Society has fallen, and we must leave the dead zone. Grimm Territory is risky to go into. Because of the rising sea level, many areas are out of the picture. After much consideration, we decided to got to Louisiana. We decided to Louisiana because it is a safe distance from the dead zone, it has fertile soil, and has plenty of resources to live off of. Louisiana’s nutrient rich soil can be used in farming, and farming is a reliable source of food. We put our crops near the lake so the plants get plenty of water to grow. Our Main crops will be corn, tomatoes, and potatoes. Then gradually we start increasing the size of our production in crops and we begin growing different crops, such as wheat, and cotton. To prevent wild animals from feeding …show more content…
It's next to 2 lakes and a forest so we can get lumber to construct houses, and plenty of water for drinking and fishing. We chose the location because it is moderately far away from the dead zone, and contains many resources. To travel there we will stock up on water and food to last for the entire trip and use transportation that we can support with us with or not. We will go straight toward and go around physical obstacles in our way. Eventually we will arrive to our destination and set up our town. We will also grab supplies such as tools, tents, and more to start off in building our town and to have a place to sleep so we won't become unprepared. West Louisiana contains many animals for meat, such as bears, rabbits, and more. Fertile land is very plentiful so we can create farms. Resources to make machinery and such is decent in this state. Salt is very common as well as soil in this state so we can mine it and use it as food and trade. Oil is in the state as well and we can mine it and use it as fuel for lighting and such. Fossil fuel will be used to run machinery and we can use it to make transport. In conclusion, Louisiana is our best option. It has many resources, it is a reasonable distance from the dead zone, and it has rich, fertile soil. With this we can create our society and become a large civilization in
This is the history of a beautiful region that takes place back in 1850’s when the Sioux and Winnebago tribes lived in these lands. These tribes spread around the Midwest mostly for their food, which include buffaloes (wild Bison), deer, antelope, and wild turkey and hens, wild fruits cherries, berries, and plums and wild vegetables potatoes, spinach, and prairie turnips. These tribes lived in peace and harmony until Joseph Hewitt and James Dickirson arrived in the area in 1851. Joseph Hewitt and James Dickirson settlement soon became an amicable town. Hewitt traded goods with the indian tribes and Dickirson had rich soil for farming.
For starters, Rampell did not jump to speaking about what is going on in Louisiana today she was able to give background knowledge on it and why Louisiana wasn’t giving immigrants the rights to marry. Moreover, Rampell mentioned how if a person is an immigrant in Louisiana they would need a birth certificate to marry. This sentence got to me because my grandparents are immigrants and they did not get the chance to marry one another. It’s just odd that people could not get married because they don’t have a simple piece of paper to show that they are a citizen.
New Orleans is a city in southern Louisiana, located on the Mississippi River. Most of the city is situated on the east bank, between the river and Lake Pontchartrain to the north. Because it was built on a great turn of the river, it is known as the Crescent City.
The Massachusetts bay Colony was found y the puritans and religious minority group who migrated to the New World seeking to create a model religious community The Puritans believed that the anglican church needed to be purified of the influences of catholicism.
Louisiana is a state consisting of about 4,523,628 people. This number taken prior to Hurricane Katrina that occurred in 2005. As of 2015, the estimated population of Louisiana is 4,670, 724. The area of the state of Louisiana is about 43, 562 square miles. With its neighboring states of Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi, Louisiana is located within the southeast part of the United States. The state’s first geologist was Francis V. Hopkins. Along with his assistant, Colonel Charles H. Lockett, Hopkins published the first topographical and geological maps of Louisiana. Louisiana has a variety of natural resources. Some examples of these natural resources are forests, salt, oil reserves, natural gas, and sulfur.
As Albert Einstein stated “Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” Nationalism first became a problem in America around the 19th Century when the Louisiana Purchase began in 1803. Shortly after the Louisiana Purchase there was the Embargo Act in 1807. The most recent act of nationalism was the weekend of the 12th of August in Charlottesville, Virginia. Nationalism has affected America in more than one way. For example, nationalism can bring apart people rather than bring them closer together. Nationalism is when a group of people who strongly believe in an idea come together and argue or fight against another group of people who think differently.
The Great Migration was a massive movement of African Americans from the South to the North from 1863 to 1960. The largest spike in this migration occurred from about 1910 to 1920.
The Decisions made to buy the Louisiana Purchase were tough; however, in the end the Louisiana Purchase was the most important land purchase in American history. In 1803 the United States had seventeen states along with the Northwest Territory. America still had not reached its potential growth, even though the states were still growing with settlers, until after the Louisiana Purchase. The president at this time was Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson’s decision would soon be the birth of our nation, as well as be the largest land purchase in American history.
The continuities of the migration from the south to the north. At this time about 500,000 african american southerners migrated to the north for better opportunities including better rights and industrial jobs,but there was some components that were negatively the same as the south side. As african americans they still faced oppression. This form of oppression consisted of discrimination and racial profiling. Sooner or later the neighborhoods the increased with african american population became known as the ghetto. One overall component that continued to happen was the lynching of african americans. Although this was illegal in the north,many people of the caucasian ethnicity did not like the fact that many african americans were overpopulating
Louisiana Purchase, more prominently known as an acquisition that doubled the size of the country we reside in, was much more than just a simple purchase, much less an easy one. Thomas Jefferson had to consider all the aspects, consequences, and effects that the decision of buying 2,144,500 square kilometers of land would have on the country (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 1). This purchase brought many improvements to the country, but also had unexpected consequences that would transform the country as a whole. Although Jefferson’s decision was considered a mistake by some Federalists and caused conflicts with Spain, it was actually a step forward towards the respectable and prosperous country that many had envisioned the United States to be because it doubled the magnitude of opportunities, solved the initial conflict of attaining the port of New Orleans (thus continuing trade), removed France’s colonial power from North America, which made the United States the dominant influence in North America and, most significantly, secured new western territory, which led to westward expansion (Loos).
“During the early 1900’s the discovery of oil and natural gas in areas around Baton Rouge attracted chemical companies to the city” (Reilly). Since the beginning of the 1900’s Louisiana has been a large refining state, one may say one of the best, but also one of the most damaging. It can be safely said that since the start of refining in Louisiana well over a billion pounds of pollution has been released. In 2011 alone over a million pounds of chemicals were released into the air and a separate 1.3 million had been released into the water. All of Louisiana’s 17 refineries reported accidents contributing to these chemical spills (Sturgis). The numbers that have been presented so far may not seem out of the ordinary
In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson negotiated the Louisiana Purchase with France despite personal qualms of its constitutionality. The Louisiana Territory nearly doubled the size of the United States, including the major port city of New Orleans. Despite his personal reading of the Constitution, Jefferson understood that it was more important for the country to act decisively and buy the land than to await an amendment to the Constitution. Jefferson, acting within the right of the president to negotiate treaties, pursued the Louisiana Purchase primarily due to the political threat of the nearby French territory and the economic importance of New Orleans.
In this country’s amazing history there have been very many important expeditions, encounterments, exchanges, and discoveries. Within this journey we see two very brave men that meet countless obstacles, converse between cultures, and explore some of the most beautiful land ever made. This land that was explored was called the Louisiana territory.
The migration of European settlers and culture to North America is an often examined area. One aspect of this, however, is worthy of deeper analysis. The conquest of North America by Europeans and American settlers from the 16th to 19th centuries had a profound effect on the indigenous political landscape by defining a new relationship dynamic between natives and settlers, by upsetting existing native political, economic and military structures, and by establishing a paradigm where the indigenous peoples felt they had to resist the European and American incursions. The engaging and brilliant works of Andres Rensendez and Steve Inskeep, entitled respectively “A Land So Strange” and “Jacksonland”, provide excellent insights and aide to this analysis.
Without The Great Migration, or the migration of African Americans from 1915 to 1970 from the south to the north, the north would have suffered economically (Wilkerson 8). Specifically, without the Great Migration, the north would have faced extensive job shortages, that would have eventually led to economic turmoil. One cause of The Great Migration was the need for southern African Americans to take industrial jobs in the north. Furthermore, during times of war, many men were removed from the workforce, meaning that the north needed additional workers to fill the now vacated spots. (The Great) The north needed the southern African Americans in order to fill these slots, and without them, the north’s economy would have suffered