
The Importance Of Human Trafficking In Canada

Decent Essays

This letter is solely based off the purpose of allowing you to have a better perspective of how we, as citizens view your successes, as well as your shortcomings in terms of upholding, and enforcing the UDHR. Luckily, you’ve become prime minister of one of the greatest countries in the worlds in terms of human rights, and according to the Human Development Index. Our country is among the best in terms of enforcing the 30 articles of the UDHR, but that doesn't mean there’s not room for improvement. Canada is currently ranked eighth on the Human Development Index, only behind; United States, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Australia, Norway. Taking into consideration the population of most of the countries previously listed …show more content…

The RCMP estimated that between 1,500-2,200 people are trafficked through Canada into the United States; 80% of those people were women, and 50% of those women were below the age of 18. The majority of these people are being used for sex slaves; tortured, raped, beaten, murdered. Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa are the cities most trafficked in Canada due to their high population and their closeness to the border. Although incredibly difficult, these alarmingly high numbers need to be stopped, if not drastically reduced. Another violation of Article 4 is the incredibly terrible conditions that Aboriginal women are going through with next to no recognition from the media, police, or government. In 2009, 67,000 or 13% of Aboriginal females over the age of 15 had admitted to being abused. “Abuse” ranges from robbery, physical assault, and sexual assault. Over 1,200 Aboriginal women in Canada have either been murdered, or gone …show more content…

Although difficult, it’s very much possible to increase Canada’s UN ranking. It’s not a matter of trying to tackle everything at once, it’s one thing at a time. Focus on one problem; human trafficking being an example. Inequality is another, especially within the workplace. Women often find themselves making less than men, working the same job. African-Canadians are also often discriminated and have difficulty finding a job. If these issues are improved our UN ranking will improve drastically. Continuing to support our excellent and education system will help immensely as well. As for the issue of helping other countries improve their human rights issues, it’s fairly difficult; mainly because often, countries don’t want help nor do they feel they need it. Providing aid to countries in extreme conditions will help incredibly, allowing them to get back on their feet and become a successful, well ran country. Countries such as North Korea, Somalia, and Sudan are extremely difficult tasks to manage and it would involve the work of many different countries combined to stop the terrible conditions within

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