Concussions are becoming a big concern in sports today, mainly in football. All sports today, you can get Concussions in like golf, tennis and swim these sports you would never think of getting a concussion in but you actually can get on that is why concussions are becoming a big thing now in the sports world. People in the sports world understand the seriousness of concussions because they hurt really badly and you have to sit out from your sport for weeks on end till your concussion is gone.
In football kids get there concussion by getting hit in the head be either being blocked or tackled with your head down. Kids that suffer these concussions have to sit out of their sport for weeks on end because of the dizziness and nausea and also the headache. When kids get these symptoms, it makes it hard for them to play in their sport because they start getting dizzy when running and also will start seeing double of something like if you are in soccer and you are running and you are chasing after the ball and you go to kick the ball and
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I think that we should send anyone that has just gotten hit in the head in their sport should be sent to go get a cat scan because who know how much damage has been done to the brain with that hit they just suffered and if they get the cat scan might be able to help them before it gets any worse. If kids would learn the right Technic in any sport, then I think we could cut down on the amount of concussions we see every year from football
A nationwide epidemic is occurring throughout the United States and is on the rise. Although many know about it, they fail to realize the side effects and diseases that can that lay dormant, waiting to be awakened and devastate their lives and potentially end them. Concussions are increasing annually among athletes in contact sports. Children and adults participating in these particular sports are potential victims of concussions and the long lasting side effects. The concerns of athletes receiving concussions is rising because as studies progress, many are leading to the conclusion that concussions impose future health complications.
In 2006, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that approximately 1.6 million to 3.8 million sport-related concussions occur each year in the United States (Langois, Rutland-Brown, & Wald, 2006). Sport-related concussions are a subset of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and are defined as a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain (McCrory et al., 2012). The typical signs and symptoms associated with a concussion include confusion, amnesia, headache, dizziness, nausea, loss of balance, and/or poor concentration (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010).
In high school sports 6% of 2.4 million sports related emergencies are concussions. That number is continuing to grow and won't go down. Most concussions are football related and that is still rising too. When I was in seventh grade and playing football I had a concussion but didn't realize I had one and played through it, throughout the year I had a insane headache and dizziness that didn't
In today’s society, sports are the main highlight in the lives of youth, collegiate, and some adults. Many boys and girls have hopes and dreams of one day becoming a professional athlete. Many people are so involved in the love of the game, that they are unaware if the dangers their children are in. The most dangerous sport involves the lives of males. Over the past decade, many athletes have died or have brain problems because of so many hits to the head, causing them to have a concussion. Concussions damage the brain and create illnesses and diseases the are hard to get rid of. Although sports in all levels are deeply ingrained in the American society, football and hockey are riddled with head injuries and should be changed from the lowest levels through professional sports to lessen the devastating effects of concussions.
“CDC reports show that the amount of reported concussions has doubled in the last 10 years. The American Academy of Pediatrics has reported that emergency room visits for concussions in kids ages 8 to 13 years old has doubled, and concussions have risen 200 percent among teens ages 14 to 19 in the last decade” (Head Case, 2013). It is reported that between 5-10% of athletes will suffer concussion during any given sports season. Football is the most common sport with concussion risk for males with a 75% chance. It has also been found that 78% of concussions happen during games as opposed to during practices (Science Daily, 2014).
Football is one of the most beloved sports in the United States. It is one of the most violent bone crushing sports, leaving players permanently injured for life in some cases. The most common injury that football players suffer from pee-wee through the NFL is the concussion. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that changes the way your brain works. The effects of a concussion are usually temporary and can result in a full recovery if its minor and treated correctly. A concussion can lead to brain problems later in life, even after a player has finished playing football. This is why people are studying and trying to understand concussions fully in order to prevent and treat future ones. Concussions are very
Concussions are becoming more and more common in professional athletes. Concussions can weaken a team, take athletes out of games, and even end athletic careers. They can also cause permanent disabilities and disease that cannot be cured. Professional sports leagues/organizations are receiving lawsuits and complaints about the growing amount of head injuries. Many athletes and fans want organizations such as the NFL or NHL to make rule changes to prevent concussions. Football being one of the leading causes of concussions, along with women 's soccer and men 's hockey, the NFL is often the target of complaints and lawsuits
Years ago, coaches referred to concussions as “having your bell rung” and were never considered as a serious injury. Athletes would simply skip a play and would be back in the game in no time. Concussions now have been linked to life-threatening injuries in many athletes. Today, concussions are the most common football injury by young athletes and are becoming more frequent each year. Coaches, players, trainers, physicians and parents need to take better precautions when dealing with concussions and with their help concussions will not be as life threatening as they are today. Today, the NFL and sports teams across the United States are sitting up and paying more attention to the medical profession when it comes to concussions. Concussions are dangerous, cause permanent damage to a person’s physiological state, and can lead to death. Multiple concussions suffered by athletes lead to long-term psychological problems.
I believe that athletes should be able to stay out longer because it would get them extra time to heal. In the article it states once an athlete gets a concussion they are 3 times more likely to get another one. It is important for the athlete to have a good recovery.
Concussions, a type of traumatic brain injury, are a frequent concern for those playing sports, from children and teenagers to professional athletes. Repeated concussions are a known cause of various neurological disorders, most notably chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which in professional athletes has led to premature retirement, erratic behavior and even suicide. Over 1.6 million Americans have sustained concussion-related injuries. Because concussions cannot be seen on X-rays or CT scans, attempts to prevent concussions have been difficult.
More than 300,000 sports-related concussions are reported each year in the United States, and although the awareness of concussions and other head injuries is rising, concussions are still very dangerous to young athletes. Some may say that after an athlete receives a concussion, they just have to wait until the obvious, and most common symptoms like dizziness and nausea subside before they can play again; with medication, and constant rest, this may only take 2 weeks, however, depending on the severity of the injury, there could be some other underlying symptoms that are even more dangerous than the obvious ones. After a having a concussion, student athletes are also much more prone to a second, more severe, traumatic head injury (especially
Picture a college size stadium filled with parents, students, and fans. Overflowing with crisp fall air and trembling with excitement for kickoff of a high school football game. The whistle blows, ball is kicked , the sound of pads and helmets colliding. But then the second whistle blows and you see your teammate lying on the ground unconscious. Now nothing but that white jersey laying motionless on the turf matters to you. Trainers then EMT’s rush over. They put a brace on his neck, his body on a stretcher and rush him off the field. These are the types of hits apparent in high school age football. Now double the size and speed of that impact. Concussions happen in almost every sport but not in the same severity
Concussions have a huge impact on athletics and student athletes in our generation today. They effect people's lives for the worse and cause setbacks in education and athletic opportunities. Many students who get concussions from athletic activities return to play their sport too soon after getting the concussion, which can cause even more serious issues. Considering 300,000 sports related concussions occur each year, they are very relevant to our everyday lives. Returning to play a sport too soon after suffering from a concussion can result in the risk for a further injury or worse concussion, severe symptoms and healing, and the very likely chance for another concussion to occur.
Concussions occur daily in a life of an athlete. This can change their lives forever if they have one that is severe. They might get lucky if its minor and they can go back to playing. Concussions are very dangerous in an athletic world, because they can affect their lives even after they retire from playing that sport. These concussions can start off at any age, but the huge problem people are having is pro sports. NFL being one the biggest leagues to have these problems. There are many debates about whether the NFL are being careful enough and understanding how bad these concussions are. There are some people who are trying to help this problem become known to all. They are trying to help fix this situation. There are ways to fixing this
Concussions can occur virtually anywhere, and everyone is at risk of getting a concussion, whether they participate in sports or not. Athletes, who take part in any kind of contact sports, no matter the age level, are all susceptible to suffering from a concussion. Football is one of the sports that expose young athletes to higher risk in getting a concussion. According to Headcase, football is said to have one of the highest concussions rates (64-76.8) when being compared to other sports. According to a study done by Frontline, high school football players are twice as likely of getting concussions compared to college players. In the study conducted, there was a rate of