College Essay.
When I was young there has always been two career choices I wanted to pursue. The first was becoming a professional soccer player and the second was dealing with computers and learning more about them. Once I began to face reality and realize college was my only real option. I knew what I wanted to become when I was older. Computers had always sparked my imagination when I was younger. When I learned more about them, I realized that the possibilities are endless with computers. The more research I did the more I wanted to get a degree in computer science. Like anyone, getting a good job and making a lot of money is what drives them to do well in their job. However, I believe it is important to love and enjoy something you
American writer Mark Twain once humorously quoted that “Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.” Though comparing the significance of college to cauliflower and cabbage is an interesting approach to the situation, Mark Twain’s deeper message is still relevant and true even a century after his time. Currently, a sufficient college education has become inaccessible to most individuals wish to pursue one. This is preventing people from revealing their true academic, professional, and mindful potential. Inaccessibility to advanced education is undeniably a magnanimous issue in today’s world, and should especially not be such an issue in developed nations. A college education should be more affordable because it will
High school seniors have many choices to make. One important choice is whether or not to go to college. Harvard as the first college founded in 1636. At this point only 4% of young people attended college (Anderberg, Jeremy. “Is College for Everyone?). As of 2013 there are about 14 million students enrolled in a 4 year institutions, and that number is expected to jump to around 20 million in the next few years (Anderberg, Jeremy. “Is College for Everyone?). College is hard and is not for everybody, but is it worth it? A college education is worth it in many ways it will lead you to success, way easier than a high school diploma. A college education gets you better financial success, gives you a much healthier life and greater success, and college graduates have more and better employment opportunities.
Going to college and gaining a degree is on my life list as one of the achievements a person needs to attain to be a complete person. Education can take you and me too many places. It can show us new ideas and concepts, It can expand our current ideas. We can read about other cultures and lives. We can imagine other worlds. Going to college can add structure and deeper meaning to our point of view. It can also lead us to have a greater understanding of other people's ideas and perspectives. At College, I want to learn about other cultures, political ideas, theories and concepts. I want to understand and critique at times other people's ideas and at moments have my ideas turned upside down. That's why I want to go to
Nowadays Americans tend to not want to go to college because they have a fear of the tremendous debt that comes with it. The one thing that they that they need to realize is that if they don't have the right connections then the chances of them making a six figure job or a good paying job, something that is not minimum wage, are on the lower side of that actually happening. College degrees do not guarantee that you get a good job, but they do raise the chances for them. Not only that but College is the way to go to be successful in life.
to take care of themselves as well as how to broaden their horizons in their tedious studying
The facts describe which candidate gets the most support from the college degree and without the college degree. The statistics explains. “Black women without college degrees were the most strongly in favor of Clinton, giving her 95% of their vote (compared to 91% for black women with a degree), while black men with a college degree gave only 78% of their votes to Clinton and 16% to Trump”(Durkee 1). According to research when we compared to college degree or without college degree that shows majority of without college degree black women support the Clinton and votes her 95 percent from 91 percent black woman with a degree. However, Black men with a college degree votes Clinton 78 percent and trump got 16 percent from black men.
The issue of education provides an interesting dynamic in regards to survival. In today's technologically adept marketplace, different skills and abilities are needed for survival. Technology has provides means for entrepreneurs to attain massive amounts of wealth in relation to the risks that they take. Innovations have created massive of amounts of convenience and personal satisfaction for consumers. Technology also provides a means of additional income streams for ordinary workers. For example, through the use of websites such as eBay or Amazon, nearly anybody can become a virtual retailer of sorts. All of this can be done without the aid of a college degree. In many instances many of the world's wealthiest individuals do not have college degrees, or have dropped out altogether. It is my argument therefore, that depending on the circumstances of the individual, it is very possible to survive without a degree. In some cases, these individuals will flourish without a degree as they have skills sets that are unique to their passion.
As I have gotten older I have realized the importance of a college degree but not just any degree is good enough. I am 35 years old and would consider myself to have had a successful working career to this point without a degree. Times have changed and without a degree at this point I feel as though I am falling behind. Clearly, I am not a traditional student I have a full time job, two kids, and all the stress and responsibilities that go along with that. I have become interested in attending the SIUE School of Business to get a degree in either accounting or economics/finance. A degree in either field I feel will help me reach my career goals by allowing me to help people make smart decisions with their money. I believe that if that there are more good people in the world with money to be financial independent the better the world will be.
Most parents encourage their children to achieve a college degree because they believe it is a passport to success. Nationwide it has been known in order to get ahead, go to college. College helps young adults socialize, be independant, and allows them to find themselfs. College graduates have been known to posses higher employment rates, and greater work benefits. Also, college can be a huge milestone in one's life. That being said, these are most likely the reasons why the majority of high school parents across America, choose to send their kids to college. College may also help students achieve a greater knowledge on their career path. Then again college may limit career options, when students get strapped into thinking they have to
Going from high school to college has been a big step in my journey to success. It is partly because of this that going to college is so important to me. Being successful is what I strive for and in today’s society, I have to go to college in order to achieve this. I plan to become a Dental Hygienist, make money, and along the way open myself up to allowing the college to make a positive difference in my life.
College Education is an institution of higher learning. Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States; it started in 1636. Colleges began to be established for two reasons. First, most were founded by religious denominations. Second, colleges were the pride of the community evoked by the revolution, the strange American pursuit of progress, and migration to the west. However, some people are against college education because many college graduates are employed in jobs that do not require college degrees, a college degree is no guarantee of workplace benefits, and college stress can lead to health problems and other negative consequences. College Education should be important through life because
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics “During the 2016–17 school year, colleges and universities are expected to award 1,018,000 associate’s degrees; 1.9 million bachelor's degrees; 798,000 master's degrees; and 181,000 doctor's degrees.” Inspired men and women are returning to school or are just beginning with significant aspirations. In todays world, having a college diploma may not guarantee a job, however it gives everyone who have earned a degree a fighting chance.
One of the most important keys that I’ve been taught throughout my life was to go to college. My mother would always remind my brothers and I of how much college is important right after Sunday’s church service. She would always say, “Kids, me and your father work very hard so that you won’t have to live like us in the future. A life of making a few dollars an hour is a life you boys don’t deserve, trust me.” Attending college has always been my main goal, but will I live up to my own expectations? recently conducted a poll asking people if they believe 18-year-olds are responsible enough to be considered adults. The people who participated in this poll are everyday citizens from all over the country, and what they had to say is shocking. 55% of the people who participated in the pole said that 18-year-olds are not responsible enough to be considered adults. One-person stating, “Most 18-24-year old’s are incredibly naïve and childlike.” We live in a nation that expects these same “irresponsible” 18-24-year-olds to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a college education, that will put them into debt for most of their lives. College tuition should be provided and funded by the U.S. government via taxpayers because college provides the skills and resources for these young adults to mature and are productive members of society.
What if you could start earning a lot of money straight out of high school, without even spending a dime on a college education? For many high school students in America, college is the only path that they know of that leads them to achieving their dreams and succeeding in life, but is this the only path to their success? For decades, colleges and universities have sold the romanticized idea that a four-year college degree is the only ticket to a successful career. But how true is that? And even further, is it worth it? College is not always worth the commitment of time and money that some students invest.