Possible resolutions can be made to help society break their obesity problems, such as, a program put in schools as a requirement, a new drink given to children as young as 14 years old to keep themselves going throughout the day, or even as simple as a nutrition class in high school, other than, keeping it to a college level class where one has to pay to know how to maintain their body well. Helping put a program or a new class in schools that requires a child to pass on physical activities that is not physical education and illustrated more foods excluding fruits and vegetables that are healthy for them and doing major assignments that will help them make the right decision on their future choices. Big assignments on diets and physical education should be beneficial for the majority. Everyone knows how a workout is harsh for kids especially when they are so used to technology in their lives. …show more content…
This helps one make connections and help focus on their grades more like a regular sport at school would do for one. A child is more likely to do better at school than a normal kid that does not participate in anything. "Playing sports serves as motivation for doing well in the classroom" (Silverman 2). One would do well in their field that will motivate them to do better in school as a result if they want to keep playing. Playing a sport or doing any kind of physical activity is usually not denied by anyone when the whole purpose of it is to have fun. Having a program that constantly encourages them to play a game will often help them do better in school and be offered scholarships. It also better than having some dieting program where the child might fall into depression because of their unstable health
The rate of childhood obesity has grown an enormous amount over the years with more than 40 million children being overweight! That number is astonishingly high and it is very obvious that something needs to be done about this. Studies had shown in 2008 that more than 40 million children were said to be overweight and the sad truth is that they are still increasing rapidly to this day; also every 1 in 4 teenagers is said to not reach the fitness guidelines (Tanner) according to an article by Lindsey Tanner. For this problem to be resolved not only do the parents of children need to make sure their kids are staying active but also, the schools they attend need to make sure they are getting a well-balanced meal and have some type of physical activity during their school day. Each state in America is given a percentage rate on the number of obese people in that particular state. The highest ranking state is Mississippi with a percentage of 34.9 and the state ranking the least is Connecticut with 24.5 percent. Different researches have shown that each day 850 lives are taken due to obesity and each year there are more than 300,000 people that die from obesity related illnesses. These are deaths that most likely could have been avoided if these individuals would have had the proper exercise and diet in their lives.
Playing sports or even having the knowledge of them can result into happier and more social students. In the video Notebook: Kids and Sports, Katie Couric states, “Playing sports cannot only give kids more confidence, it can also give them more rewarding friendships” (Notebook). This implies that our school can be more successful if we have greater variety of sports kids can join. Although being happier and more social isn't the only benefit of being in sports.
Sports can be viewed as a learning environment that helps individuals learn life lessons, foster strong work habits and develop core values all the while learning a sport skill. Youth sports that truly benefit young athletes should be structured to emphasize participation more than just competition. Children enjoy a sport more when they are able to have fun (Humpries). Despite many excesses some sport programs still manage to promote important virtues like self- confidence, teamwork, personal responsibility, coping skills, and persistence. Through sports kids can learn to stay organized and learn how to prioritize (Ferguson). Sports enables development of physical skills and increasing proficiency makes kids feel good about themselves. It teaches kids that failure is something to overcome and and not to fear (Meyerhoff 8-9). Youth sports has many aspects that are truly benefiting for children, but these benefits are slowly being clouded by the negatives that are prominent in today's youth sports.
On a smaller scale, a change ought to occur in communities in which the children live and attend school in order to provide an environment that makes healthy choices readily available. Parents as well as schools largely contribute to this epidemic. Schools contribute to obesity, and need to approach this matter face first. (1) Physical education programs are limited, which is distributing considering only 3.8% of elementary schools, 7.9% of middle schools and 2.1 percent of high schools actually provide their students with physical education. Curriculum needs to be utilized in order to educate and empower students of the importance of nutrition and physical activity. For change to occur everyone has to be on board, particularly parents. Parents cannot just tell children what and whatnot to do; they need to allow children to participate in planning and of activities, in order to be successful. Children like to feel as if they are an active participant and to take part in the decision-making process, thus the parent ought to provide them with instrumental support. Parents and school systems are strong advocates and need to implement change to receive positive results; there are various effective methods of doing this. Children spend most of their time in school and at home, subsequently education should occur about of nutrition’s and
There are many different reasons why including sports in a child’s life can help build them for their future. A few of the more obvious reasons include healthy weight, social skills, and self-discipline. According to Greg Wells of aboutkidshealth.ca, “Starting a child in an organized sport gives them a healthy habit of physical activity to see them right through to adulthood and help them ward off many age- and weight-related ailments” (Wells). In addition to the short-term benefits, as children develop in life with the inclusion of sports, they learn to become attentive and gain stronger strategy skills (Wells). More specifically, football has the potential to develop strong
The issue of obesity has been ongoing in the American society for over a decade and there is much that can be done to fix it. As the great businessman Richard Attias said, “Obesity is a problem that nearly every nation in the world is facing, but there is much that we can do to fix it” (Attais). With very little progress being made to stop or slow it down in the present time, the focus should be shifted towards the future. America’s younger generation should be taught about health, nutrition and preventing major weight gain. Adding lessons and classes to the American public school system that pertain to these subjects would greatly benefit our society in the future. Educating students about nutrition and physical activities will make them more aware about their health and staying healthy. This will cause students to be more proactive by eating healthier and exercising frequently. As a result, there will be a decrease in obesity in our society as the younger generation grows up.
Rochelle M Eime et al. also found out that, “ Parents reported benefits for their children in personal and in social development from sports participation.” (15). It has been proven that participating in activities, such as sports, can help develop social skills. I met most of my friends through sports and some of the best things that I have been apart of have come through sports. “ Social benefits included: positive relationships with coaches, making new friends, and developing teamwork” Rochelle M Eime et al. (15). “ Personal benefits included children being emotionally controlled, enjoying exploration, having confidence and discipline, performing well academically, managing their weight and being kept busy” Rochelle M Eime et al. (16). I believe playing sports at a young age is extremely beneficial and helps children develop themselves much faster. Studies have shown that children involved in sports had higher development outcomes. “ Liner et al. (2009) found that, “participation in sport and other organised activities had the greatest youth development outcomes, and low involvement in organised activities outside of school was associated with less positive development across the board (41). Children who are not involved in any organized activities have a higher chance of getting over weight and not getting out of the house to get any physical
One reason is that sports are a great way to keep children in shape and healthy. Anahad O’Connor, a New York Times reporter on sports and an expert with children, states that a study, by Keith M. Drake, found “while school-based
Sports add structure and direction of physical activity. In order to keep fit and healthy, its recommended that you participate in at least 30 minutes of physical activity everyday. With the opportunity of sports at kids fingertips, it's really easy. If they're informed of when, where, and how often practice will be conducted, then it's already planned for them. All they have to do is show up and play! Saying this, it ultimately gives kids a chance for exercise in enjoyable ways.
This shows your child will live a healthy and more fit life than others if he plays sports. Also after researching, I found out that “participating in sports improves your health in many ways. You have to watch what you eat when you play sports because it will affect your body. ( Jen While 1) This shows that playing sports will make you eat better and healthier
One thing that is a positive outcome in sports is the overflowing happiness people get when they participate in competitive sports. One example is that “children who were involved in sports were more assertive, had greater confidence in their skills and physical appearance, and reported more positive feelings than those who didn’t participate. (Merkal, Donna, Youth sport: positive and negative impact on young athletes, 201, May 31).” If children hold an extreme love for the sport they play, most children use that sport as an escape. Playing sports blows off steam and helps people relax. “Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research ,Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity, 1998).” Playing sports can help bring families or other kids together to build strong bonds. “It appears that US children are healthy and happy as they engage in this traditional pastime, and families report higher levels of satisfaction if their children participate. (Macdonald, Brian, Kids in Sports, Part 5: Can sports help shy kids to make friends?, 2009).” A pat on the back from a parental figure is enough to keep kids going and doing their best. Because sports make children happier, they are more prone to keep playing which all in all makes children happier and it teaches kids to do what makes them happy. With suicide being the second biggest fatality for adolescents doing what makes them happy can be a life or death situation.
In order to impede the epidemic of childhood obesity, the actual causes of the problem need to be evaluated and dissected. Obesity in children is becoming a huge problem in American society. In the past three decades, the rate of overweight children has increased by 300%. This is an alarming rate that is only climbing higher. Every member in society should take steps to becoming healthier. This would help the present generations as well as future generations to come. The lifestyle of Americans keeps us too busy to be a healthy society.
Playing sports as a child also helps students in the classroom. In order for kids to continue to play sports they will need to be willing to pay the consequences of not playing if their grades are below average. “Playing sports serves as motivation for doing well in the classroom” (Davis).If someone really wants to play a certain sport, their grades in school need to be obtained. This should motivate students to want to do great in school so they can stay focused on the court in the future. But, it’s not just about the player, it’s about the team too.
Children who participate in sports are less likely to experience health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. Those problems have affected many of America’s children. Drew Brees, Co-Chair of the President’s Council on Fitness writes, “nearly one in three children are overweight and one in six is considered obese”. Sports are not just fun for children they also can keep children healthy and fit. The President Council on Physical Fitness does a really good job on spreading their message of keeping children active and reducing the number of children that are obese and have heart disease because of lack of exercise and bad diets. This is probably the biggest reason people think children should be in sports. Keeping a kid healthy by playing sports can have a great positive effect on his/her entire life.
Sports, whether it’s team-based or individual, is a great activity for children that provide a variety of benefits other than physical activity. While some believe that children playing sports will increase injury rates. A debate discussing the topic on children playing sports which says that 66 percent of people who answered the debate said yes to children playing sports ("Should kids have to play”). Participation in sports can help build self-esteem and confidence, can motivate children to excel academically, and can help build social skills. Participation also can teach children the benefits of goal-setting.