“Everything you've gone through in your life has made you into the person you are today. Don’t hate on the past or the people that have been left there. You are stronger because of all the challenges and circumstances that you've endured. Be thankful for everything because as you become stronger…life becomes easier” Quoted by Robert Tew. Robert Tew explained in this quote that someone or something has made you the person you are today. Whether it be family, friends, someone who has inspired you or personal experiences we all have reasons as to what made us the way we are. I recently made a still life representing what made me the person I am today. If you looked at it you might be confused about the items so I will be explaining the significants of the items and why it made me the person I am today. At an early age, with the help of my family, I started to form into the person I am today. My family is a big part of my life and has been since I could remember. If you look at my still life you can see a picture of my family and I in the left corner. In the picture is my mom Tammy, my stepdad Tom, my sister Felicia, and Donnie which is Felicia’s boyfriend of about 5 years. This picture was taken a couple years ago on vacation to Florida. My family is a significant part of my life because they all have been through everything with me. I may disappoint them sometimes but I know at the end of the day that they love me and want the best thing for me. Since I was five years old
Character: His name is Brandon Nickerson. He's very good at sports. He's played pitcher in baseball. With his strong arm he thinks he can be a pretty good quarterback for the football team in his new town. He's big, strong, and semi quick. He's always on the run with his dad from people who want to kill him and his father.
Romanticism and The post impressionism era are two major periods on the time line of art history. Different forms of art including paintings, music, and architecture showed tremendous growth, and ended up making history. This essay compares and contrasts pieces of work such as Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night and Joseph Mallord William Turner’s The Slave Ship. These two pieces both represent their own individual time periods, yet have similar characteristics. Both of these paintings have a way of uncovering a story without using a single word.
I am who I am partly because of my family, but mostly because of who I want myself to be. I will never be
The customer analysis segment of the marketing plan provides for a description of the consumer base. This entails a detailed analysis of the customers who are most likely to buy your product. Typically, this analysis consists of information related to the purchasing habits of the customers as well as data on the characteristics of consumers such as age, gender, lifestyle, and income. These consumer characteristics will be used to divide, or ”segment” the market, allowing for more direct access and further analysis.
My past experiences, the people surrounding me throughout my life made me the person that I am now. The values I was giving have been the base of the decisions I’ve made and the consequences from those decisions have shaped me as a strong and mature person.
When I began discovering the factors that shaped my development into the person I now am as an adult, It was easy to reflect on the positive moments I got to share with people. Yet the more impact things in my life that impacted me came from the moments where my mistakes affected others. My development forced me to recall emotional times from my childhood that began to sculpt my thinking an perception of myself. I was raised by two parents who both values hard work and perseverance.
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of what makes me who I am is my family. They were all I had when I was born and they’ll probably be all I have when I’m buried six feet underground. I was born into a family with two older brothers (that were ten and seven years older than me), and two loving parents. Being the youngest and having two older brothers I think has impacted me the most. Having two older brothers, especially that much older, put me in a position of having to grow up a little faster. My brothers would they pick on me if I cried too much (making me a tough little thing), but then their older friends would chime in as well. They gave me the tough skin that I am very thankful for now. I am often called an old soul, probably because they teased the young right out of me. Having two older brothers help me think from a very rational perspective, and I am usually told that I think and joke like a boy. Not only do I have two older brothers, but they are also two of my best friends. I wouldn’t trade the teasing, fighting, or craziness for anything.
My family understands me more than anyone else, and can best know how my own personality is affecting my problems. My mother and my uncle have seen me develop my entire life, and when I am going through my preparation for the future it’s no different. They are older than me and can offer perspective into how they best confronted the problems that I am similarly now facing. Their support has helped me as I’ve grown up, and they can continue by both rationally and emotionally connecting to my situations.
I can attribute a great deal of the person who I am today to the role that my family and friends have played in my life. From birth, I have been loved and encouraged to do great things by a
My family means everything and more to me. They are my support, backbone, and give me the motivation to put forth my best efforts in everything I do. When I decided to start a new path after my Marine Corps career, going to school was one of many options I had. With the encouragement and support of my family I made the choice to go back to college eventually pursuing my dreams of attending TCU. When I made that choice I made a commitment to them to be the best student possible. My first year in college was an experience that was different than anything I was used to but I stayed true to my commitment earning academic honors, and scholarships. Every decision I make I do so with my family in mind.
My whole life I’ve always looked up to my dad as the way I’ll plan my life, but I am who I am today because of my grandparents. They impacted my life in such a way; it changed my whole meaning of life. Opening their life to change to help the change that happened in my life with my sisters.
My family plays a big role on my behavior and attitude. They have taught me values and expectation that would help me become a better person in our community. They have taught me the importance of “The Golden Rule”; treat others the way you want to be treated. They have also taught me to
Family is such an important aspect in many people's lives,especially mine. I just love to spend time with them (family) since a young age.I had many adventures that I can say we did as a family and those adventures had influence my personality. For example, we all took a family vacation to together up to resort in the mountains. During the summer months for a week . I just turned six and I remember this adventure very vividly till this very day. It was a blast up there and a great experience to have. We did a lot of activities that involved animals. For instance, we went horseback riding, feed mountain goats before they chased us for more food. Also we went exploring through the woods to find plants/ flowers. That's why my love for animals and nature is so strong and is embedded into my personality. There also was a waterpark (indoor/outdoors). It was very nice and spacious with fantastic slides. The slides were really frightening to me they look so enormous and giant,remember was only six years old at that time. So I was very cautious to go on the slides. After staring at them for a
I was blessed to grow up in a nurturing, cultivating, and open minded environment. My family is full of big personalities and even bigger hearts. They’ve supported me through the many phases of my childhood and unwaveringly will continue to support my dreams in adulthood. Over the past 17 years, I’ve grown in exquisite ways that would not have been possible without my family
My family they play this huge role in my life they are literally in my life everyday and even though I don't see all of them because I can’t they all pop into my head everyday and I remember what they have taught me. I am the youngest out of my three siblings and so being the youngest you get picked on a lot and you get into fights, those fights and arguments have taught me a lot and at that moment I would never see it as a lesson but overall it has taught me how to stick up for myself because not everyone is going to be nice and they taught me that I have a voice and it’s okay to be different. My mom and dad they have disciplined me to show me that I can’t do whatever I want. It’s just my parents and I in our small little apartment because my sister went to college and my oldest brother moved out to live on his own and my other brother went into the army. Even if I can’t see all of them everyday like I do my parents they are still a part of me and my parents they have focused on me and we have gotten closer especially after what has happened.