All throughout the United States, fast food companies rule the streets. Everywhere you look you find a McDonalds or Burgerking and although their foods are filled with greases and fats, we still love them. It’s common knowledge that fast food is ridiculously unhealthy compared to average meals, and yet we still find them spreading across our globe spanning from India to Venezuela. Despite our knowledge of the nutritional value of fast food, it remains popular due to availability, price, speed, and minimum effort. No matter where you go, especially in America, you can always find fast food to binge on. Companies strive to make their restaurants available to everyone to generate income so you can find these food stops in the most unlikely of places. Whether you're in the bayou or the frozen tundra, the golden arches of McDonald's are …show more content…
Luckily, fast food is ready to feed their consumers as soon as possible. In average restaurants you have to wait thirty minutes or more before your food is ready and preparing your own food can be painstakingly tedious. The most time someone spends when eating at fast food is usually the drive or walk there. If components of your meal aren’t ready before you order then it won’t take more than two minutes for staff to prepare what you need and for you to start eating. With every generation that passes humanity finds a way to make life slightly easier and fast food is no exception. Instead of having to purchase certain items and spending hours to try and prepare a simple meal out of them you can just buy some fast food. The same can be said about traditional restaurants where people will put effort into making themselves presentable possibly have to make a reservation. However the most effort that needs to be put in for fast food is driving there, ordering and paying; minimizing the amount of energy that we have to
Fast food is not only found at the drive-thru diners with the golden arches or the giant burgers in front of their buildings although they are the most common thing we think of when we hear the term “fast food“. Fast food is any food that is quick, convenient, and inexpensive for the most part. It can be bought just about anywhere that sells food and snacks. Vending machines play a huge part in bad food choices. They are found in most offices and schools for people on the go to grab a quick bite. Twenty-four hour convenience stores are probably the most common places to find fast food but we don’t usually think of it as fast food because it isn’t sold threw a drive-thru restaurant. These foods are so popular because for under five dollars you can usually get a meal that may not be the healthiest choice but will fill you up. However, although fast food is inexpensive it is only that way because it is made with cheaper ingredients.
In this era today, the social norm is everyone wants everything right here and right now. Which is why fast food has become so popular among Americas. Not to mention fast food is so much cheaper than fresh, organic groceries from the whole foods store. You can get a meal for 10 people
Many people believe that the first fast food restaurant was a McDonald’s, but contrary to popular belief, the history of fast food did not begin at the same time as the history of McDonald’s. According to Katie Colburn’s article “The History of Fast Food in America,” the name and location of the first fast food restaurant is lost to history. There is some evidence, however that it began in Ancient Rome. The Urban living in Rome included multi-storied apartment buildings that has little to no cooking area. Therefore, such things like “street vendors and walk-up restaurants fed large segments of the populace” (Colburn). In this situation, fast food seems very harmless and convenient, but as I have learned over the semester so
Fast-food is everywhere, for instance down the street there is fast food, not only one but seven options to choose from. Those seven options have promotions and deals
With the fast pace of Americans, they do not have to travel far to find a fast food restaurants. While families are working double shift jobs and less time to cook and take care of other family duties. The speed of fast food can provide convenience in
To begin, there are way too many fast food restaurants. With a whopping 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants in the US alone, it’s no surprise that when you’re driving down the street looking for a bite to eat, McDonalds is one of the easiest places to stop and go (Zinczenko 463). There is never a shortage of places to go eat at, but unfortunately the majority of them are fast food. Although some seem healthier than others, they all share one thing in common, cheap, easy to access food. Zinczenko provides a good point saying “Lunch and dinner, for me, was a daily choice between McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or Pizza Hut. Then as now, these were
General Statement: Today, fast foods become popular among any age of people, such as children, teenager and adult. According to Merriam Webster (2012), the word “fast food” is referring to, or specializing in food that can prepare or cooked quickly. Hence, fast food has become an essential part in human life.
The fast food industry provides quick, cheap, and easy access to foods that in the customers opinion, is very delicious, and affordable, however this food which millions of people around the world are constantly consuming, could actually cause major health problems, and weight gain in the long run. Major fast food companies throughout the world know what they are doing when it comes to marketing towards all types of people. Some people will find numerous different things to blame for the epidemic of fast food making individuals overweight. In recent research on, or discussions of the fast food industry having an effect on people's health, a controversial issue has been raised, and that is the fact that this problem affects not only
Fast food is food that is already cooked so there isn’t much of a waiting time. This is why fast food is so appealing instead of spending hours over an oven making a meal you don’t even need to get out of your car to get it. Fast food has been around for nearly a century now, but it became more popular in the 1940’s with McDonalds starting up. Other fast food shops start to open up over the next few years.
What causes fast food restaurants to be so popular among Americans? Fast food restaurants are popular because they are cheap and fast alternative meals for busy Americans. Some of the reasons why many Americans choose to eat at fast food restaurants are because they're so busy with work, school, and their life in general. Americans find themselves with no time to cook food they would rather go through the drive-thru and order a combo meal that will satisfy both their hunger and their wallet since they can buy a whole meal with only five dollars. By saving the time of cooking food it will result in having more time available to do other things. For example, a mother of three kids that works full-time know has to go home and prepare food for
Now days, you can find a fast food restaurant every time you turn a corner. According to, Sarah Muntel, the Author of “Fast Food- Is It the Enemy,” you can choose from a variety of things to eat. You can get a greasy burger, crunchy tacos, or a drink that is filled with sugar. Why should we take the time go buy and prepare a meal when there are a variety of foods all around you? That is the problem that we are facing. Fast food is extremely cheap. You can order dollar cheeseburgers, dollar sodas, and you can even make those orders supersized just with pennies. People even claim that it is cheaper to eat at a restaurant than it is to prepare a meal in your own kitchen. Most Americans now days are having overscheduled and overcommitted jobs, which means that there is no free time in their daily lives to prepare their own meals. There is not anything easier than just going through the drive thru at your favorite fast food restaurant on your way home from work, or taking your child out for a milkshake if they do well in their baseball game. The problem is, people don’t look
Besides being overly convenient to obtain, fast food is also quite inexpensive. In today’s economy, an average American cannot afford to sit down at a nice
The prevalence of fast food in today’s society may be affecting more than just people's eating choices; it can also affect the economy. In this paper I will discuss and give some insight on the history of fast food, its growth, positive and negative issues related to fast food, and also health related issues that seem to be directly correlated with eating fast food. In my paper I also choose to use McDonalds as my main source of comparison with fast food due to its large popularity and resources available. My main mission of this paper is to inform people of the harmful side effects of fast food and how to prevent/fix this newly
Fast food does have several benefits to people. The first one would be that it is quick. Sometimes it is impossible to make food at home if you are driving all day, working, or at school. It is much simpler to drive to a McDonald’s or Wendy’s, and order something that will be ready in a few minutes. The next benefit is that fast food is often cheap. A burger and fries will usually cost around four or five dollars, which is reasonable for most people. It is often cheaper than healthier choices. Fast food is also convenient, since they are located almost everywhere in the country, and often you can find a couple McDonald’s or Wendy’s within a few minutes of each other. Fast food restaurants are beneficial to someone who doesn’t feel like cooking, or can’t cook. The last benefit is that fast food taste good. A lot of people who eat fast food do so because they enjoy the taste of it.
The first fast food chain White Castle opened in 1921 in Wichita; this was the original American burger chain. The United Sates is approaching 100 years of fast food; however, with that comes many consequences we have just recently realized within the last 20 or so years. For so long the United States has tried to ignore the fact the fast food is addictive a majority of people throughout the United Sates because it is cheap, convenient, and the options are endless. On average a McDonald's meal cost around five dollars, which is pretty cheap. The supplies you would have to buy to cook at home would be of greater costs, and not only is it cheap it is also a convenience. In short these positives of fast food don't sound all bad