
The Importance Of English Language In Thailand

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In this research, I’m going to focusing on the English as a language is being taught in many countries oversea today including Thailand. In fact, you’ll be surprising to know that English is required for many of the students in many countries. Unfortunately, it is not necessarily taught as well as it could be because of heavy teaching load, class sizes and adequate technology. Learning an English today still's has been challenging for many countries and specifically in Thailand. In Thailand, the student often gets too overwhelmed with English and mentally tune out in the classroom because English was their least favorite subjects. On the other hand, the students don’t have a resource at school or they don’t have it enough. Furthermore, …show more content…

According to the Oxford dictionaries “there is no official definition of global or world language, but it essentially refers to a language that is learned and spoken internationally.’’ This shows English is not official because it wasn’t made by one country but made with different historical.
Now, millions of people are learning English in every country in their school. While it’s important to continue improving English in every country, it’s critical to provide students with many sources in school they need so they can take the advantage of learning. English should continue to be taught in many countries including Thailand because the benefit of teaching well in school will allow students to be able to compete with English speakers for jobs, adapt to the progression of technology and science, and strengthen student’s their communication skills in the future. These will provide better opportunities for lots of people in the future. On the other hand, class-sizes should be reduced, funds should be allocated for better learning technologies, teaching load should be restructured because these affect student from being taught well in school. In order for students to be taught well, students should have what they need. Learning English is important for many Thai students, so that the understudies can contend with English speakers for employment later on. However, there’s been a issue in

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