
The Importance Of Language In Education

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Sadly, this is true as affirmed by an experienced supply firm owner that language is an issue and pupils are going to look for an opportunity to play up and schools do not want a teacher sending kids to senior members complaining that they made a fun of your accent (Coughlan, 2013). Christina is very clear that the main issue at her school is students’ behaviour, but at the same time, if a teacher tends to speak with some foreign accent, he/she could experience even more problems. Here, we can directly notice the damage done by students, mocking teacher’s accent. It leads to a lot of problems including losing confidence, failing to connect with students which is a barrier per se. Christina reveals that some teachers who have English as additional language resort to be quiet, which is a sign of giving in, rather than challenge the behaviour of arrogance and stubbornness themselves. While this could be a safe bet to these teachers, it puts their perseverance to test and sometimes leads to despair. Not only that but also undermine other teachers who are determined to tackle issues at school (HCEC, 2017). Christina believes that the main issue is behaviour. When behaviour is not good in the classroom, teachers can’t teach, OFSTED (2013). The onus is on teachers and school to provide conducive learning environment. Analysing Ford’s situation at school. Ford is an NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher). Like Christina, he views students’ behaviour as a big issue for him. While he reckons

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