
The Importance Of Propaganda In The World War

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From the beginning of World War I, both the Allied and Central Powers used various tactics to shape international opinion. A standard feature of all war is propaganda.The use of propaganda during the war was common for all countries because it could be used in many different ways. Propaganda is a form of communication, often biased in nature it is aimed at altering how a population views a specific topic or subject towards some cause. In an effort of forming a consensus to a standard set of belief patterns a position or political agenda must be established. Propaganda is information to further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively, perhaps a white lie by omission, to encourage a particular viewpoint. Furthermore using messages to produce an emotional response rather than a rational one to the information presented people are more likely to go with instinctive feelings as opposed to logical thinking. “It refers only to the control of the opinion by significant symbols or, to speak more concretely unless accurately by stories rumors reports pictures and other forms of social communication. Propaganda is concerned with the management of opinions and attitudes by the direct manipulation of social success chain rather than by altering other conditions in the environment…”(Lasswell 9) Although the term propaganda has mostly been acquired with being negative, propaganda in its original sense was neutral and could refer to uses that were generally positive, such as

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