Saving for a college is important to both my family and I because it can reduce future stress that is caused over college debts. Saving early for a college would help to reduce the chance of college loans for my family. Attending a college is important to me because I want to be able to further my education after high school. Going to college allows the opportunity to not only further my education but also be able to achieve my desired job in the future. Attending college isn't just important to myself, it's important to my family as well. College is a major step into adulthood that provides the opportunity for parents to let their children grow into adults. This allows for young adults to learn how to manage life without depending on
3. College is important to me because I will be the 2nd individual in my family to have a college degree. Despite being a single mother, working full-time, and a full-time student; I want to lead by an example for my daughter and show her that anything you set your mind to can be done!
Getting an education is extremely important in my family because it signifies hard work. No one in my immediate family has attended college yet and I would like to be the one that ends this cycle and graduates college. College is also important in my family because they believe that this will ensure that I will have a stable future and this is crucial to me.
My reasons for a why college is important to me are not only because of money but it has to do with me and my life. I have always dreamed of being a third or fourth grade teacher since I was about five years old. My ultimate dream and goal in life is to achieve that dream and become a teacher. With out a education I would not be able to go into that
Being able to go to college is an accomplishment and funding it is a problem for the students or for the parents.
yet I also believe that being able to pay for college is crucial. Recently, I completed my first year of high school. I joined Key Club and Chess club. I also made the JV softball team and earned the second ranked spot on our chess team. My extracurricular activities have taught me in numerous ways. For example, I have learned more on how to deal with stressful events, while also helping others through theirs. I have also experienced the mutual joy and satisfaction of doing good for others. I decided to make high school worthwhile by taking extremely challenging course work, such as Advanced Placement and honors classes. I successfully finished freshman year, ranking first of 587, with an
Why is college important to you? College is important to me because I see the many opportunities that it will provide for me that will not be provided if I do not attend. As a minority and a low-income student opportunity is limited. The support of college and a degree, provides many options and possibilities that I do not receive on a daily basis. Many of the people from my community are working just to pay the bills, however I want to find a career, explore the world and give back and I believe that college will give me those opportunities to do so. Attending college, also give me the chance to meet new people from the world and learn about them and how their world has shaped their live and the circumstances that led them into college. In the article, Is College Worth It? Clearly, New Data Says, by David Landoldt, he states reasons why college is the best fit and the benefits that college offers to its graduates. He briefly talks about the financial support that college graduates receive after college and connects it to individuals who have not received a degree. In the article, Why college isn’t for everyone, explained in a single chart, by Chris Matthews, he states the downfalls of college and explains that some individuals are simply wasting their time in college. He also explains that it is uncertain for students to receive the correct materials from college.
College is truely worth the cost I have found yes, it is a necessity in the growing information economy of the US .This is because financial Aid is high and the reward is higher than ever, college graduates recently working full time made 83 percent more than people with only high school diplomas.
Today we were given a presentation by two great men on the topic of college and what to expect and paying tuition. As we all know; college is extremely important for those of us looking to get a high paying and respected job. We who live in western democracies like ours, have a civil duty to pursue higher education for the betterment of society and ourselves! For us to waste this great privilege is a travesty. With so many options to help pay for or assist in the paying of tuitions; get out there and educate
I would like to attend college because I want to be able to demonstrate not only to myself but to my family that we can do what we set ourselves to do. I would to do go far in this life and accomplish my life goals. Without college, I will not be able to do my goals. My goals are to graduate from college, one day own my own land so that I can own my own agricultural business, and have my home there too, and I want to be a high school Spanish teacher as well. Another reason as to why I want to attend college is that I want to be able to show my little sister that anything is possible, we can do whatever we set ourselves to do, as long we do not give up we will be able to accomplish great things in life. My teachers have also been a great influence
College is very important to me because it can equip me with the tools and knowledge I need to do better in life and not just barely making it, also help me to have a more open mind set about life and knowledge. Now I understand I need a good college education and more knowledge to move ahead in life. Also college
Trying to get into college these days is difficult enough, but once you do, there is no rest for the weary. Tuition is unfortunately rising at a rate of almost 8% a year with no sign of abating. This leaves students and their families with a bill they may end up carrying for years. To even be able to afford college in the first place, you need to be savvy, educated and determined. Here’s a few ways you can get some financial help for college:
Sometime I wonder can we have rectify to fix each colleges to change their policies forgive the opinions for finance to all the college students’ debt if we can change different ways to fix to afford to go to college with less stress about their economy and more time to have time to study better? Five ways to able to have opinions to choose for their college debt to solutions if a finance counselor change their rules of the policy.
Furthermore, tuition annual rate has an outrageous inflation relationship with time. In Josh Mitchell and Andrea Fuller Wall Street Journal it states, “Among the four-year schools in the Journal's analysis, the average increase in tuition and fees was greater than 75% in the past decade, outpacing inflation.” (pp9). As college tuition continue to increase, the more individuals will be in debt. While the importance of a higher education increases the chances of becoming successful, more people will gravitate towards higher education knowing that loans will always be an option and having the idea that debt is normal to ensure a stable future. Not only will this start to affect individuals but the government will eventually suffer. Wight Martindale Jr states, “…too much money spent, too little achieved.” (Martindale), this explains how higher education can bring one a tremendous amount of debt with a bunch of stress. He also talks about how it is a bubble, this is a bubble that many students hate to be in. This bubble is known for being unable to burst which is a problem for multiple students because college shouldn’t be about money and stress. The more money the government give out and not receive as much in and they borrow from different countries, the country will stay in debt itself.
Financial troubles are often times a serious barrier in regards to my education. Affording to college has been getting more and more difficult throughout the years and it has been impacting my love for education in a serious way. This is evident due to the fact that I no longer can afford to take classes that I need to be able to graduate on time, along with classes I am going to need in the future to build a more confident resume for graduate school in foreseeable the future. This is why I chose to come to Northern Essex, and I love the experience I have received. I am truly grateful to have made the choice to transfer into Northern Essex, as it is easily the best decision anyone could make. From the connections and reputability NECC has acquired
saving money for college education as opposed to retirement, there are several other factors that contribute to Gen X’s lack of funds for retirement (Powell, 2015).