Living in the past, present, and future can be difficult, especially the future. I’ve imaged a future where I’ve achieved my goals. Picturing a future where I’m better at marching at tempo, practicing and memorizing show music, or going to college and earning my bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degree. Even working my dream job, being a Pediatrician and giving back to my family for all they have done. All of these are my life goals. High school is only four years. It's a place where adolescent transform form immature teenagers to mature adults. It a place that can improve your future dreams or destroy them in a heartbeat. It’s a place of endless possibilities. Although it’s my first year here at Savanna high school, I know I want to be in marching band for all four years. Marching band is one of the most difficult sports I’ve ever done. From marching on tempo and keeping the technique precisely to playing the music. One of my long-term goals is to get better at marching at tempo, memorizing the show music, and practicing my clarinet. I have started to bring my clarinet home on Wednesdays and Fridays because Wednesday is the only day there is not practice and Friday is followed by the weekend. Before my sleeping schedule was messed up, but now I fall asleep at ten o’clock so I’m energized and ready for the long practices after school. I have gone to all the after school practices and have brought my date book. I write in new information in my dot book and make adjustments to my
I have decided on what I wanted to do with college since I was a child. It sounds ridiculous, but I am passionate about what I want to do. I was inspired at a very young age since I was in third grade, and I knew that I wanted to be a teacher. A teacher for what grade is what I did not know. As my family grew bigger with my nephews and nieces, I realized that I wanted to be surrounded by kids. I put what I wanted with my passion and got major. My intended major is to receive a double major in Primary and Elementary education, my goal is to receive a Masters in at least one of these majors.
Throughout the rollercoaster of a ride the past two years have been, I have been involved in a numerous amounts of extracurricular activities ranging from volunteering, babysitting, and of course, athletics. Most notably have been my contributions via athletics. Besides being a member of the varsity football team my sophomore to senior year (while being a captain my senior year) and a member of the varsity track team my senior year, being in these sports has given me many opportunities to give back to my community. Football players are not known to be the brightest of the bunch and often times, need an extra hand in academics. During my sophomore and junior year, I tutored a few of my fellow teammates to insure they got their G.P.A up and was able to compete on friday nights. In track, I did many fundraisers and similar dog sitting friends and family. Other extracurriculars I have done the past 2 years include being nominated for the National Society of High School Scholars and the
The life of a student-athlete entails much sacrifice and plenty of restless days. Whether frantically finishing homework following an all-day competition or dreading to begin a project as injuries are tended to, such a lifestyle is not suitable for the fainthearted. In realizing the amounts of work that is demanded of the student-athlete, one can indubitably feel overwhelmed. However, levels of preoccupation and tension lessen considerably when organization guides the daily course of action. Implementing a set of long-range goals, in any realm from academics to athletics, is essential to attaining success. In setting educational goals to be reached, I strove diligently to achieve those high standards and, eventually, realized them.
As most of my peers, I have been asking myself a question, what do I want out of my life? This question bothers many people, and not only the college students who are trying to figure out the path that will lead them to the comfortable life. One might ask, what is that comfort that we all are striving for? Is it a state of mind or is it some unknown world that we are so eager to enter. It varies from person to person; there are several aspects, such the way were raised, making, of our lives that could influence a person and the future decisions that we’ll make.
Goals are important because they help you accomplish things further in life. Goals can also help you do things you never thought you would do. For example, if you were trying to work out by running a two mile race, you could make a goal to finish that race. In conclusion goals can help you do things you never thought you could do, get further in life, and complete goals.
As a child and even as a teenager one tends to make dreams and set goals for life. On occasion these goals are far stretched and sometimes even fairy-tale like, we tend to see life through a rose-colored glass, not taking into account the many sidetracks life throws our way. At that stage in life our goals tend to be less focused and somewhat unreachable. However, the process of growing up, or maturing, tends organized and center our goals, we learn to make compromises and set goals for our goals. There are different types of goals, short term and long term. I have learned to separate the many goals I have into three main categories: family, professional and personal.
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right”. – Henry Ford. There are three traits to have that in my opinion are the most important in achieving your own personal goals. The first is perseverance, if you persevere through the bad, good will come. The second is determination, if you are determined to do something, it will get done eventually, even if it takes longer than planned. The third is stubbornness, being stubborn will get you far in life if you’re stubborn about the right things. Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and Babe Ruth all achieved their version of the “American Dream” by persevering through the bad things, staying determined on their own personal goals, and at times being stubborn about things
Setting goals are very important in life, the main purpose is to outline a set of objectives and by which means you will be able to achieve them. Goals provide direction in life, and help a person stay focused, motivated, and improves performance. Goal setting is a process. The goals have to be realistic and attainable. Effective goal setting requires mixing goal types, such as outcome, performance based, and process goals. Short-term goal setting means setting a goal that will be accomplished in the near future, easily attainable and part of your daily routine. Long-term goal setting involves something larger that needs more time and depth to accomplish. Long-term goal setting often relies on well- defined short-term goals. Short-term
As with most people engaged in this class, I have contemplated the question: what do I want to accomplish with my life? This intricate question burdens many people, not just those of us that have chosen to continue our education. I have seen it with my own children as they contemplate which career path will lead them to a comfortable life with financial stability. My most obvious goal and reason for enrolling in University of Phoenix is like every other student: to complete this program and earn my degree. However, the fruition of my goal ultimately depends on the fulfillment of smaller, more personal ambitions. My first objective was
My personal goal as a student at the University of Phoenix is to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management within the next two years. This goal is very important to me because of the impact it will have on my family, work and personal life. In my family it will set a positive example for my daughters, grandchildren, and youngest sister. My family has been a source of support throughout my years in college as I have pursued this degree while maintaining a full time job. Obtaining the degree will be an accomplishment not only for me but also for my family who has given me the encouragement to reach my goal. I would like for my grandchildren to remember their grandmother as a strong and educated woman.
In life there are certain limits a person can get to. Everything can be achieved as long is wished for and its fight for and done for. My goals and aspirations in life are to become a lawyer to graduate from the University of Arizona and get a good job and to be able to buy a house and car.I plan on achieving my goals by maintaining a plan and follow that plan in order to be achieving my goals persuade myself to do so and to lack in any way. Currently, I'm a senior at Sunnyside high school I try living my life to the fullest and having fun as my time of personal freedom almost up as adulthood is just a few steps ahead not that you can have fun when your older but is a lot different from when you where a teenager and it can though but I know is worth it at the end.
Thomas Carlyle once said, “Go as far as you can see, and when you get there you will see farther.” I strongly believe that if one plans on achieving his aspirations, setting goals is a very important step. Having goals not only gives you a clear focus on things,but it also helps you to organize your plans by allowing you to give yourself time limits and boundaries. That is why I try to set goals for myself routinely, whether it is just for one day, or for the rest of my life.
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into visible” -said Tony Robbins, author and life coach. Everyone has challenges throughout their life, but people have strengths that can lead up to effect their future. We use our goals to keep us motivated and our strengths to help us get past the challenges we face. Our weaknesses fade because our strengths become so strong and we are faced with new challenges. With each challenge we overcome we become stronger and we find more strengths in our challenges. I am a great friend because I always care for my friends and i'm their shoulder to cry on. I'm a very strong-willed person because I don't give up on something I want easily. I’m stubborn because I
My whole life I have always wanted to become a successful engineer, and graduate from the University of Cincinnati. Some of my goals in life are to go to the University of Cincinnati. Another one of my goals is to become some type of engineer. But as of right now I would like to be a aerospace engineer. To be honest I really don’t know what influenced me to want to become and engineer. But something about engineering always appealed to me for some reason. But lately my engineering teacher has had a positive impact on me and is really making me like engineering and the overall field. So I guess that Mr. Smith has influenced me into being an engineer. My plan b is to be an engineer too. But this type of engineering would just be easier to
It’s strange that some goals in life are created on the spur of the moment! You have become familiar to this situation. You know what the usual scenario will be but this time round; you have made a conscious decision. I will not allow this person to get the better of me! This person has always had the ability of making you lose your emotional equilibrium and now one of the most important goals in your life is - “I am not going to give myself the luxury of getting annoyed or angry with this kind of petty thinking again!”