Why school? Throughout life, we always tend to wonder whether or not having an education is beneficial and can end up leading to a life of success. As students, we always search for the deliverance that will help us to answer this question. When we are young, we view school as a place to meet new people and a place that we go to have fun. But once we grow out of this stage, we wonder what the true reasoning behind education actually is. We as students tend to outgrow the day to day lifestyle of forcing ourselves out of bed every morning to go to a place we have no idea to interpret what we are learning and how to apply it to our lives. We are lost, and this guidance that we are in search of, comes from educators who believe that school is …show more content…
He states that learning things that you’ve never learned before helps you continue because you want to learn much more (Rose 33-43).
As a student, I went through a day to day debate always questioning if education was something that I truly needed. When I was younger, I always enjoyed bonding with other students and learning new things, mainly because when you’re a child, you never have to worry about anything serious, so I honestly loved going to school. But, as I got older I realized that I was going to school every day, and getting good grades, but I didn’t know why I was doing it. I was no longer that young child who loved going to school, I turned into a student who began to dread the mere thought of stepping foot into a school. I was no longer a student full of curiosity and drive, I became the confused one. Throughout my earlier years of high school, I began to lose interest in my education, due to the fact that I believed that everything I was learning wouldn’t help to prepare me for what I was planning to do with my life. I never found most things worthy of my time because I felt as if they wouldn't prepare me for the outside world.
Whenever I took math, I thought it was a waste of my time, because when on earth would I need to figure out why x and y equaled z. I thought that reading and writing was pointless because I always hated writing papers and
Many are quick to disregard education’s role outside of the classroom. According to Mike Rose, “a good education helps us make sense of the world and find our way in it” (Rose 33). Rose emphasizes the value in the experience of education beyond the value of education for the purpose of custom or intelligence; he explores the purpose of going to school in terms of how he defines himself and his personal growth in the stages of his academic career. By reflecting on his personal experiences and how those gave him the tools applicable to his daily life, he emphasizes why education should never be overlooked. Rose’s referencing relatable experiences in a logical manner makes his argument persuasive to the readers and he succeeds in making the readers reconsider why education matters to them. In his book Why School?: Reclaiming Education for All of Us, Mike Rose effectively persuades his audience of the importance of education beyond the classroom, emphasizing how those experiences become crucial to one’s personal growth and potential in our everyday lives.
Education means something different for everyone. According to Mike Rose, “a good education helps us make sense of the world and find our way in it” (33). The truth to this is that education affects us in every aspect of our lives. Rose emphasizes the value in the experience of education beyond the value of education for the purpose of custom or intelligence; he explores the purpose of going to school in terms of how he defines himself and his personal growth in the stages of his academic career. In Rose’s exploration of the purpose of school, he also reflects on his personal experiences and how those experiences gave him tools that are applicable for his daily life. Mike Rose’s Why School?: Reclaiming Education for All of Us persuades his audience of the importance of education beyond the classroom, emphasizing how those experiences become crucial to one’s personal growth and potential.
Education should not only be looked at as attending college and passing exams to succeed in school. It should be seen more as the complete development of one's personality, intellectual development, and moral evolution. The system tells everyone to learn the same material, even if the students are bored and even if they’re sleeping during class. In the article “Against School”, John Taylor Gatto states, “teachers didn’t seem to know much about their subject and clearly weren’t interested in learning” (Gatto). This shows the teachers and the students disconnect from the context because either it’s irrelevant or not being taught in inspiring ways.
Many are quick to disregard education’s role outside of the classroom. According to Mike Rose, “a good education helps us make sense of the world and find our way in it” (Rose 33). Rose emphasizes the value in the experience of education beyond the value of education for the purpose of custom or intelligence; he explores the purpose of going to school in terms of how he defines himself and his personal growth in the stages of his academic career. By reflecting on his personal experiences and how those gave him the tools applicable to his daily life, he emphasizes why education should never be overlooked. Rose’s use of referencing relatable experiences in a logical manner makes his argument persuasive to the readers and he succeeds in making the readers reconsider why education matters to them. Mike Rose’s Why School?: Reclaiming Education for All of Us effectively persuades his audience of the importance of education beyond the classroom, which proves true in our everyday lives because the essential aspect of education is what we do with it and how it helps develop one’s personal growth.
Education and school. Some of you are now grimacing at the prospect of being trapped inside a classroom. Others are now thinking what I wouldn’t do to be able to go back and start all over again. Now don’t worry, I’m not going to convince you that you should love school. My job isn’t to change your perspective on school like a politician would do.
Education means something different for everyone. According to Mike Rose, “a good education helps us make sense of the world and find our way in it” (33). The truth to this is that education affects us in every aspect of our lives. Rose emphasizes the value in the experience of education beyond the value of education for the purpose of custom or intelligence; he explores the purpose of going to school in terms of how he defines himself and his personal growth in the stages of his academic career. In Rose’s exploration of the purpose of school, he also reflects on his personal experiences and how those experiences gave him tools that are applicable to his daily life. Mike Rose’s Why School?: Reclaiming Education for All of Us persuades his audience of the importance of education beyond the classroom, emphasizing how those experiences become crucial to one’s personal growth and potential.
When an elementary student and a high school student are inquired about school, you get two unquestionably contrasting responses. The bright, hopeful eyes of the young elementary student answers with a voice dripping with excitement, with the breath of the daily snack time chocolate milk spreading as they yell about the new knowledge they are gaining. On the other hand, the high school student counters with a monotone muttering. The words sports, stress, and sleeplessness are whispered, along with a shake of the head. As students go through school, starting as a youthful child to an experienced teenager, their views of school are very contrasting. Their thoughts of people, the future, and their want to learn completely shift.
When I was a kid, school for me was waking up early in the morning. I also have to study a lot in school, then after school I have to do homework. I remember my first day at school. My mom and dad, both were so happy and prepared but I was so nervous and cheerless. I didn’t like to wake up early in the morning for school , but as time flew by I started loving school which made me wake up with energy instead of tiredness. I began to enjoy the school as I made new friends and I got to know how it is like when you meet people out of your neighborhood. With my friends I had lunch together and study together. I started to understand what the purpose of the education system. Based on what I understood I think the purpose of education is really aimed at helping students get to the point where they can learn to be on their own. In this journey of education I had a lot of positive and few negative experiences,but the negative experiences also helped me growing. Positive experiences are my teachers helping me improve, and I improved more when I moved to the United States.
According to UNESCO (2014) education is seen as key to enhance the capabilities of people. Education also widens people’s choices in order to appreciate the sovereignties that make life beautiful and worthwhile. Initially, the skills provided by basic education, such as being able to read and write, are valuable in their own right. Then, education can upgrade the undesirable features of life. Moreover, education has a powerful part in empowering the people who grieve from social and economic depreciation. Universal education, achieved by all, has a sole and essential influences in addressing the social and economic barriers within a society.
Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” While they are indeed wise words, what does it mean to be educated? What can be classified as a proper education? Some say college is where people go for a “real” education. College is an educational institution meant to further prepare a student for the real world, real jobs, and real life. Instead of the basics taught in elementary, middle and high school, college is meant to be more specialized. Because students have the liberty to pick and choose their own classes it’s easier to cater to their needs, thus allowing each and every student the chance to work towards their future profession. But is what is currently being taught at
Education. How much is it worth? A dollar, ten dollars? To some, an education is worthless. However, to some people, it is priceless. It could be the difference between life and death. An education could save lives, families, futures. Imagine a world where you didn’t have an education, where you couldn’t read, write, or express yourself. This world is a reality for women and girls in poverty all around the world. These uneducated females live in extreme poverty without the hopes of making better lives for their children or families. Without an education, children have a higher chance of death, more girls are forced into child marriage, and women have an increased chance of maternal mortality. For these reasons, women and girls in poverty need to be given educations.
In America, citizens have the right to obtain an education that will withstand the test of time. This education that is given to us at no cost for twelve years of our lives is a gift like no other. Our school systems employ professionals to teach each individual student what they must know to be successful in life. I have been particularly blessed to make it through my primary education with the fondest of memories. I had the opportunity to start school in pre-kindergarten, continue to Junior High, and now I am experiencing college while being a senior in high-school. Sadly, it is common that many students will not have an experience like mine. In a short essay called An Indian Father’s Plea a Native American father, Robert Lake-Thom, reveals the hardships that are faced by students that do not fit the mold.
what I feel have had the most impact on my life. Everything that I have learned, I have
Is an education a requirement for a successful career? Most people would say yes, however I think this is inaccurate, however I do think kindergarten through twelfth grade is important. Further education, such as college or a trade school, however, is not required to be successful. Just about all my family had not furthered their education with college and they’re all do just fine, making enough to live and support their families. Just because you go to college to be something doesn’t mean you will pursue your life in that career, most people don’t. Education is expensive and I don’t think that it is for everyone.
Education has always been extremely important to me, especially since I am only the second one out of my parents and three sisters to graduate from high school. I have had several obstacles in my way to face, but these hardships make me very determined that I will get my college degree. I am the first in my family to go to college. I come from a family where education was not as important like it is to others. My father is my biggest inspiration. He was less fortunate of being able to finish school. He had a very difficult childhood and had to pick up adult responsibilities at an earlier age in life. He was only able to finish up to the eighth grade. He was the oldest in his family of four other siblings. His dad got very sick and was not able to work and provide for the family like he needed too. This led my dad having to drop out of school at eighth grade to go home to help with other siblings, help his mom with house chores, and work to help with paying bills. My dad can barely read and write, this made it very difficult for him to get good paying jobs. He learned how to be a mechanic working on vehicles, because there is very little to read and write to figure out how to fix a vehicle. He is very good at being a mechanic. This was his career all through out his life and still is to this day working long hard hours. Seeing my dad work so hard all my life inspired me to get a good education. It was difficult as a child to see my dad struggle so much. Our parents could not