“All Men,” or Certain Men? Are immigrants included in “All Men,”? (“The Declaration of Independence”) During my lifetime, I have either witnessed or heard of various situations where all people aren’t treated the same. I have noticed that The Declaration of Independence promotes equality that isn’t there. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. It took about two months for the actual document to be adopted and signed. It is a very important as well as a sacred text for the United States. This document talks about how Americans were no longer under the British’s control. I feel as though our rights should be equal amongst all people; there shouldn’t be discrimination over things that are out of our control. America has impacted the lives of immigrants in many ways. Immigrants have also struggled a lot to survive with their families in America. DACA is a very useful program for many Dreamers. Dreamers are immigrants that were brought to the United States as children. There are many benefits that come along with DACA. Some of these benefits are that they are guaranteed the right to work in the United States with a work permit, they also can apply for a social security number, possibly a driver’s license, as well as they don’t have to worry about deportation for three years. In 2012, Barack Obama allowed the DACA program to continue. Now that Donald Trump is in office he wants for DACA to come to an end. I believe that Donald Trump just
Besides deferring deportation, DACA provides the holders or “Dreamers” to work and study the United States legally. Those who are eligible for DACA, are not able to take any federal funds, in contrast, they are obligated to pay taxes and provide the United States with their services through profit. Since Donald Trump has shown to be very Anti-immigrant, his decision to end DACA is purely based on his political and personal values, leading to believe he will not approve anything that improves the conditions of immigrants like Bill 3923, regardless of its costs or profits for the United States.
When Thomas Jefferson wrote the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, it became one of his greatest legacies. In the first line he wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal" (U.S. Constitution, paragraph 2). Jefferson wrote these words to give inspiration to future generations in the hopes that they would be able to change what he either would or could not. The word “men” in the Declaration in the early 1700 and 1800’s meant exactly that, but even then it only was true for some men, not all. Women, children, and other segments of the population such as slaves and Native Americans were clearly not included. Jefferson himself was a slave owner and held the belief that women were
I feel that DACA is a great opportunity for immigrants like our founding fathers to start a new life. Many people come to America as a vacation but then see how amazing our great country is and stay to continue the path of becoming an American citizen. Mr. Trump is willing to support DACA along with not revising DACA as long as congress funds for a border wall along with other demands.
To keep with being an educated citizen of the United States, I did some research so I could properly inform myself on the issues with DACA, or the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”. I had no idea what this program was before writing this reflection. DACA was put into place by former President Barack Obama through an executive order. It provides young immigrants, those who came to the United States as minors, with protection from immediate deportation. It has been available for any immigrant minors under sixteen years of age for nearly ten years. Each two-year period can be renewed. Those who receive support from DACA cannot have a criminal record, according to an article from Fox News. DACA is a support program for young immigrants, also called DREAMers, in the United States.
DACA is deferred action for childhood arrivals, it’s relief from deportations and work authorizations which is renewed every two years for those brought to America as children illegally. DACA recipients are often called, “dreamers”. Those who fail are eligible for deportation. Trump ended the DACA program leaving millions of undocumented people to lose their privilege in working and going to college to end up deported. Recently in the U.S., President Trump and his administration announced plans that could lead to end of the DACA Program. As part of the wind-down, no new DACA applications will be accepted. Those currently enrolled in DACA can continue working legally until their permits expire. Senior officials said they don’t plan to share
There are roughly 800,000 people living within the United States that is under the protection of an executive order during the Obama administration called Deferred Action Against Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. These children, commonly referred to as “Dreamers,” have grown up in the United States. They attended elementary school here, many graduated high school here, and many went on to become successful adults living in the United States, but as of September 5th, 2017 the DACA program was shut down by the Trump administration, pending a trial in Congress. This means that those hundreds of thousands of individuals living under the DACA arm will no longer be legal residents in the United States.
The cancellation of Daca is affecting many young students.They rely on it. Support themselves in the future, and to have good education/jobs, things most people don't have an opportunity of doing. Daca has improved the lives of undocumented people in so many ways. The Daca program protects people that are under the program from being deported. It can also help you get jobs and pursue educational opportunities.
Some might say DACA helps keep our population regulated, stable, and safe. By letting people have the opportunity to work and give back to the states, the immigrants can have a 2 year period to get a stable job and gather a life. This policy gives immigrants rights to work and benefit our nation at the same time. It demonstrates that America represents freedom and acceptance, but also assures
Through the years the DACA legislation has come a long way of providing a great advantage for undocumented students. Through the legislation we have been able to have a stable job and a sense of security. DACA does not only offer an opportunity to financially help the families of those students, who most likely are undocumented as well, but it also offers a deferred action from deportation which allows students to, for at least two years, live without the fear of being taken away from the US. This legislation has helped many students across the United States and many different ways the economy DACA provides a 42 percent wage raise for the recipients which can be connected to higher tax revenue and financial growth (Wong, Rosas, Reyna, Rodriguez,,
Background Information: President Barack Obama created DACA through a 2012 executive order. The program has allowed hundreds of thousands of young people who were brought to the United States illegally as children to remain in the country. People who apply for the program can not have major criminal histories, and must have arrived in the U.S. before 2007, when they were under the age of 16. DACA recipients can live and work legally in the U.S. for renewable two-year periods. DACA was a agreement created by the Obama administration after Congress failed to approve the Dream Act. Experts estimate that about 11.5 million residents in the United States are unauthorized immigrants
According to CNN, on September 5, US Attorney General Jefferson Sessions gradually terminated Mr. Obama’s policy of “Dreamers”, which is DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and will be completely terminated in six months. This policy was introduced in 2012 to allow illegal immigrants who, under 16 years old enter the United States to apply for two-year repatriation and to allow them to apply for a work permit. As this policy allows renewal, it essentially allows illegal immigrant children to live permanently in the US. Based on DACA benefits for thousands of children, I think the government should keep DACA because terminating the policy and evading nearly a million young people who come to
What is DACA? A program that protects young undocumented immigrants from being deported. This program was intended to be for those who have a dream of becoming someone in life; this is where the name DREAMERS came in place because these young, hard working people have a dream. For centuries, Americans have been debating immigration. There are many pros and cons, but I believe that DACA should not be exterminated from these dreamers.
With Trumps decision to end DACA, Congress is now the appropriate forum to address the issues revolving around DACA, because now they have the opportunity to change or remove the policy. But I think the policy should stay in tacked because it will affect thousands of young adults and change, or take away their opportunity’s, they will also put thousands of people of risk of deportation. DACA stand for Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is an immigration policy made by President Obama in 2012. The policy allows children that arrived to the U.S before the age of 16 and had lived here since of June of 2007. When they apply for it, it last for two years and they are eligleble for renewal. As of now there is about 800,000 undocumented immigrants that are protected under DACA. What will be the point of ending something that is giving so many people oppornuty to become something of themselves?
To fully grasp the concept of its benefits, one must understand: What is DACA? DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, and is a three year security from deportation. The program was set in motion in 2012 by President Barack Obama when he signed it on as an executive order. DACA allows undocumented workers, known as Dreamers, to work towards achieving a
There are 800,000 undocumented immigrants protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) passed by President Obama. Those persons known as Dreamers were brought illegally to the United States at a young age by their parents. Now they have pursued careers, started families, they have contributed to the United States of America, our country, their country. But on Tuesday, September 5th, 2017, the former president Donald Trump ended this program, leaving thousands of families with the uncertainty that if they will be back together again or not. Dreamers have brought pride to this country, they have been admitted into the best universities, they have received the best scholarships such as Bill Gates scholarship. DACA’s deadline is October 5th; this is the last opportunity for the Dreamers to continue with their right to pursue their education. Dreamers have to stay in the United States and be legal citizens because they have spent their whole life here, they help the U.S. economy, they bring cultural diversity to the country, the Dreamers as their name states want to achieve the American dream by pursuing a better education.