Many students worry about how their middle school years will go. Middle school is a very important part of a student’s education. Middle school is their initiation into high school and could really impact their future. Many elementary school students think that they are prepared and can do well in middle school, but many are not ready. Also, students who do not do well in middle school tend to not do well in high school. One lesson I would like to teach elementary school students is how to survive middle school, which is important because it will lead them to a better future by being prepared, managing time, and knowing how to problem solve. When starting middle school, many students are not prepared. This can lead to many things, but mostly negative impacts on their academics. The first way to survive middle school is to be prepared. The first thing in being prepared is to have the necessary materials for school. If students want to do well, then they must have all of the following materials. The most important materials are pencils. Students should not bring only one pencil because they do not know if anything will happen to it. Students should always have at least three sharpened pencils and at least one eraser. Make sure that if people ask to borrow a pencil, students have a pencil for them to use and also, that the borrower returns it. Another important material students should have is paper. This could be useful in many ways. The first reason it is handy for students
Being organized will help you so much throughout middle school. The main reason to be organized is because it will make you feel less stressed. Let’s say you just stuff homework in your backpack when your backpack is already full of papers, then the next day you will have so much stress rummaging through your backpack for a single paper. Being prepared is essential. I have seen many people get written up or even a detention because they forgot a book. Time management is key in middle school. If you get homework from every class and it is all due the next day, don’t do it all at 10:00 PM, this is single handedly the worst thing you can do in middle school. Also don’t procrastinate. Now this falls under the same category as time management, but this usually has to do with projects, not homework, Let’s say Mrs. Delucia gives you a project to do over Christmas break, don’t wait until the last weekend before we come back to school to do the whole science project, If you do two things will happen, one, you will have a stress filled weekend and that is not good. Number two, you usually won’t get a good grade on the project because you rushed the project that was meant to be done over a span of two weeks, and you decided to do it in two
On the opening day of school, I got to meet my brand-new teachers, introduced to my new classmates.Following the first day of school, I felt a little better concerning myself.I was not afraid anymore because I understand that Middle School is like, it is not different from elementary school, it is simply a little harder.
It is a good idea to provide a separate school experience for middle school from the high school, because putting both middle school and high school in the same building will have a negative experience for middle school students in many aspects. Noticeably, the high school students and middle school students sharing the hallway is a bit destructive in some aspects of behaviors.
You have to be really careful because here in middle school you can get write ups really easy and tardies.
These past fews years I have learned that almost anything is possible or manageable with hard work, help when needed, and 100 percent effort. But to do well in middle school definitely takes some finess. Early on in 6th
I would have to say that my middle school life science teacher had a tremendous impact on my life. I met Mrs. Anderson, who at the time was Miss Olsen, when I was in 8th grade. She was a first year teacher.
Middle school learners are perhaps the most diverse group of students in education today. The differences that exist in every classroom, including gender, socio-economic class, linguistic and cultural background, learning style, and intellectual capacity, is increased by individual differences in developmental level. While all middle school students will progress through different developmental levels and display the characteristics inherent in each, they will reach and conquer these developmental milestones at difference times. Because of this difference in developmental maturity, students may also be at their most vulnerable, as they progress through stages they don’t understand and can’t control.
My topic of choice is eLearning within my school district, East Noble School Corporation. More specifically, within the Middle School. I am looking to answer questions pertaining to student resistance to eLearning. Using a qualitative approach, my design of choice would be narrative research. I would gather information gleaned from interviews with students.
The typical middle school has a vision or mission that speaks about the importance of including both the academic and the personal development of each young adolescent student. Although middle schools may have this mission, not all of these schools may abide by this vision and only focus on the academic part of the mission. Middle schools should prepare students with the knowledge of being able to think outside the box and to think critically. Students at this age do not know how to think beyond themselves and Internet right at their fingertips, they have all the answers they need. If
Ever since kindergarten, I've been a really great student. I went to Glider Elementary for kindergarten to sixth grade. At Glider I always achieved principal's list or Academic Excellence, which was an award for achieving a 3.8 Gpa or higher. As a student, I was never a big talker in class and always got my work done quick. For middle school, I wanted to transfer to Herman, but I ended up at Davis instead. In the beginning of the year I was really bitter about being enrolled at Davis, but by the second day of school I made a lot of new friends. Throughout seventh grade, the classes were very easy, and I achieved a 3.8 Gpa! Once eight grade year began, I had a bunch of friends already, and got enrolled in classes with really awesome teachers.
Most middle school students are looking forward to high svhool .Middle school students have many general ideas about how high school would be like.School has many good things that most students want to experience ,yet new things can be scary.
Middle school was a lot of fun for me, I met a lot of new people and lots of new girls. It was also kinda tough in the beginning with switching classes and things and having so many different teachers and lots of homework from different classes and having to remember the room numbers of each class but eventually I got used to everything.
When we were told we needed to write a speech we all looked at each other and didn’t know where to begin. We quickly realized we were not going to come up here and tell you that middle school was easy. We all had our struggles and challenges that were different for all of us but we all overcame them. Sometimes “every move we made felt lost with no direction,” but with the support and encouragement from our families, friends and the staff here at Baird, we were able to get through them.
Whenever I first began middle school, I was well aware of the new and divergent obstacles I would come across. The classes would become more advanced, teachers more strict, and lunches more disgusting. During my 6th-grade year, this change became clear. As my homework was piling up, so was my stress. Balancing school, sports, and family time had never been an unchallenging task, but I never have and never will let that be the reason for my grades to drop. The immense amount of effort I put into school is one consistent quality I possess that will never disintegrate, as opposed to what one teacher said.
I think that the new habit of studying is a necessity for those who want to pass, but these habits don’t come easily especially for new people. Another challenge that is faced is grades and assignments. These are an issue because the grades count a drastic amount more than before in middle school. In middle school a test can be 15% of your grade, whereas in high school it can be up to 60%. For those who are not prepared for this change can have a difficult time