The English became aware of all the natural resources that were in the new world. The wood in the new world was used for construction and strengthening the British navy ships, permitting the British to conquer the Spanish at the Spanish Armada. Native Americans would trade Fur and sold throughout the world. The silver and gold in the New World could also advance the wealth of the English people. England was very crowed, bringing lack of land. Once the wealthier classes began to make their land private the lower classes had nowhere to farm, leaving their families with no food. The New World was the best farm land and also had the cheapest prices. Also, there were many religious groups that settled in the
Economically, the Crown did not provide as much assistance as needed to the colonists of the New World. Trade involved mainly countries other than England, because this way profits were maximized. England, once again, created its colonies for mercantilist reasons: profits and only profits. In reaction to these trade schemes, the Navigation Acts were enforced. Smuggling then grew extremely popular mainly because of price differences and simple convenience. Agriculturally, the main crops were indigo, sugarcane, tobacco, cotton, and rice. Due to high demand, several workers were needed. Through the Triangular trade, raw materials went to England and the Northern Colonies, slaves came to the plantation-dominated areas of the colonies, and manufactured goods went to the West Indies. Molasses was turned into rum in New England and traded for more slaves as well.
Shipbuilding was a fast growing industry created a boom for New England economy. They also gain profit out of transporting trading goods back and forth from and to England, and also for transporting slaves out of Africa and into North America. The New England settlers were so success at their shipbuilding business that actually
In the new world, Europeans encountered indigenous plant foods cultivated by Native Americas. These plants were potatoes, beans, corn, tobacco, and cocoa. The potato is especially important because it’s known for one of the main foods for Ireland. The European’s influenced oats and barley etc. Domesticated animals as pigs, chickens, sheep, and ox were also brought to the Americas. Horses were also brought to the new world which was a new tool for hunting and used for military.
Throughout the 17th century, many European countries sent explorers and settlers to America. The two most eminent countries that colonized area of America were Spain and Great Britain. Britain began to establish colonies in the northeast; in the area they called New England. The Spanish interest lied in the southwest. Living in two unassociated areas caused the Spanish settlements and the New England colonies to be quite unlike each other. When faced with the task of finding similarities between the two, not much can be found. It is the differences that stand out when studying the English and Spanish, from religion to politics to ideals.
During the exploration of the New World Portugal, France, and Spain had one thing in common to search for new resources such as sugar, spices, and gold. The European arrival in the Americas set a new era off known as the Columbian Exchange which changed the America’s forever. Native Americans introduced the Europeans to several new crops such as corn, squash, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes. Portugal set off for a search for sea route to Asia, while in competition with Spain who was also seeking an active root to Asia as well. The French exploration occurred later after the “New World” was found, and their target was to find a Northwest Passage where they hoped for a route through North America to the pacific.
First, the Spanish and English reasoning behind exploration a settlement of the new world was extremely different. This also means that the type of people that came from both nations to the New World
To begin the Europeans brought much live stock to the New World. They brought animals such as sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, and horses. Horses improved the lives of many Indians especially the Plain Indians. Also having all of these animals gave them more meats.
The goals the Spanish and the English had while pursuing North America were land and wealth. Spain was in America first. They were able to get a foothold on the New World. The gold and silver they aquired from the Incas and the Aztecs added to their power. It helped finance the growth of the Spanish empire and it's army.
*The inclusion of the New World in the Age of Exploration brought benefit to the europeans and spaniards in the form of goods, land, and trade, but brought damaging effects to the Native Americans and African slaves.
As an American democracy we operate within a republic, in which we elect representatives on each state to vote for us. We do this by using the electoral system that Madison envisioned in the document Federalist 10. In this document, Madison warns us on the dangers of factions.
After Columbus made his journey to the New World in 1492, the Europeans brought a different culture to the people of the New World and took many new ideas back to the Old one, this was the time period known as the Columbian Exchange. Most of what the Europeans took from the Exchange was good, but some of what they brought was devastating to the people in the New World. Although, this time period was very brutal for the Native Americans, the Columbian Exchange resulted in the transmitting of new technologies, an increase in remedies and cures for diseases, and a growth in resources such as food that helped to improve life.
Impacts of European expansion reached across the world and affected more than the expanding European powers and their colonies in the new world. Life in the world changed when these two cultures that were directly opposite of one another collided. Europe was filled with greed for resources and wealth, the Indigenous people living on these resources were living a simple sustainable life with next to no government or regulation. Once the new world was set up Europeans who ran these new territories called colonists today developed their own society and way of living and would end up revolting against the homeland.
The Industrial Economy, by 1913, the United States produced one-third of the world’s industrial ouput. By 1880, the Census Bureau demostrated for the first time that a majority of the worplace enganged in non farming jobs. The growth of cities was vital for financing industrialization; about eleven million Americans moved from farm to city and others by overseas (1870-1920). Moreover, the railroad made possible for the Second Industrail Revolution. Railrods adopted a standard national gauge, for the first time for trains of one company to travel on any other company’s track. The growing population formed a broaden expanding market for the mass production, distribution, and marketing goods. Also, while the economy suffered prolonged downturns,
NY: Oxford UP, 1970. xvi + 201 p. Ill.: 15 photos (btw. 108-09). Appendix: demographic tables (191-94). Bibliographical footnotes, index (195-201). ISBN: 0195128907 (1999 ed.)
The realms of South Asia and East Asia are both facing significant issues with their population. India and China have faced the most difficulties with the over-sized population and are just beginning to face the effects of the boom. The young adult to middle age population is huge in China (20-45) and is going to cause severe problems in the workforce in the future (see Figure A). The problems are similar in both realms due to similar government regulations that have been put in place over the past thirty years, specifically the “one child policy” enforced. This has caused issues economically, ethically, and religiously affected by the government legislation.