Freshman year, I wasn't just a freshman I was freshmeat, a newbie, a nobody. I was at the bottom of the High School social class web. Freshman year was not at all like the movies portray it to be. It was better than expected actually, with the exceptions of having my locker vandalised with “Gay Dick” written on it I didn't let it bother me because I knew personally I was stronger than the people who wrote that. Freshman year I managed to balance my first job, school and my first time being in a team; spring track all season and it showed me i'm capable of anything if I put my mind to it. Freshmen year back to school night coach Banta found out I was a Bonilla and since all my siblings had gone to Manchester Regional High School he wasn't embarrassed to embarrass me with yelling “ ONE LAST BONILLA” over and over. I quickly pulled my hoodie over my head and pulled the string in order to hide my luminous red face and swiftly walked away. One of the best things that could have happened during my lifetime was my terrible no good very bad cousin having a baby. I know you may question as to why. Well my cousin is a very irresponsible woman and at the age of 25 have four kids with each having different fathers.
July third 2014 at 11:55pm in the same hospital I was born in my eventually little brother was born. Of course I nor did my family know he was gonna be a Bonilla but he was a diamond in disguise. My favorite guy Mason grew up and was raised with us and by us since the day
Being a freshman is the hardest of your four years in high school. Have you ever been pressured to be the best person you can be? This is how my year was as a freshman. Freshman year was the most different I never thought I would of found my way around the school when I first started to go there. Freshman year was the best year throughout my years of high school and it was the only year I had friends. During this year I had a lot of anxieties which dealt with me thinking I’m gonna be alone and not have any friends throughout the year to support me through the whole thing. Also, I would think of the pressure of not doing good in any of my classes so I would think it would affect my GPA in the future. The transition from middle school to high school was a different type of thing to do.
My mother says I was born on May 31, 1999 at approximately 11:57 pm. I was chunky and chocolate with so much hair it made me look like a little baby monkey. My mother told me “ girl if your dad wouldn't have stepped in, I was going to name you TyReoshionna” that name was so Ghetto at the time and it still sounds ghetto.
When my freshman year had begun I was nervous. It meant that school was going to be harder. It meant that when I played sports that I was going to have to be with the big kids. I started my freshman football season and I was like there’s no way I’m going to let them treat me like a little punk. They tried to and I talked back and did not do what they said and it made them not like me much. The upper classman liked to pick on the younger people and we went to a football camp. I wasn’t the freshman getting picked on until we went paintballing the next day. One of the seniors kept picking on me and I got tired of it and got mad. Well I was also like 13 or 14 years old and I got so mad I started crying and ended up quitting. I started missing football and went back. We ended up not having many players during the end of the season because of injuries so I had to start for the high school. I was so nervous but I didn’t do a bad job.
Junior year; considered the most difficult year of high school. Junior year wants to make senior year as relaxing and stress free as possible. Part of this preparation: community service and then writing a paper and making a presentation surrounding that service. Kennedy calls this project the integrated service learning (ISLE) project. For my ISLE project, I built houses in New Orleans through Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit organization. I found that when hurricane Katrina and the Levis broke it left a tremendous amount left in its wake. Since the trip would knock all my service hours out in a week and I became interested in the project I went and worked on houses and learned a great deal culture and poverty
Heading from middle school to high school can seem somewhat intimidating to the average teenager. No more will you be in the safety of those peers you grew up with as you head off to the larger high school that allows you to blend in with grades 9th through 12th. Many first time freshman year high school students are filled with mixed emotions on this next chapter in their life. Today I am sharing some tips on how to survive freshman year at high school so that you can help your teenager relax and breeze through the first days of being a high school freshman.
The concept of not having parents around to police almost every aspect of life may sound superb, but it isn’t all fun and games in college. In the article Your First Year of College: 25 Strategies and Tips to Help You Survive and Thrive Your Freshman Year and Beyond. Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D, the author, is a former marketing professor and writes articles such as this one to empower people. “While good grades could have come naturally to you in high school, you will have to earn them in college”(Hansen). This quote is key for the kids who just skated by in high school. For incoming freshman the workload may seem unbearable, but staying organized and focused are vital if you want to succeed in your first year. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed
Senior year has been a rollercoaster of emotions and events. I got to experience things
It's impossible to think about things that have significantly impacted my life without considering my mother's diagnosis with cancer. It has changed the way I approach nearly everything in my life, and has led to other significant experiences. She was diagnosed the beginning of my Sophomore year, so I've had to balance home and school obligations nearly my entire high school career. I had to take responsibility and start acting more maturely, whether I wanted to or not. My mother suddenly couldn't do many things she used to be able to do, and as my father travels every week I had to step up and fill the void. Through doing this, I've become a lot more independent, and gained better clarity into my priorities and what I want out of my life.
Freshman year I was shy and never really stepped out of my comfort space. I thought I was prepared for high school. I signed up for two honors class thinking that they would be hard but I knew I could figure them out. Reality was quickly thrown into my face.
College is a frightening journey that most young adults will go through, but, will they make it to the closing? To ensure that you will continue through your life as a college student with no trouble, Dr. Hansen founder of Quintessential Careers has made an article of 25 Tips to Help You Survive Your Freshman Year. “one in every four college students leaves before completing their sophomore year — and nearly half of all freshmen will either drop out before obtaining a degree or complete their college education elsewhere.” Dr. Hansen introduced these tips knowing that they would be essential to a student struggling on campus. The tips given will inform any person on how to have a balanced lifestyle between enjoying ones self and education. Not
I just can’t believe there is only few more days of high school left. As the days are getting closer and closer, it's getting sad. I still remember the day I stepped into Maine East High School as a Freshman, at that time, all I wished for was to graduate from this school with good grades. High school was not the way I imagined, it is way different from what I thought and definitely different from Middle School. Freshman year was the “exploring/adventure” year, finding where each classes were, what activities/clubs were offered at this school and many more. Freshman year went quickly and then Sophomore year came up. Sophomore year was probably the least stressful year in high school but from Sophomore year my family and friends started asking me the scariest question “What are you doing after high school, which career?
Freshman year can be very challenging for every high-schooler. For instance, a student will not be used to the new schedule. According to my sister who’s a graduate from Ravenwood High School and is an intern at Vanderbilt University, well-rounded students should memorize their class schedules. As a result, getting lost would be a thing of the past. Her advice shows that by being organized, freshman year can be more effortless. Not to mention, she added that freshmen sometimes forgot about how essential their G.P.A. is. As a result, my sister explained that students should pay attention to their G.P.A. because it’s extremely important for the rest of high school. By striving for a qualified G.P.A., colleges would be more interested. In addition,
2016 is a very important year for my freshman year self. This year will be the first year that I will have the opportunity to cast my ballot and vote. This piece of independence and freedom comes with the responsibility to make well informed decisions based on my ideals and morals. In following the 2016 Presidential Election, I became very interested in the candidate’s views on science related topics and issues.
Have you ever accomplished something that was extremely difficult for you to do? One of the hardest things I’ve had to do was to graduate high school. To some people, it may not seem like much, but to me, it was the most difficult thing I've ever done. I knew that without a high school diploma my chances in the real world would greatly decrease so I decided that I needed to graduate no matter what.
My freshman year ended with a newfound understanding of the way that high school works and the realization that I am bisexual. At the time, I was completely ashamed of the person that I was. Even though the majority of my friends were supportive of gay rights, I was convinced that once they found out, they would hate me. Coming out was unimaginable; just the thought of it made me nauseous. The fact that I live in a tiny town with a total of 500