YOUR CHILD SANG A NEW SONG THIS WEEK TO HELP THEM REMEMBER THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RENEWABLE AND NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES. DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE? HAVE HIM/HER SING YOU THE SONG AND YOU CAN SING ALONG TOO! Don’t forget the invention unit is coming up!We talked about inventions created with natural resources. Have your child do some research to get ideas for inventions using natural resources. Once your child has an idea have them draw a picture of the invention and write a paragraph explaining what natural resources they used in their invention. Here are some helpful resource from the Saginaw area and areas surrounding Saginaw for you and your child to explore and get ideas for your child natural resource invention. See how much you and
The 1800’s revolutionized the county that we know today. With states splitting opinions on slaves and being free, the north and south had drastically divided styles of workforces. The demand for more manufactured goods skyrocketed resulting in an explosion of factories and mills. Products of the north and south required supplies and shipping routes, transportation infrastructure was carved through the countryside to meet these demands. The country had entered a new mindset, and a new era.
This song would be appropriate at the elementary school level because the song is repetitive and the lyrics can be spoken. Although the note range is a bit larger than what is expected of a kid’s voice range, from the middle C note to the 3rd space C, students should be able to sing this song. If necessary, teachers can also substitute the 4th line D note for another note.
Every city has that one basketball game that everyone goes to. The game that brings the crowd to their feet. That one game that brings thousands of people to the audience, and leave them with something to talk about for the remainder of their lives. Saginaw High vs Arthur Hill boys basketball game is filled with people from all over the state, filled with future NBA players and lots of drama. Saginaw High is located in the poorest and the most dangerous parts of Saginaw,Mi. Just imagine a neighborhood with only three houses on each block and sounds like Fourth of July firecrackers going off every night knowing someone just died. So every year, Saginaw
The ‘potion’ that the kids made at the Dorr Museum was an open ended project, we gave the kids instructions for how to get the activity started, but the end result was completely in their hands. They had the choice to pick from several different objects with fragrances to include in their project, which fragrances and how much of each fragrance they wanted was up to them. Similarly, at the Discovery Museum, the kids were making insect headbands, I would get them started on the headband part, but what they added to the band was all up to them. Most
I would incorporate the think-pair-share technique into the “Activities and Procedures” portion of the lesson. The fourth bullet in this portion of the lesson plan states that the children will brainstorm ideas for comparing and contrasting Chewandswallow to a real
When children are able to show their creativity, their physical environment enhances their abilities to show what they can do. Having easily readily material that can be transformed into anything a child can imagine. The material should enhance a child’s ability to make things their imaginations
List the five most important inventions of the early nineteenth century. Rank them in order of importance. Justify your ranking.
Each “song” is uplifting and positive as they preform daily household chores that keep the
Andrew Carnegie was a man of business. Born in Dunfermline, Scottland on November 25, 1835, Carnegie emigrated to America with his family when the weaving business was unable to support them (Livesay, 8). Once in America, Carnegie started his first job as a bobbin boy in a Blackstock Cotton Mill (Livesay, 18). From there, he ascended to the top of the business world overcoming obstacles to become the richest man. Andrew Carnegie's story is a testimony that, in the late nineteenth century, he lived the American Dream through his ability to make connections and network. For other immigrants, this would have been harder due to obstacles put in place by men like Carnegie.
The United States has utilized innovations and technological advancements to solidify its position as a global superpower. One of the greatest accomplishments the United States can claim is to have put a man on the moon in 1969. In describing the impact of the moon landing, historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. notes, “The one thing for which this century will be remembered 500 years from now was: This was the century when we began the exploration of space” (Launius, 2006). In the 47 years since the moon landing, no other nation has been able to land on the moon marking this as a lasting legacy to American perseverance in the exploration of space. The completion of the Panama Canal in 1914 also showcased American resolve and engineering superiority. Providing maritime access between the Atlantic and the Pacific, the Canal stands today as one of seven wonders of the modern world.
As of 2013, 168 million children worldwide are engaged in child labor. The Sub-Saharan Africa region has the second highest number of child laborers in the world; about 59 million as of 2012 ( Child labor refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend school, and is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful ( Children work in dangerous conditions, harming their mental and physical state. More than half of these children are exposed to the worst forms of child labor. More should be done to end child labor. These children experience unfair treatment, hazardous living conditions, and
The first source was a book written by a monk. The point of view was him learning about medicine and and the monk’s studies. Richer, the monk, talks about how he received a letter to go study with a man named Heribrand, inviting him to come study philosophy with him. Richer also talks about how he learned about medical procedures, and how he learned about sickness. When this was not enough to satisfy Richer’s needs, he asked to be taught about botany and art. In the second source, the source is taken out of a textbook. It talks about how Europe prospered from 1000 to 1300. It mostly stays focused on agriculture and farming, and how farmland sizes tripled, and food supply increased and inventions were made. Some of the inventions were a heavy
What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's)? How much do you know about STD's? Do you know how to protect yourself from STD's? The answer to these questions is that most people don't know, and if they do, it's very little. Sex has become a big issue in the 90's. Wherever a person looks, sex is advertised. What do you see when you turn on the television, daytime or night? Sex. What do you see when you go to the movies? Sex. In magazines? Sex. Even advertisements in the street revolve around sex. The one thing that is not emphasized is the dangers of sex. The danger of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. I'm sure that people know that AIDS is the most dangerous STD right now, but there are
As children grow, they accumulate knowledge over the years about a variety of subjects to prepare them for the future. Children learn from parents, schools, life experiences, what they watch and other influences around them, and it can be either positive learning or negative learning. There is one subject that is difficult to teach and have control over because of misunderstandings, lack of teaching, and publicity. Sex education has been a major debate for children under eighteen, because there are some parents that want it taught in schools and others that do not because of different reasons. There are currently eighteen states and the District of Columbia that require schools to provide sex education and thirty-two that do not require
Science Revolutions and Inseases in Inventions Over the past millennium there have been several significant scientific revolutions that have led to an increase in the amount of inventions within that field of science. Yet some scientific revolutions have been restricted to a containment of research within the field and thus meant that no inventions have occurred. Specific reasons for the increase in research are basically because new inventions can help the needs of humans, yet the argument against the increase of inventions is because some revolutions are not accepted or cannot be researched any further. The argument can be supported with a significant amount of evidence that shows that