
The Importance Of Joining The Anti-Federalists

Decent Essays

When Americans left Great Britain they wanted to escape monarchy, and Americans won that battle. Now after coming from this monarchy the Federalists want a strong central government controlling everyone with weak state government. Where would the voice of the people go? Joining the Anti-Federalists is the proper way to go. Americans must unite in their objection to the proposed Constitution. Federalists believe they “may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people.” But all if most of the Federalists are men who live in urban areas. They believe the constitution is enough to protect Americans rights. Their idea is that building …show more content…

The people need reassurance that their personal rights are protected. The people should get power in the states because that is where they live. Quote "it is the opinion of the greatest writers, that a very extensive country cannot be governed on democratical principles, on any other plan, than a confederation of a number of small republics, possessing all the powers of internal government, but united in the management of their foreign and general concerns” explains why the Federalists and their “Constitution” would not work. It explains what Anti-Federalists believe in and that is equal power among the people. “As long as we can preserve our unalienable rights, we are in safety.” American rights guarantee the people that if for some reason they do not agree with their government they can change …show more content…

But which Americans? They certainly mean the rich businessmen and not the poor common folk living in rural areas. It is truly preposterous. “Rouse up, my friends, a matter of infinite importance is before you on the carpet, soon to be decided in your convention: The New Constitution. Seize the happy moment. Secure to yourselves and your posterity the jewel Liberty, which has cost you so much blood and treasure, by a well regulated Bill of Rights, from the encroachments of men in power.” The Declaration of Independence states “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish” but the Federalists cast aside the idea of the Bill of Rights. The Federalists want weak state governments even though it is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Their proposed Constitution would predominate all Americans. If the American people do not want what happened with Great Britain to happen again then they will join the Anti-Federalists to ensure their rights. It is the fear of a powerful and oppressive national government, a government dominated by wealthy men and the absence of a bill of rights. It does not ensure the rural Americans will be protected which is one main goal of the Anti-Federalists. “And are by this clause invested with the power of making all laws, proper and necessary, for carrying all these into execution; and they may so exercise

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