
The Importance Of Labour Law And Human Resource Management

Satisfactory Essays

HSC Business Studies- Research Task 1- Mr Wall- The Scots College

Ruth Mayhew, in her article “The Importance of Labour Laws “aptly defines the relationship between labour and employment laws and human resource management:

“Labour and employment laws give structure to the workplace, define what employees and employers are responsible for and, in some cases, outline federal regulations to give both parties necessary direction for resolving workplace conflict. These laws are important because they enable businesses to devote more of their focus to productivity and profitability rather than giving constant energy and resources to problem-solving “.

This essay focuses on a selection of human resource strategies which companies adopt whilst conforming to labour and employment laws. The strategies include recruitment; training and development; performance management, job design and leadership style. Examples have been drawn from Apple and McDonald's - two large international corporations.

No. of Locations
Listed Multinational tech company
Apple Campus, Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California, United States
498 Retail Stores (incl. Australia)

Long chain of command

Global Foodservice Retailer
Oak Brook, Illinois, United States
36,900 Restaurants (Incl. Australia)
Strict hierarchical structure


The relationship between employers and employees are bound by regulations, specifically, the legal

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