
The Importance Of Greek Mythology

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A lot of popular everyday items that we use in our life sometimes, are inspired by Greek mythology. Sports brands, movies and T.V shows, the most complicated technology, books and many more, are all examples of Greek Mythology. If you take modern day items that we use and compare it to Greek mythology, believe it or not there is a big connection. But how come people today are inspired by Greek mythology? Also, why is Greek mythology important to us if they were just myths? It was such a while ago, so why do people still reflect off of it?

Literature Review-

Summary #1
In “The Greek Gods” from The Romans Anne Millard and Susan Peach describes that the Greeks had monthly festivals for the Greek gods. Their goal was to persuade the gods …show more content…

Summary #4
In “Why Ancient Greek mythology is Still Relevant Today” from Geri Mileff describes Ancient Greeks religion. The Greeks did back then, we also do today. Hercules by Disney was inspired by the Greek’s legends. However, this is not the only thing that we are inspired by. Just reading these myths or just studying them that people have more control over things. This is because the myths were designed to teach lessons for the Greeks. After every story, there seems to be a solutions to the conflict.

Summary #5
In “Greek Mythology in Popular Culture” describes the everyday items we use or see on T.V were inspired by Greek mythology. From movies to space technology, these things were named from Greek Myths. Like the T.V show/movie Hercules that was made in 1997 makes it clear that we got the idea off of Greek mythology. And also in marketing. Many corporations has used Greek mythology in their wine logos to represent the god of wine, Dionysus.

History Focus-

As you can see, there were many parts where the sources explained about Greek mythology and the myths about them. All of my sources agreed that Greek mythology has an enormous impact on us today. Like Summary #1 and Summary #3 both agree that the Greeks would try their hardest to please the gods with delightful things. Also, Summary #5 and Summary #4 both agree that Greek mythology have a

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