
The Importance Of Religion In Columbus And Civilization

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While a large number of casualties would have been inevitable, the extent of the death which the Spanish wrought onto the Western hemisphere could not have been accidental,
Wars and conquests contribute to genocide for they all contain an in-group out-group mindset and an understanding that violence will be implemented. In Spain this mentality was formed through religion. Religion was what defined Spain as a nation at the time. Government sponsored destructions such as the Spanish Inquisition and the fight against the “Moors”, a muslim group, spelled out clearly what it meant to be a spaniard, and what happened to those who did not fit the mold (cite). Therefore on that day in 1492 when they claimed the island of Hispaniola for Spain, it was understood that the expansion of Spanish presence, not just as an extension of greetings between civilizations, but as an action that could involve destruction of groups seen as other. In Columbus’s writings when he enters the new world he speaks in the same sentence of the lack of weapons on the island and their lack of religion, indicating that to the spaniards the spread of religion was not expected to be a peaceful venture (cite his journal). This directs linkage shows that the Spanish understood that there could be deadly consequences for the natives simply because of their religious affiliation.
Moreover, in conclusion to that sentence in which Columbus linked weapons and religion he wrote “they would be good servants”

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