Monuments in the US should be taken down and here is my reason why. One of the things I think that Monuments should be taken down is because most of them have very dark parts of our history. One reason why is that some “monuments have some racial offencenses and make some our citizen uncomfortable”. (brophy) and that's not really good for the public we want citizens to be comfortable in our country. Also one of reasons it should monuments should come down is that some people litary kill just to keep them up that's a little bit extreme. For example in “new orleans a group of people called the city white league killed law enforcement officers and other citizens”. (Landrew) to continue is that we are kinda basically honoring our darkest part
Faced by recent protests and events, memorials and monuments remembering Robert E. Lee and the Confederacy should be removed from public areas because they were not originally built to honor them, but rather to convey the message of white supremacy and continuing slavery, and into museums or archives. Most statues were built in the early 1900’s, during a time of racial segregation and the implementation of the Jim Crow laws. It is no coincidence that most of these statues were built during this time, when whites felt and were indeed superior to blacks. The message was clear that they wanted to maintain white supremacy and subjugate blacks. Eric Zorn writes that southerners built these statues as “middle fingers to those who battled segregation
The removal of Confederate monuments has been a controversial topic over the past few years. Many want to tear them down, others want to keep them up and some want them to be moved to museums. Although controversial, many still do not know why exactly people want these statues to tear down or be kept up. After reading and analyzing both Michele Bogart’s and The Guardian’s view on Confederate statues, I would say that Michele Bogart’s “In Defense of ‘Racist’ Monuments” article was the most persuasive. Right off the bat, Michele Bogart starts off with how the rise of white nationalism is causing officials around the country to remove memorials of Confederate soldiers, military leaders, and symbols of “the Lost Cause”. Bogart clearly states that not all civic statues represent white supremacy or racism, but that they are “the culmination of complex social and artistic engagement at the community level” (Bogart). She further explains how eliminating these statues is not going to help solve the problem of racism in the United States. Her purpose in this essay is to persuade the reader that civic monuments should be kept up as pieces of art, not as “symbols of hate”.
In the article “I Detest Our Confederate Monuments. But They Should Remain”, by Lawrence Kuznar, an anthropologist writes about the Confederate Monuments and why they should remain. Kuznar believes by removing the monuments, it makes no difference. Regardless of whether history is favorable or not, the monuments exist in places that are designed to celebrate their subjects. These statues and monuments have no place in town squares, city parks or any other public place beyond battlefields, private property or out of view from the public.
To begin with I believe that they should tear the monuments down,because in the it states “, New Orleans it beginning to remove monuments that honor, lost,immoral,and confederate cause.Some of these monuments are being taken down because they have caused violent threats and having an employee’s car put in flames.I strongly agree that they should come down for those reasons.
I believe that they should take every single last bit of the monuments down. We need to worry about both the good and the bad which would mean they should come down. There are various reasons why they need to be removed and I will share some of those reasons through this essay. The first reason is because according to paragraphs 1-4 in the article “Should Cities Be Allowed To Take Down Confederate Monuments” the people that the statues are honoring killed many officers and soldiers.
Mitch Landrieu wrote an article called “PRO/CON: Should cities be allowed to take down Confederate Monuments?” proclaiming how having confederate monuments can be both negative and positive depending on the point of view you withhold. Although confederate monuments bring moral bad values to the present, the big influence it has towards education heavily outweighs the denial to destroy history. According to Landrieu it “teach important lessons.” This is significant because every day millons of young teengers enter a social studies class not knowing anything about history and the only thing that in fact stands from decades is a confederate monument which has more than a meaning of a hero begin it. Not only does it educate them, but it opens there
Although the idea of taking away Confederate monuments is appealing and presents sound foundation to do so we should leave them where they are. At first, one can argue about the benefits our society would harvest from taking them away, but without doubts that action would come with collaterals that might be even worse than the alternative. As John Daniel Davidson in "Why We Should Keep The Confederate Monuments Right Where They Are", in the Federalist, cites Donald Trump being mocked after elaborating on the idea that tearing down those monuments would, indeed, portrait a logical argument for also tearing down monuments that represent Liberty and Human Rights. Not only with demands but also with vandalization of Lincoln Memorial in
Ashley states that “statues of the individuals who are symbols of should be removed, but they should also stay because it's a part of history”.
The real question is: Why? There have been increased racial attacks, with many pointing to Confederate monuments as symbols of this violence. So, to try and balance the tension, states have been removing the Confederate monuments, but this, too, was met with opposing opinions. Confederate Monuments should not be removed because they are an essential symbol of American history. These monuments have been here for a long time and resemble the sacrifice of the Confederates.
A study conducted this year reported that at least 1,503 Confederate symbols can be found in public spaces in the United States. The Confederate symbols include anything from monuments to flags and all the way to schools named after Confederate generals. This means that for years the U.S. has been honoring men for doing bad things like rebelling against the U.S. and fighting to keep slavery. Although taking down Confederate monuments could be equivalent to trying to erase America’s history, leaving them up cause more problems because people believe that the monuments support the idea of white supremacy and encourages people to embrace violence toward other races.
First, removing all these statues and monuments cost a lot of money and take a long time. For example, The cost to remove all the monuments and statues in New Orleans could cost $600,000. Thats a lot of money for one city to pay for, and that money could be used for more important things. Another reason I feel that we should keep these statues and monuments because it’s a part of our history. Yes, the Confederacy did believe in slavery, but it isn’t about honoring slavery. It’s about understanding that this is what we once were as a nation. Keeping this symbolizes how far we’ve come as a country and how much we’ve progressed. Taking these monuments down would be in a way an attempt to erase our
“The Miller's Tale” in the Canterbury Tales provides insight into the morality of people of medieval England by showing the Miller’s views on religion, heroic ideals, and common morality. Religion at this time was defined by a religious code outlined in the Bible and the ten commandments. Even though all men were expected to live by these laws, those closely related to the church, like Absalom, were expected to never break from these codes. Heroism involved a set of ideals that were meant to guide men to a heroic state of being. A hero was supposed to seek revenge and never let a crime go unpunished. Common morality was the behavioral code all men were expected to follow and it is essentially what we now call common courtesy. This
“Art is never finished, only abandoned.” This is one of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous quotes. I personally find it appealing and memorizing. This is 100% true as well! Nothing in life is ever truly finished! Leonardo da Vinci was pure genius, however not just from his quotes. He did much, much, more!
Following the fall of the great Roman Empire a new age was born, the age of knights in shining amour and the great kings in stone castles. Yet, it was also a chaotic time, War and plague was a disease upon Europe. Countries fought for land, resources, and above all, the attention of God. The world was young and so was the English Language. Few writers wrote in English, the language of the commoners, as French and Latin was the Language of the powerful élite. Yet one writer dared to speak against the feudal society of which he was born into. Geoffrey Chaucer served most of his life in the employment of the crown, as both a soldier and a clerk. Yet through all of these titles, Chaucer would be forever immortalized as Geoffrey Chaucer the