
The Importance Of Freedom Of Speech

Decent Essays

Freedom of speech is a basic fundamental human right. Whether or not on a college campus, people (especially college students) should have the right to speak freely. Everyone does have the right to speak freely, because it is one of the twenty-seven amendments. Colleges all around the United States are now home to many restrictions on free speech. For example, the idea and use of “free speech zones” has made its way to colleges everywhere. A “free speech zone” is a sidewalk sized place where students are allowed to speak their minds freely on college campuses. I know what you’re thinking. This sounds ridiculous. Why are there specific places for people to speak their minds? Aren’t colleges suppose to be a place where students speak their …show more content…

When people speak freely, it improves the quality of ideas that they ultimately produced. A reason for free speech is how the quality of ideas will be effected in a positive way, like I mentioned. It gives everyone an opportunity to speak their minds. Free speech allows the society we live in today to develop and progress, and it also is essential to bring change in our world. For example, Index on Censorship magazine editor, Rachael Jolley, believes that it's extremely important to make an impact. “Free speech has always been important throughout history because it has been used to fight for change. When we talk about rights today they wouldn’t have been achieved without free speech. Think about a time from the past – women not being allowed the vote, or terrible working conditions in the mines – free speech is important as it helped change these things” she said. Free speech allows us to not only speak but also gives people the opportunity to listen to other views on things. Jolley then added: “We need to hear other people’s views as well as offering them your opinion. We are going through a time where people don’t want to be on a panel with people they disagree with. But we should feel comfortable being in a room with people who disagree with us as otherwise nothing will change.” A great way to move forward is by challenging another

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