
The Importance Of Good Versus Poor Personal Hygiene Practices

Better Essays

Students as early as kindergartner, are required to learn about Disease Prevention. The CCSS that mold the structure of this lesson are as followed:

2.1 Demonstrate essential personal hygiene practices.
2.2 Identify the importance of good versus poor personal hygiene practices
2.3 Explain the importance of not sharing personal hygiene items
2.4 Describe physical/emotional/social health implications of personal hygiene

Prior technology competencies:
 Ability to use a tablet to participate in interactive educational games.
 Name and letter recognition.
 Ability to follow along with teacher as she uses technology applications as a class.

Student Instructions:
In order to complete the WebQuest you must work through the following 5 sections: 1. Introduction- The introduction will provide you with an overview of the entire quest.
2. Task- The task session will list all of the tasks you are assigned to complete.
3. Process- The process consists of the steps you will follow to complete your tasks.
4. Evaluation- your grade will be based upon the rubric in this section.
5. Conclusion- this will guide your future thinking and thoughts.

Teacher Instructions:
This portion was included for teachers wishing to use this WebQuest in their class.
A lesson plan is available on the Teacher page for your use/modification with your class.
Section 1 – Why is Hand-Washing Important?
Keeping your hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and

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