
The Importance Of Parents In Education

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this scale (for both mother and father versions) is 24 and highest possible score is 96 with a possible midpoint score of 60. The Lower the scores (Less than 60) the more will be the parental acceptance perceived by the offspring. The internal consistency reliability of the PARQ: Mother was .86 and for father was .84. Procedure: Standard data collection procedure was followed in this study where the participants were briefed about the general purpose of the study. At first, the researcher went to the school and took the formal permission to the school authority as well as some teachers who were included in this procedure. Then they said to the teachers to select some students, who were well known by the teachers for evaluating these …show more content…

Table 1 shows a positive correlation between TESC and maternal acceptance-rejection (r = .506) and also more positively correlated with paternal acceptance-rejection (r = .514) both of which are significant at .01 level. Also a positive correlation between siblings and TESC (r = .374) which is significant at .01 level. Table -2 : Mean, SD and t of Misconduct Behavior of the Male and Female Children TESC N M SD df t Female Children 60 51.77 28.12 118 2.05* Male Children 60 62.20 27.57 *p < .05 Table 2 indicates that mean difference on teachers evaluation of student’s conduct (TESC) of male and female children is significant (t = 2.05) at .05 level. Moreover, it is also evident from table 2 that the mean scores obtained by the male children (M = 62.20) is higher than the mean score obtained by the female children (M = 51.77). Table-3 Mean, SD and t of Maternal Acceptance and Rejection (PARQ-M) of the Male and Female Children. PARQ-M N M SD df t Female Children 60 35.72 9.38 118 4.19* Male Children 60 43.17 10.05 *p < 0.05 Table 3 indicates that mean difference on maternal acceptance and rejection (PARQ-M) of the male and female children is significant (t = 4.19) at .05 level. Moreover, it is also evident from table 3 that the mean scores obtained by the male children (M = 43.17) is higher than the

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