Hello. I appreciate you taking a moment out of your very busy day to read this.
I wanted to thank you for my time at National Coney Island; I worked at Moross/Mack almost continuously since 1997 (with a brief period at Van Dyke in 2000) and always loved my job; my managers, coworkers, and customers made going to work more like a family thing than some tedious task I didn't want to do. I was a loyal, responsible employee and always did what I could do to help out, even when my schedule was a bit limited while dealing with having babies. I had customers who visited the store regularly, just for me to serve them, for years. I'm sad that has ended.
To be honest, at first I was really upset about how I was being treated. I had contacted Paul previously to see if we could sit down with Sammy
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Sammy didn't like me for whatever reason, and that was not so much an issue until he began cutting my days and treating me unfairly. Moe is a good friend who I've worked with for a long time, and was fully aware and right along with me, but was very scared he would suffer consequences or lose his job if his name was brought up. In that situation, the next step was for me to ask for higher intervention, and Paul REALLY dropped the ball there, to the point of being offensive. I'm not trying to be funny or smart when I say that he would benefit greatly from more training in ethics and employee …show more content…
I wish I was still working for National Coney Island; this was the job I loved, for 17 years, without incident. People loved me there,
The upper class The class in society a Roman held, played a huge role in how elaborate the funeral ceremony was, and how well the body was preserved. The wealthy would be guarentted an elaborate ceremony. The body of the deceased would be on display for mourning for a lengthy period of time, and treated with extreme care, as explained earlier. The body would never be left alone as it was belived this would be bad luck for the deceaseds afterlife.
I would like to thank Ms.Karen Goskowsky,Matthew Faciana, Michele Mattar, Jennie Sumner, Sarah Keel, Dawn Miller, Janyl Torres, Michelle Cedeno, Melissa Lee, Monica Keys, Shameeka Seivwright, Sherria McMillan and to everyone I didn't name. I remember when I recieved employee of the month and year in November 2014. I deeply appreciate how hard everyone worked in order to make it one of the most beautiful nights of my life and I felt very loved and cherished. Great job guys and I really hope you guys can continue to exceed expectations as well as grow larger and more successful as a company. Keep up the entertainment, the excitement, the fun and I am blessed to have had the privilege to work in this company.I feel so lucky that I was able to work in this company for almost 20 years. I love you all and I will cherish every single memory that I have had with you all and Hard Rock. It wasn't just a place to work, it was my home and my love. I would also like to give a special thanks to the cash up department, my department, for helping me over the
I have been very fortunate to work for such a great company as Sobeys and I will truly miss it.
It was only a seasonal job, so they weren't too picky with their hiring and within a month I was hired and put to training. Training was fun, it was I working like everybody but somewhat supervised. After the training I'll be honest, I hated working there. I couldn't stand having to put clothes away for four hours and barely being able to talk to anybody besides a passerby customer who would politely brush me off every time I asked the required, "Do you need any help with anything? No? Okay, let me know!" It got old real quick. I missed the constant interaction I got with the kids I used to
I had never given much thought into how I would die. There’s something about being young that causes us to believe we’re invincible. It’s not like dying young is uncommon, it’s just that there’s something extra despairing about a life ending before it had really begun. Over the past 18 years, I’ve never thought twice about my mortality. I mean, it wasn’t anything special to me. I knew that I would eventually die, but eventuallies aren’t always as far as you think. Here I am, only 18 years old, my cold body
The scent of fresh pine and baked turkey dominates over all senses, surging into the crisp air of the kitchen. Presents are stacked to the brim of the Christmas tree, while a toy train intermittently passes by. Effervescent ornaments sparkle with the memories of past years. Rooms are full with aunts, uncles, distant cousins, all of who push their troubles aside to celebrate this day once a year: Christmas . It is chaos, but the good kind.
“Finally, I would like to thank all the people that have supported the company, in particular our team and our loyal customers. We remain focused on providing the very best retail experience and it is this focus that will underpin our continued success.”
The next morning, I woke up at 9:30am to prepare myself for my second day at McDonalds. I got dress into my uniform and jumped into the car to go to work. I arrived at McDonald and noticed that it was very busy inside. As I walked in, I was automatically being placed on front counter to take order but I was very nervous to take order because I didn’t know how to take them. My manager taught me how to take the order and after a while I began to start taking orders without any help. Everything was going great until one customer came into store with complaint. I politely asked if he needed help, then angrily started yell at me about his order being incorrect. The man even started to blame me for incorrectly bagging his food. His yelling was so loud that my manager and even customer had to calm him down and escort him out of the store. At the end of shift, I talked to manager and told her that I wanted quit because the customer made me so upset and embarrassed. She told me quitting would be the wrong option and she told me that her and the other managers liked me working there.
When I first applied to work for the City of Seward, I was very excited to work somewhere different. I have enjoyed working for the parking department. I get to be outside rain or shine, and get to interact with many people. After working at a hotel for four plus years, I have learned many things, one of which is how to talk to guests whether or not they were upset. I have carried on this skill into my current job. Even though I have only been working this job for only a couple months, I have learned so much about not only about the job itself, but also about the surrounding area. I have learned to give better directions for touring people, how to work the machines, and when issues came around, to correctly make it as easy as possible to fix said issue.
First, what I hated most about the job was the inclement weather conditions. For instance, it did not matter what the weather conditions were, the servers were responsible for delivering the customer’s meal to the drive-in stalls. During the summer season the servers have to constantly deliver food in scorching weather. It would be so hot that I felt like I was standing on top of the sun. Not only did I have to deliver food while it was hot, I also had to take the orders out on cold
Have you had someone that has gave you advice or wisdom? Well I have and my dad was the one who gave me some words of wisdom and advice. He would always say, "never give up, to always try my best, And if you fall down, get right back up and try again." My dad has always been there for me and my sisters to give us all wisdom and knowledge in all things like sports, school, or life.
There are close to no similarities between the resume and the eulogy except for the trait of being hard working. Other than that, the traits are completely different; the resume obviously reflects academic attribute while the eulogy reflects what kind of person I am. I prefer the eulogy attributes and find them to be more important. I believe they are the most important attributes a person has, and are the true reflection of what kind of person someone is. Most people will not know what kind of schooling another had, but they can tell what kind of person they are without the two ever conversing.
After getting to know the building and working real hard 5 days a week I began to love the job. I made friends with the nurses and elderly people. My favorite nurse Lola, would always tell me how beautiful I looked. Things like that made working there worth it, I still remember the smell of the place. I worked on the floor where the residents have mild or developing cases of Dementia. I was content on that floor, I still liked my
Having these conversations I clearly understand why our marriage did not work. You love calling me a lunatic, but we and everyone that is associated with you know who is and always have been unstable.
unique jargon of our chosen profession. What was to follow was an application of that which we had just survived.