Learning a new language can either be based on necessity or the willingness to learn a new language. Whether a student/adult care for the language or not, it is becoming very important in the process of obtaining a better job, or the need to learn a new culture. There are many concepts and ideas that go alongside the process of learning a new language. For that reason, this essay will try to explain through research why and how people learn English as a foreign language with the help of a former student.
Student Background:
The student interviewed for the Needs Analysis is named Karen Estefania Romero Flores. Spanish is her first language but finds time to practice with her older brother outside of school. She expressed the joy of communicating with her peers and being able to answer the teacher's questions. Karen has a mother, father, and brother all living in the same household, yet she is not married, nor has any children of her own. She has born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and attends IMAC to learn English as a second language.
The background motivation for Karen to learn English has to do with internal and external incentives. Two concepts named intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. The love for music, movies, and culture are her intrinsic motivations because this is what motivated her to learn English. Her extrinsic motivations include her desired to communicate with her older brother that spoke English, as well as, her desire to
In many schools throughout the country, there are populations of students that have been pushed to the side, with their education thought of as just their specialized teachers’ responsibility. While this situation is changing for some students, such as those with disabilities and students who are lucky enough to have dual language immersion programs in their school, many students who are learning English are still struggling to access the same curriculum that everyone else in the school has a chance to learn. Guadalupe Valdés (2001) looked at the English as a Second Language (ESL) program at a school which she called Garden Middle School. Although Valdés completed this study over fifteen years ago, the experience that her focal students had
The following Global assessment is for Mrs. Elizabeth Flores and includes a Learner Profile (Appendix). Emigrating from Puebla, Mexico 14 years ago, Mrs. Flores is married with two children. According to Elizabeth, learning English is essential to improving her ability to communicate with, government agencies, medical professionals, and support her children in learning. Regrettably, she has limited opportunities to use English outside of the classroom, living in a Spanish-speaking insulated ethnic community.
There are many reasons why foreign language learners choose to learn English and also a variety of approaches to teach English. Some of the motivations to gain proficiency in English are; improved employment prospects, improved quality of life and to travel aboard. It is important to consider these motivating factors when planning to teach a student who is learning a foreign language. As the contributing factors will dictate how best to teach the foreign language learner. This essay will try to describe, through the perspective of a case study and current research, why and how people learn English as a foreign language.
Should schoolchildren be required to learn a second or even third language from a young age? According to studies at the Cornell Language Acquisition Lab (CLAL), children who learn a second language can maintain attention despite outside stimuli better than those who know only one language. Learning foreign languages from a young age is much easier than trying to pick one up later in life, researchers say that their elementary brains are most receptive to picking it up and enabling them to speak the language fluently with little or no hint of a foreign accent. Schools around the country are struggling to keep their foreign language programs alive. My interest in this topic has developed from my cousins, who live out in California who have been taught a foreign from a younger age, and the school I went to didn’t start teaching it until the ninth grade.
Nowadays English has become one of the most used languages all around the world, with this, the necessity of learning English as a foreign language is one that hundreds of people all around the world have. All these people have different reasons to learn the language and different learning styles. This essay will try to explain through the use of research why and how people learn English as a foreign language.
Language is a key part of any family, community, culture and the human race. Without language the world today would be much different. From cavemen, to the Egyptian use of hieroglyphics, to Old English, to more than 6,500 languages spoken around the world today, the advances that humans have made in language is remarkable and inspiring. The ability to speak, read, write and understand more than one language is also remarkable and expands the liberties in life, especially for young people. High school students should be required to take at least two years of a foreign language class in order to graduate, as many recent studies support the benefits of doing so. Students who have learned a foreign language in high school have proven to have a
Nowadays, it is well known that learning a second language is as important as studying in the high school or the elementary school. English is one of the most important languages that we need to know and understand, because almost all the jobs require it..
An interesting phenomenon in the research of second language acquisition is that learners seem to acquire English grammatical morphemes in a certain order, regardless of their native languages, ages, and learning environments. Furthermore, technique of instruction and data collection seem to have little effect on the acquisition order. This study attempts to investigate the morpheme acquisition order in the writing of Arabic students learning English at king Faisal University, KSA. Data collected from twenty placements tests is examined for fourteen grammatical morphemes and the participants from Saudi Arabian male students at king Faisal University. The acquisition order obtained is compared to orders, found in previous studies. The study does not find a significant correlation between second language acquisition order and first language acquisition order, but high correlations between this study’s sequence and those in five other second language acquisition studies give further strength to the idea of a universal ESL morpheme acquisition order.
Why even study a different language than English when there are so many opportunities in the US? Why learn a language that a fraction of Americans know? (RQ) It would be easy to justify taking the easy road when it comes to learning a new language or not. However, there are countless reasons why someone should study a foreign language. As I look around this room, all of us value our academics and future careers. All of us have a drive to be the best person we possibly can be. (Ethos and Repetition) Studying a foreign language brings many benefits that cannot go unnoticed as a catalyst to career opportunities and enhancing academic achievement.
Nowadays, speaking two or more languages proves to be extremely important for several reasons. For some people, business purposes are the motive to learn another language. Travelling can be the goal for others. Keeping family traditions or learning a language for the simple pleasure of it, happens to be two other respected arguments. Many programs are offered to those who want to learn a new language, including the experience of being immersed for a certain period of time, where the language is spoken. In the schools throughout Quebec, students have the possibility to learn English in a core or in an enriched program. In English classes, teachers should put an emphasis on the second language as much as possible since it is a foreign
Humans are equipped physically and mentally to learn any language with equal ease. All human children go through same stages of language learning regardless of language they are learning.
Foreign languages are a must in today's world. There are many needs for a second language to be learned by everyone. The growing need to learn more languages is becoming more apparent in the public world today. In order to fix this problem, the school system needs to teach multiple foreign languages in order to grow as a nation both mentally and culturally.
To learn a Foreign language is always overly pushed upon students in High School. Some states require students to earn the credit before being able to even graduate and move on to further their education. In the opinion of many people this required standard is irrelevant. Why should the students who live in the United States lose time on other helpful subjects to learn a language who only less than half of the world speaks? I will narrow it down to specifically the languages that are taught in school systems: Spanish, French, and German.
Teaching language is noted as one of difficult activities for teachers. It is therefore very necessary to device the right techniques and strategies are for effective delivery of language instruction especially in English. The popularity of English language is well acclaimed all over the world, therefore there is the need for teachers to teach and arouse students’ interest in order for the objectives of the lesson to be achieved in the classroom. Usually due to the difficulties in learning, English language can make students lose their interest especially when there seems to be conflict between the students’ perceived objectives of the language learning and the curricular objectives. Interest is one of the strongest motivations for learning English. Motivation has long been identified as one of the main factors affecting English language learning (Gardner, 1985). Parsons, Hinson and Brown (2001) define motivation as an important component or factor in the learning process. Learning and motivation have the same importance in order to achieve something. Learning makes it possible to gain new knowledge and skills and motivation pushes to go through the learning process (Wimolmas, 2013). Ellis (1997) stated that as teachers, there is the need to explore more fully the factors that are involved in motivating students to perform tasks well because this is something that teachers have some control over. Such factors include the opinions of students and teachers about the
Foreign language classes are almost a necessity in most nations across the world due to the major influence and vast power certain languages, such as English, hold over the world. However, America and a few other nations are falling behind language skills thus falling behind in methods in communication with foreign countries. Not only are certain nations focusing more on other aspects of the educational system, students who do enroll in foreign language classes end up not being able to do their best due to foreign language anxiety. They might freeze up, not be able to talk in the foreign language in front of students, or not be able to learn the language the way they should. Google Pixel Earbuds’ Real-Time translation feature could solve so many of these problems associated with foreign language learning and considerably help students learn a foreign language better than ever since the benefits associated with the implementation of Google Pixel Earbuds are colossus. As schools across the nation continue to embrace the idea of technology within classrooms fully, the integration of Google Pixel Earbuds will not only ease and speed up the process of learning but greatly affect how students internalize what they're taught. This system, when implemented with foreign language, could easily get rid of language anxiety and help the students learn the language simpler and stress-free.