
The Importance Of Mental Health

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Mental health is important in every stage of life as it is a persons’ state of their emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Everyone has mental health, you can have good and bad mental health. Good mental health is where a person can fulfil their ability to learn, feel, express, and manage their emotions, those with good mental health are able to form good relationships with others, and can cope with change and uncertainty in their life. Bad mental health is where people may have a condition that stops them from achieving to fulfil their ability to learn, feel, express, managing their emotions, they may not be able to form good relationships, and may not be able to cope with changes and uncertainty in their life, those with bad …show more content…

Mental health conditions are different disorders that can affect your thinking, behaviour, and mood. Four hundred and fifty million people suffer from a mental health condition worldwide. Some of the mental health conditions people suffer from are anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia. Anxiety is a term for several mental health disorders that can cause feelings of anxiety, fear, nervousness, apprehension, and worrying. This can affect the way people feel and behave towards daily life, it can also cause physical symptoms such as a fast heart rate and shakiness. Bipolar disorder can also be known as manic depression, it is a condition that affects peoples’ moods, they can have mood swings which can go from feeling low and having no energy to do anything which is known as depression to then go to feeling high and having high energy to do things which is known as mania. Depression is where a person feels persistently unhappy for weeks or months rather than a few bad days, this leaves the person suffering with a low mood, no energy, feeling sad, hopeless, and unimportant. They feel as if they are not able to do anything in daily life because they feel like they have no energy to get out of the house. Schizophrenia is a condition diagnosed to people who have severely disrupted beliefs and experiences, they may

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