
The Importance Of Reading And Writing

Decent Essays

From a young age, reading and writing has always been important to me. It began with a children’s book about a bumblebee my mom repeatedly read to me to make me believe anything was achievable, even a bumblebee flying. Once I learned how to read for myself, a whole new world opened up to me with every story imaginable. As TV became the prevalent pastime before and after school, reading faded to the background, a thing of the past. However, writing continued to be something I did often, especially in school, where it was introduced to me in third grade. Eventually my writing had to evolve from creative and fictional to analytical and persuasive. I had to learn new skills and essay formats, proper grammar and spelling, and no longer felt the enthusiasm I once felt with creating a story of my own. Previously, my best work came when I had the freedom to write without regulation.
Within the past couple years, I have begun reading for fun again instead of binging on Netflix for hours upon hours. After undergoing two surgeries that kept me firmly on the couch for a few weeks at a time, reading was a lifeline that keep me from going stir crazy. Reading about other character’s stories, good and bad, put my situation into perspective and lifted my spirits when the weight of my condition became too heavy to bear. I also believe that beginning to read on my own time has helped and will continue to help with my reading and writing ability. Advanced Writing appeared to be the right

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