe, we have not been visited nor been contacted by extraterrestrial beings because we are a part of a computer simulation. According to the Simulation Hypothesis, theory provided by Nick Bostrom, humans are unaware of being part of this computer generated simulation. The most compelling piece of evidence that supports this hypothesis is the fact to one can consider a sequence of possible situations which an increasing fraction of all people live in simulations becomes more accurate. (Bostrom 1)
That means a thing must “be” in the physical, mathematical, or metaphysical level of reality. By this definition, if I am not mistaken, I exist because I am on the physical level of reality. This cancels out my suspicion of being a simulation, however, I could still be a “test subject,” a lab rat of some mad scientist alien who enjoys playing games with cause and effect. When I think about this, I conceptualize it as if I’m in the Hunger Games. In the Hunger Games novels and movies, the Gamemakers would manipulate the arena in order to provide entertainment for their viewers. What if another being is manipulating each person’s life in a trial and error process? Is the Earth a television show for another being to use for entertainment? I sometimes think that this is a possibility. How do we know that the weather is simply a force of nature? Couldn’t there be a possibility that it is simply a factor another being put into play to see how humans reacted? While studying metaphysics, we learned that there is only one primary cause and many secondary causes in the universe. Since something, in the beginning, caused everything else (or continues to cause everything else) isn’t it responsible for the many factors of the world and couldn’t it experiment with those factors as it pleases? I still battle with this
People seem to think that everything that happens to them everyday is real. The question is, though, “What is real?”. Is everything you see everyday really real or is it fake? We might see fantasies that other people or machines have created for us. Maybe we are the ones that are not enlightened yet. Numerous essays and films have been produced on this subject. One essay is “The Allegory of the Cave” written by Plato in 360 B.C. Also, the movie The Matrix was filmed in 1999. Even though many differences can be drawn between “The Allegory of the Cave” and The Matrix, there are many similarities as well.
For years nurses have gained experience in the medical field through clinical rounds at hospitals and doctors offices. Learning has always taken place first through textbooks and then through personal experience during required clinical time. These methods have proven effective but include limitations to the amount of exposure a student can gain before entering the workforce. A new way of learning is on the rise with the use of High Fidelity Simulations (HFS) or the Sim Man. HFS is a computerized life size manikin that simulates real human responses to treatment. This new technology allows students to practice rare procedures or treat common diagnoses.
The ethical game simulation is designed to provide insight to ethical dilemmas faced in business organizations and the lessons learnt assist those in the management positions, employees and other partners to make critical decisions that if taken lightly could lead the business down the drain. The decisions reached are to be ethical in that they have to follow the standard conduct governing the organization that is morals and values and ensure increased ethical awareness ADDIN EN.CITE Schrier20109(Schrier & Gibson, 2010)996Schrier, K.Gibson, D.Ethics and Game Design: Teaching Values Through Play2010HersheyIGI Global9781615208456http://books.google.co.ke/books?id=vKFdDHDFNmoC( HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_1" o "Schrier, 2010 #9" Schrier & Gibson, 2010). In the following discussion, we look at the process through which one undergoes to make decisions by weighing options and the best alternative endorsed in a repeated and experiential manner.
The reason why I chose that you would encourage more minority form firms to apply for these contracts is because any article of the city of Richmond versus Crow sign 1989 it really does state that it's illegal for the cities and states to give preference to minority owned firms but, with the amount of the racial discrimination that's going on you don't want to violate the equal protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment that way minorities get something better than nothing. To impose on the curfew law was because, of minors do not have the same Constitution protection as in the notebook with minors they are underage
Charles Darwin’s groundbreaking theory of evolution was certainly not restricted to species in the wild. Adapting to change in any corporate environment is fundamental to the success of any organization and its employees. Achieving this success depends on a key ingredient – appropriate application of change management that focuses on increasing levels of commitment to change and decreasing levels of resistance.
The glitch is defined as a flaw in our thinking most predominantly our ideas of who or what is defined as positive and
This is a great way to explain the probability of us being a simulation. It is agreeing with my thesis thoroughly. With the chance that we might be a computer generated civilization and not even know it. This does not disprove my thesis about our own world being a simulation. We as a civilization could be 50 years or 1,000 years away from making an advanced simulated world.
The outcomes of the simulation are not determined by chance or luck. Instead, participants experience consequences that follow from their own actions.
Hospitals are working towards a more team-based training. The last couple years most of my training has been in a simulation lab. I feel it improves communication, teamwork, reinforces skills and new practices. Hands-on simulation experience allows healthcare workers to get messy, make mistakes and sharpen problem-solving skills — with no risk to patients. As nurses, we collaborate with each other on a daily basis but we are trained and tested individually on our skills, theory, and practical situations. As healthcare evolves, stimulation labs should be part of all healthcare works training and testing, that way everyone is better prepared to handle real time events.
We were four in our group and we were given a scenario of a patient who was having an anaphylactic reaction from bee sting venom. The group agreed that I will be the primary nurse. As the primary nurse, I knew that I had to lead and supervised our group in responding to the emergency situation at hand. Having played the role of a primary nurse in this simulation, I have gained meaningful experience, which I can use in my future nursing practice.
A lot of people believe that the timeline of our universe and another universe cross, which is what causes little things to change and a large number of people remember things happening or written a certain way (Collective False Memories: What's Behind the 'Mandela Effect'?” The Crux, 16 Feb. 2017). This also causes people to believe that were being programmed by computers and we only think that we’re real because of how advanced the species that is controlling us is and what causes the effect are glitches in the computer (youtube video, “Is the Mandela Effect Real”). This conspiracy can all depend on a person's personal beliefs of more intellectual species or more. The conspiracy of the mandela effect and how its just a glitch in the computer could possibly be true. At first thought it doesn’t sound reasonable, but there are a lot of things scientists don’t know. Our rovers and satellites had gone pretty far, but we could have missed so many things and not know it. There are more galaxies in the universe and we have no idea what's in them, not all things are simple people just need to think beyond their own world because there's so much left to discover out in the universe and people can’t say it's ridiculous because know one truly knows what causes these “glitches”.
Uncertainty of what seemed the clear distinction between the simulated and the real: No clear line between the artificial and the real