
The Importance Of Education In High School

Decent Essays

During high school, too many irrelevant things are being taught, like memorizing the periodic table, learning how to climb a rope, and how to write poetry. Things like simple math, learning to read, and write are important, as are learning life skills such as financials, Heimliche, CPR, learning other languages and about nutrition and exercise for your own health. High school curriculum is often taking up time that could be spent learning life skills that should be taught. Certain things should be taught in high school or else there will be significant consequences.

High school gives students the skills to understand extreme math, like how to calculate how fast a plane is going, but not how to apply it into managing money in real life. Financials, such as budgeting to pay bills and not fall in debt, should be taught in school in order to help students succeed in the future and buy the things they want and need. A study done in 2016, by ING Direct, shows 87% of young adults admit they don’t know much about personal finance, like how to pay a bill once they first moved out on their own or get a loan. “Today, most teenagers are not learning any personal money management skills because no one around them talks about it,” says Judy Hoberman, marketing expert, President, and CEO of Selling in a Skirt. Data from national foundation for credit counseling showed 76% of college students wish they had more help to prepare for their futures earlier on. The consequences of not

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