I would suggest that giving up should never be an option. Another thing that I would is ask what led them to believe that they weren’t smart enough and drop out of their classes. I would then discuss with them that there is a lot of help provided for students, and everyone has potential just not everyone seeks out to reach their full potential. The brain is very powerful it controls and manages everything we do therefore we should use it at its fullest extent. Yes there is times were classes can get difficult and frustrating but that shouldn’t be the reason that should make someone drop out and let all that hard work that it took to get there away. If one does drop of classes in college then that person will be throwing 12 years that one
saying that giving up is not always the best option. In this case, if I had dropped the class, I would have had to
Especially a lack of ability for the student's parents can’t have enough money to financially support. Mark Kantrowitz in his article “Why Do Students Drop Out of College?” says that, “Of the students who had no help from their parents, 62% chose their college based on proximity to home or work and compared with 45% and 37% among students who had parental support”, he explains that students lack of financial support from parents made a difficult task between college, work, and family commitments. Kantrowitz cites another evidence to prove this point. “71% of students who dropped out of college said that work contributed to the decision, with more than 54% identifying it as a major factor. About 35% said that balancing work and school was too stressful”, he says that students dropped out or stopped their education needs because they have to work and support themselves and their family while enrolled in college at the same time. In this way, parents' budget is not able for their children to continue education. Therefore, students forced to drop out from college to work because they believe that the standard of living is more considerable than
I agree with Nadia Banchik statement because many students do drop classes for reasons like work responsibilities, teaching method were not effective, and too much class work. Students feel that they are not ready for a class and they drop it, but others drop because it’s too hard or challenging. Professors prefer students to talk to them before thinking about dropping any class to see if they can help in any way. In the article “A Professor’s Advice On When To Drop a College Class”, a student had received sixty percent on their first exam. The student did not know that she received the highest percentage in the class until her professor saw that she wanted to drop the class, because she thought she was not capable of passing.
Students who drop out of school usually do it over the frustration of not understanding what is going on in class or
off to college in the fall, drop out by the first semester. In addition, about
The web page "College Dropout Statistics" lists many reasons for drop outs and how many including that, "30% of college and university students drop out after their first year" (Beckstead). Expectations are set for students including; having great attendance in their classes, finishing their assignments on time, being a part of an organization, or going out with other students. Keeping up with all that goes in school, and having maintaining a social life can be difficult. Another statistic states, "Being unable to balance school, jobs and family is one of the top reasons for dropping out" (Beckstead). Everyone is trying their best to enjoy college, but also get the degree they are striving for. All of this causes many students to drop out because they can not handle all of
Another reason why a lot of students drop out of school is simply because they don't like it. High school, through its control over many decisions that are made for students, still seems to be restrictive. Many aspects of a student's life are pre-set and cannot be changed by the student to fit his needs. For example, a student's time schedule is set every year. Every student must go the same amount of hours every year. In most cases, school is from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. every day, whether he or she actually needs all the time or not. Students have to spend more time in some filler classes that they think they probably did not need to take but still had
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are often correlated with personalized medicine. GWAS studies often involve sequencing the entire genome of patients suffering from a specific disease, to look for shared mutations within their genomes (Bush et al., 2012, p.1). These shared mutations are then investigated to assure their direct correlation with the disease, in which this mutation can be used to diagnose future patients by identifying the same mutation in their genome sequence (Bush et al, 2012, p. 3). Occasionally, it is identified that multiple mutations within the genome lead to the same disease (Bush et al., 2012, p.1). In cases where groups of individuals suffer from specific mutations in disease,
Personally I think the reason many students give up is because, they forget the reason they applied in the first place and they get carried away with the privileges and liberties that are given to us at the school, which to others might not be the case but, for some people it might be difficult to realize that this is not a traditional high school but both high school and college and that the expectations are high. Coming from a school where these expectations were not put into place, it might be difficult for some to adapt to these new standards. New Students at challenger might have a hard time finding time to finish assignments and homework while still having time to socialize, but sometimes you have to make a choice “Am I trying to set
“Women belong in the kitchen.” “All women should be barefoot and pregnant.” “Women are strictly homemakers.” These are a few of the commonly used phrases regarding the female role in society that date back to the mid-seventeenth century. However, ardent supporters of gender equality have surfaced in almost every culture where this ideology is practiced. Nathaniel Hawthorne explores this inveterate societal conflict through his story The Scarlet Letter. The main character, Hester Prynne, is punished for committing adultery by being forced to wear a scarlet letter upon her bosom; Hawthorne created a story sympathetic to the female cause and demonstrated, through Hester, qualities of early feminism that later establish themselves during his
Whenever people ask me why I want to be a social worker, all I can think about was when I was a little girl, and I was going through my Legally Blonde phase or my Corner phase. Which neither one of these career choices appear to have anything in common. Yet, the only thing that ran through my mind every single time I considered a new career choice, was I just want to help people. That's all I've ever wanted to do since I was a child and most importantly I want to help those in my community. Since Carson and Nevada as a whole is my home and the only home I have ever known. As a child, I lived a fairly sheltered life for the most part; except for when I lost my grandparents. In which was within a year and a half for all three of them. But, it
While there are many problems college students’ face while attempting to obtain a degree, the largest hindrance from completion is that of financial ability. One of the largest contributors to college dropout rates is the lack of financial support. Many college students must work either full or part time to support themselves or their families. With the declining economy and increasing costs of college tuition, funds are being scarcely distributed and many college students find that they are unable to continue their education due of this.
Furthermore, many people want to progress in their work, some simply want to gain in depth education on the particular field they want to achieve. However, individual’s bosses do not always understand. Having a job while in college is a huge demand. Depending on whether students have families or not will put them in a tight position. Ultimately the demand for both will result in them dropping out of college. Mark Kantrowitz says, “Many students who drop out of college has to work while enrolled in college (Why Do Students Drop out of College Kantrowitz)." He follows up by saying that “they often find it very difficult to support themselves and their families and go to college at the same time (Why Do Students Drop out of College Kantrowitz)." In most homes, one's family always comes first no matter what. For example, the desired accomplishments of the mother are not greater than the needs of her children. School work and the work one puts into he/she's job alone are hard to manage. Having to
Life is believed to be easier for people with higher degrees than for those without higher degrees. Hence, it is the joy of parents to see their children admitted into a higher institution. With the high cost attached to attending a four year university, most students prefer to attend community colleges. Community colleges provide the same quality of education offered by universities for the first two years at a lower cost which help students reduce debts toward getting their higher degree. However, compared to the number of students who started their first year in community colleges, a large percentage dropped out. This is common to both freshly graduated high school students and adults who came back to college to obtain a degree. Students drop out of colleges because of financial issues and the need to take remedial courses. As a result, they have self esteem issues and may remain poor.
Another personal related problem is jobs. Most students are working part-time in order to support themselves and their family which at times will lead to intrusion with school hours, home works, no time for studying especially to major exams and various school activities which otherwise leads to failing grade. Peer pressure is also another factor wherein these students are being led to bad influences such as drinking, drug which causes a major side effect to students (Schwartz, 1995). Schools do this in order to handle their problem. Students from broken homes are also likely to drop out of school due to the stressful situation that they have to go through and thus affect their concentration in school. Furthermore, most students who dropped out of school don't like school to begin with. These students will rebel and do anything against the school rules in order to be kicked out (Schwartz, 1995). They are likely to fail on their subjects, doesn't get along with other students, and have disciplinary problems. Oftentimes, disciplinary actions are taken before they are dropped out.