
The Importance Of Surgery And Surgical Diseases

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The importance of surgery Surgical conditions are common and account for a significant portion of the global disease burden. “The term surgical condition refers to any condition that requires incision, excision, manipulation, suture, or other invasive procedure that usually, but not always, requires anesthesia.” (4) However, this term is not limited to patients upon whom an incision is made or is to be made. Surgical conditions cut across various groups or classes of disease ranging from communicable to non-communicable diseases and also occupational diseases. Surgical conditions are so prevalent that they comprise 11% of the global burden of disease.(5,6) Accompanying this large proportion disease burden is an large need for surgical procedures. Every year, about 234 million major surgeries are performed globally. (7,8) This figure neither expresses nor meets the current, and ever-growing, global surgical unmet need. A need which disproportionately affects developing countries both in numerical count and in its myriad impact. Surgical diseases have a profound negative impact the global economy. Physical injury, for example, primarily affects people in their most productive period of life. It is the principal cause of death in this age bracket (15-45 years).(9-11) Nine percent of deaths and 12% of the global burden of disease are accounted for by injuries.(10) Worldwide injury rates and injury-related mortality are commoner males.(12,13) Injury survivors are often left with

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