
The Importance Of Chlorinating Water For The Purpose Purifying It

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The process of chlorinating water for the purpose purifying it, has only been around for just over a hundred years. Although the process has been seen to have a great effect, in reducing the amount of disease caught from drinking water (such as typhoid and cholera), it’s been a heated debate for years. The first case of water being disinfected on a mass scale, was done by a man named John L. Leal. Leal was a physician by profession, but was thought by many to be a bit of a mad man at the time, because of his idea that chlorine had the properties to disinfect water for drinking. It was thought at the time, that if chlorine is poisonous when in a gaseous state, then what’s to say that it’s not poisonous when it’s added to water (creating calcium hydrochloride), which it was (reference 1).Leal spent years of his life observing the effects were when very small amounts of chloride of lime was added to bacteria filled water. He observed in more cases than not that the chlorine of lime in the water, ended up killing almost all of the bacteria while leaving it at a similar PH level of water. During the year of 1908, soon after Leal was given a job at the Jersey City Water Supply, and with the help of his friend George Warren Fuller (an engineer). In complete secrecy they installed a ‘chloride of lime feed facility’ at the Boon Reservoir, which was the main reservoir for Jersey City (reference 1). Three months after he committed this daring act, he was called to court

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