
The Importance Of Life In Life

Decent Essays

The focus of my essay is going to be on no matter what life throws at you, you have to be able to catch it. In, my paper I'm going to say that life isn't always easy and you have to be grateful for what you have. The support or research I will use includes many famous people struggles in life that have been my role models in my life. I will also discuss my own experiences in life. Now, I am 18 years old and realize my pass is what made me strong, that situations happen for a reason, and you have to work hard to get to where you want to be in life.While growing up as a kid, I didn't know much but eat all your food, pick up after myself and listen to my elders. First, I am my mothers oldest child and have always been here for my mom and try to help her out as much as possible. Growing up we moved all over the United States, and then came back after 6 years. My dad dropped us off her in Vegas and just left back to Georgia for 7 years. Everyday my mom, my little sister and I would wonder if he would ever come back. Having no choice to stay with my uncle, we had to make the best out of the situation. Times got really hard and some days were tough because we were lucky to have enough money to eat one time a day and had to drink sink water. Waking up three hours earlier to walk to school by myself at 6 years-old! Yes, I know sounds crazy but no one could watch my sister while my mom walked with me. My sister only being 6 months old and my mom not able to afford diapers she had to

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