
The Importance Of Functional Family Unit

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The amount of functional family units has been decreasing for the last century and it is negatively affecting humanity. In 1960 the percent of children living with two parents was seventy-three percent; in 2013 the percent decreased to forty-six. The family unit is the basic social unit of society. The family unit helps each member learn about and get used to social roles. Each member holds a specific function or social role in the family. In a healthy family all members fulfill their functions and emotional expression is accepted. Also, most healthy families practice a religion. If the family members fail to fulfill their functions the family unit disintegrates. Dysfunctional families are often caused by a parent not fulfilling their function or being abusive. A parent might not function enough and not care enough for the children. The parent might also function too much and not give room for children to grow. In a functional family unit, the parents give space for their children to grow, but also have a set of established rules. Establishing a functional family unit is important because they form the basic unit of society, the functionality of the family affects the mental functionality of the children, it greatly affects the children's future, and it affects society as a whole.

Although some might argue that the functionality of the family does not severely impact a child's mental health, studies have shown otherwise. "Two large meta-analyses, one reported

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