
The Importance Of My Freshman Year In High School

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Freshman year, I wasn't just a freshman I was freshmeat, a newbie, a nobody. I was at the bottom of the High School social class web. Freshman year was not at all like the movies portray it to be. It was better than expected actually, with the exceptions of having my locker vandalised with “Gay Dick” written on it I didn't let it bother me because I knew personally I was stronger than the people who wrote that. Freshman year I managed to balance my first job, school and my first time being in a team; spring track all season and it showed me i'm capable of anything if I put my mind to it. Freshmen year back to school night coach Banta found out I was a Bonilla and since all my siblings had gone to Manchester Regional High School he wasn't embarrassed to embarrass me with yelling “ ONE LAST BONILLA” over and over. I quickly pulled my hoodie over my head and pulled the string in order to hide my luminous red face and swiftly walked away. One of the best things that could have happened during my lifetime was my terrible no good very bad cousin having a baby. I know you may question as to why. Well my cousin is a very irresponsible woman and at the age of 25 have four kids with each having different fathers.
July third 2014 at 11:55pm in the same hospital I was born in my eventually little brother was born. Of course I nor did my family know he was gonna be a Bonilla but he was a diamond in disguise. My favorite guy Mason grew up and was raised with us and by us since the day

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