
The Importance Of Reading And Writing

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The Importance of Reading and Writing “Mama, I hate America! All they do is speak ENGLISH.” At the age of six, I moved to the United States from the Philippines. As soon as I arrived, I immediately called my grandmother complaining about how much I disliked it here. “All my cousin does is talk to me in English and she is annoying me,” I said. Coincidentally, I am not even able to speak the Filipino language anymore. Although I can still understand it, now I only speak English. The English language has strongly benefitted me and has allowed me to do things I did not imagine myself capable of.
By being born and raised until the age of six in a completely different country, one would assume that I struggled with learning the English language. Surprisingly, I adapted quickly and easily began to communicate with others in America. I feel this was because I was surrounded by people speaking the language, whether it be at school, the local supermarkets, or the park I grew up playing at. My kindergarten teacher suggested that I be in an ESL program to familiarize myself with the language. I only went to the class once since the English Second Language teacher felt that my speaking and understanding was adequate. Though I did not know as much as the others in my class, I knew enough to be able to associate myself with them. During recess and computer time, I always found myself trying my best to speak English in order to make friends. As a young girl in a completely new place, the

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