This letter is solely based off the purpose of allowing you to have a better perspective of how we, as citizens view your successes, as well as your shortcomings in terms of upholding, and enforcing the UDHR. Luckily, you’ve become prime minister of one of the greatest countries in the worlds in terms of human rights, and according to the Human Development Index. Our country is among the best in terms of enforcing the 30 articles of the UDHR, but that doesn't mean there’s not room for improvement. Canada is currently ranked eighth on the Human Development Index, only behind; United States, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Australia, Norway. Taking into consideration the population of most of the countries previously listed …show more content…
The RCMP estimated that between 1,500-2,200 people are trafficked through Canada into the United States; 80% of those people were women, and 50% of those women were below the age of 18. The majority of these people are being used for sex slaves; tortured, raped, beaten, murdered. Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa are the cities most trafficked in Canada due to their high population and their closeness to the border. Although incredibly difficult, these alarmingly high numbers need to be stopped, if not drastically reduced. Another violation of Article 4 is the incredibly terrible conditions that Aboriginal women are going through with next to no recognition from the media, police, or government. In 2009, 67,000 or 13% of Aboriginal females over the age of 15 had admitted to being abused. “Abuse” ranges from robbery, physical assault, and sexual assault. Over 1,200 Aboriginal women in Canada have either been murdered, or gone …show more content…
Although difficult, it’s very much possible to increase Canada’s UN ranking. It’s not a matter of trying to tackle everything at once, it’s one thing at a time. Focus on one problem; human trafficking being an example. Inequality is another, especially within the workplace. Women often find themselves making less than men, working the same job. African-Canadians are also often discriminated and have difficulty finding a job. If these issues are improved our UN ranking will improve drastically. Continuing to support our excellent and education system will help immensely as well. As for the issue of helping other countries improve their human rights issues, it’s fairly difficult; mainly because often, countries don’t want help nor do they feel they need it. Providing aid to countries in extreme conditions will help incredibly, allowing them to get back on their feet and become a successful, well ran country. Countries such as North Korea, Somalia, and Sudan are extremely difficult tasks to manage and it would involve the work of many different countries combined to stop the terrible conditions within
Three decades ago, honorable Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was establishing the renowned Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Since the three decades of being established, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has protected the individual rights and freedoms of thousands of Canadians. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms has become a part of the national identity and has become a big patriotic symbol for the country. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the document the truly separates Canada from all the other powerful nations and is really something that Canadian take a pride in. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms brings up many questions, but the biggest and most common question is How effectively does Canada’s Charter of Rights and
Canada has been highly involved in global issues and has held itself on moral grounds, despite some opposing influence. Canada’s sovereign and morally just approach can be seen in many events in the 20th century, such as in the Second World War, the Korean War, the Suez Crisis and the Vietnam War. As well, Canada’s imperfect, yet improving immigration policy displays the acceptance and unbiased approach Canada has towards people of different backgrounds. Despite some minor missteps and impediments, Canada would make an excellent choice for UN Advisor Country for the reason that Canada has spearheaded much global intervention, especially for such a small (population-wise) and unassuming country.
Every four years that a Presidential election comes to pass the Electoral College is responsible for the formal election of both the President and Vice President of the United States. As an example of an indirect election, where people in each state at large vote in order to decide which individuals will be delegated the responsibility of casting votes for President and Vice President in accordance with the popular vote of the state which has entrusted them to provide such representation, the Electoral College works to ensure that smaller states are not denied the right to have the equal power of influence in our national election for President (Neale, 2004). The Electoral College itself has been in existence since it was introduced
In contradiction to Perrin’s argument is the current political debate surrounding the implement of the Nordic Model to enforce the demand for paid sex that fuels the human trafficking industry (244). By implementing this model Canada will be creating the ultimately safe heaven for criminal human traffickers. Using the sociological conflict perspective it is apparent that in relation to power and status the underground world is full of poor conditions and low wages. Trafficked victims are usually seduced by false promises of employment and better living conditions. The Canadian government should utilize their media platforms by posting missing persons ads on social media. Canada should also encourage the NGO’s to support charities and fundraisers for pro bono lawyers to help the young underrepresented victims of human trafficking. The continuous disregard of human trafficking not only motivates but also empowers the traffickers, ultimately rendering Canadians to a willful effort in dismantling and bringing justice to all those victims who cannot speak up for
Canada is not a perfect country that makes no mistakes. Its road to democracy, multiculturalism and equality is long and still continues. Canada once faced serious racism problems, for example, German and Ukrainian Canadians were not treated well during World War I. It was the first time Canadian government and citizens took prejudiced and unfair actions to its own citizens. In 1914, more than a million people from Germany and Ukraine lived in Canada. Many Canadians feared that some of these immigrants from enemy countries might be spies; therefore, Germans and Ukrainians were labelled enemy aliens. They were required to carry their identifications and report their movements to the police, and many lost the right to vote. More than 8000 Germans
Canada today is a respectful country, however it has not always been this way. Events happened in the past gradually shaped how people view Canada and people’s sense of Canada will continue to be affected by events happen in the
Canada as a just society has changed a lot throughout the years, Canada has and still is a discriminative place but I believe it has definitely improved but there are still changes that need to be made. However,As said Canada has changed for the better andit has improved a lot since her older days, and not everything will always be perfect, a conflict will always arise and maybe we cannot always solve the problem. Canadian identity has been working towards a just society but it has been negatively affected by how they have treated minorities in World War One, with aboriginals in residential schools, the enactment of the War Measures Act in a time of peace and the continued LGBTQ discrimination.
Now that you are up to date with currents events I will briefly touch on some strong point of the Canadian democratic system. Citizens in Canada indirectly hold power in a free electoral system and are given better representation and more freedoms for their citizens than other systems of government. The freedom of speech, freedom of political expression, and the freedom of the media allow citizens to vote in favour of their own interest. Democracy in Canada is rooted on the grounds of equal rights; this gives people equality before the law, human rights, free and fair elections and so on. In comparison to the Third World, power is in the hands of the “Big Men”, the police and army are the ones who hold control not the people and where corruption is a norm, Canada may look like a utopia. Another strong point in the Canadian political system is everyone no matter race or sex has the right to vote as long as you are a Canadian citizen over the age of eighteen. Until the 60s/70s parties would make up electoral boundaries this was done to increase the number of votes in that location this is called gerrymander, this was unfair because certain parties had an advantage over others. However, now under the Electoral Boundaries Commissions this problem does not occur and no party has the upper hand over another. Interestingly the
CTV News shared breaking news on October, 23, 2013 that four Romanian women were found being victimized to human trafficking in Montreal. These women were lured to Canada hoping that they would find a better future but instead were forced into prostitution (2013). Human trafficking is an issue that is rarely acknowledged by Canadians. Most people are either unaware of the problem or do not recognize it as something that is happening in their own backyard. Although Canadians are exposed to the severity of human trafficking in other countries, Canadian citizens are unaware of the fact that Canada is not only a transit point for the United States but also a destination country. Information from the Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre states “The RCMP
Westward expansion begun when Americans began to make purchases of territories in the west. The expansion included Manifest Destiny which was the idea of bringing liberty to the lands. Before the Louisiana Purchase, Native Americans occupied all of the land to the west of the Mississippi River. Native Americans abided by tribal law, traded, produced crafts, tools, and clothing. Their appearance typically obtained long hair for both men and women, head dresses, skirts, and or dresses, before the white men interfered. They lived in extended family groups with ties to other tribes that spoke the same language. While expanding, farmers found fertile lands, developments of railroads increased, trade increased, and due to the Gold Rush in California, the discovery of gold influenced the expansion. Settlers would be in hopes to discover treasurous gold, therefore they would expand. Often conflicts and clashes would occur due to many Native Americans disliking living on reservations often poor and starving. The settlers often brought diseases, and killed off thousands of buffalo.Western expansion and the federal government affected the Native Americans by assimilation, conflicts and clashes finally, treaties and acts.
In this eye-opening look at the contemporary American scourge of labor abuse and outright slavery, journalist and author Bowe visits locations in Florida, Oklahoma and the U.S.-owned Pacific island of Saipan, where slavery cases have been brought to light as recently as 2006. There, he talks to affected workers, providing many moving and appalling first-hand accounts. This book deserves the attention of anyone living, working and consuming in America.
Each year about 17,500 individuals are brought into the United States and become victims of human trafficking. Every country has this problem and it has become the 3rd largest illegal industry worldwide.
(Legislation, 2015.) Human trafficking also violates the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act in section 118 which prohibits the bringing of any person into Canada by means of abduction, fraud, deception or use of threat of force or coercion. The government of Canada has put into place a national action plan to combat human trafficking in Canada, on June 6, 2012. This action plan aims to target preventing human trafficking, protecting victims, prosecuting offenders and working in partnership with others on the domestic and international fronts. So far the action plan has launched a police enforcement team to further investigate human trafficking, provided funding to different organizations to work with governments to address human trafficking and has amended the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act Regulations to provide further protection to temporary foreign workers, ensuring abuse free work places. The action plan has also allowed the government to fund up to $500,000 annually for victims of human trafficking, raised awareness for domestic sex trafficking of aboriginal peoples living on and off reserve and in rural and northern communities through campaigns and conducted research to better
Having lived in Canada when I was 8 before the US-Canada magazine dispute occurred, I found myself thoroughly engrossed in Canadian culture. It seemed a perfect culture, built to protect domestic interests and despite the potential division between countries, created a safe environment where people were unafraid to leave doors unlocked, due to almost no crime. The peaceful and respectful nature of most Canadians isn’t just a fluke, the country was designed this way, and one of the primary influencers of this strategy is the media. Watching the news in Canada, the focus is positive, the message is positive, there is no forced fear of sense of doom as we see here in the US. Life is about being sustainable, not so much a struggle to the top of the food chain, but working together, instead of separating and segregating groups. That is except the region of French Quebec; however, Quebec is like a whole new country in itself.
Frequently, nuclear energy is used for commercial use across the globe. In fact, there are over 440 commercial nuclear power reactors operable in 31 countries. They each have over 390,000 MWe of total capacity and about 60 more reactors are under construction (Engelbrecht, H., Komarov, K. and Rising, A, n.d.). Nuclear energy is defined as the energy released during nuclear fission/fusion, especially when used to generate electricity (, LLC. n.d.). The many uses of nuclear energy include improving food production, plant mutation breeding, and/or insect control (Engelbrecht, H., Komarov, K. and Rising, A, n.d.). There are many positive and negative impacts of nuclear energy. Some negative impacts are that if used improperly, nuclear energy could be used as a weapon of mass destruction and it can be very unsafe and expensive. On the other hand, nuclear energy has the potential to help with the environment and things like climate change as well as supply over half of the electricity consumed around the world so not using it would be a waste since it helps more than people might think. This brings up the debate of whether or not nuclear energy is justified for commercial use.