
The Importance Of Protest In The United States

Satisfactory Essays

Daena Galvan
Ms. De La Cruz
1st period Protest in the U.S
Protest in the Austin area is very intense right now. Many students from schools in East Austin, have gone to protest in name of all immigrants. To prove their point, that they believe that immigrants have a great impact in the United states. Students from Del Valle High School, LBJ High school, Manor High School and a few other school’s walked out of their school and walked down to city hall to protest. And they did it , to prove that they too have a voice and a choice in the things that happen in society in the future. Immigrants,and Citizens from all over the U.S have united together to prove what “ a day without immigrants” looks like. All over the nation they have united and protested “USA, No racism, No KKK, No trump”. This includes citizens whose parents are immigrants. Parents who brought their children to this Country for a better future are all of a sudden being discriminated and treated poorly. And it has brought together citizens that support the hard wolk of immigrants and many have been protesting. On february, 16, 2017 a lot of jobs went on strike to …show more content…

Students decided to go on strike and to go protest outside the government headquarters. The protest made authorities make many mistakes as to accidentally hurting people that were protesting .Which made more people want to protest because of the unfairness that the authorities had made. Which made the government realise the power of the civil rights and the responsibilities of a their citizen’s. In one of the protest there were 20 people arrested , 18 injured including police officers. And that caught the attention of the government , because they saw how much damage was being made , so they decided to listen to the people and to what they had to

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