
The Importance Of Immigrants In America

Decent Essays

“It is important to be an American citizen so that I can have an equal right in how this country should run. I have Studied here, grew up here like average child grows up in America. It's what I know, so, I should have equal right to vote and decide its fate,” and that is one thing that matters to Priya, one of my interviewee the most. Not just Priya but other immigrants like Priya all share one thing and that is the sense of belonging to this nation regardless of their citizenship statues. Why should citizenship be only based on who came here the “proper” way, why not giving those a chance at the American Dream, those that left everything far behind only to have a life full of opportunities that this country promises? They belong here because they contribute to the economy of this country through paying taxes like Priya does. Documented or undocumented, immigrants do not take the jobs of the natives because most natives with a college education are least likely to do the jobs that many immigrants do. Natives are not competing for jobs against these immigrants.
United States is very different nation than other nations and that is why it attracts many immigrants. This country is built by immigrants and does not have one specific race that represents as American but many. These people from around the world come together and bring their cultures from their native country and contribute that tradition to their own that is what creates the American culture. American culture is

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