Taking a pill to eliminate sexual desire is a controversial topic. I believe that we should not have those pills. Although, their are bad things in sexual desire like abortion, God wanted us to have sexual chemistry with our spouses. God wanted us to have good relationships with our spouses and it is almost essential. I do know that he intended it for spouses and not anything else. Unfortunately people use sexual desire in the wrong way and that causes things like rape and perverts. Although, I still think that eliminating it altogether is not the answer. I don’t believe taking pills to eliminate sexual desire is not a good
Who should be responsible for stopping the 120 million sperm that are released during a male orgasm from fertilizing a female’s egg? The context of that question has been a societal debate in terms of the consequences of unplanned pregnancy and whether it is a female, male or both sexes responsibility to practice “safe sex”. Introducing the birth control pill for women in the 1960s created a huge controversy between sexual conservatives and the women who would benefit from the pill, but the responsibility still remained in the hands of women. However, as medicine has advanced and the possibility of a male birth control pill has amounted, many wonder if the same issues would arise if a male birth control pill did in fact become
Throughout life many of us have our own views on what we believe is right, it is more or less based on the way we were raised and our morals and beliefs. Once we hit puberty and start learning about sex, many of us get curious and begin to experiment in sexual activity. We are influenced by many things in media like movies, shows and songs, almost forcing us to believe that sex is the greatest thing in the entire world. Abstinence is a moral that is almost completely abolished in this modern age. People who do practice abstinence are most likely judged and taken as sexually impotent or prude. This topic brings controversy to many people and religious beliefs because many
May 1, 1960. The Food and Drug Administration approved Enovid for marketing in the United States. Enovid, the first hormonal birth control pill, was the child of extensive exploration into the unknown and controversial field of reproductive medicine. Its advocates encountered many legal, political, and social obstacles. The progression of Enovid from an unorthodox idea to a medical reality lead to a vast exchange of moral ideals pertaining to sexuality, the role of women, and the extent of government and church influence in society.
Biblical sexual fulfillment is only achievable in the covenant of marriage, which is how God intends sexual fulfilment to be. In marriage sexual openness and fulfilment brings the two individuals that are united together into a deeper more intimate loving state. This deeper bond and intimacy that sexual fulfilment creates in this covenant of marriage between the two individuals also creates an understanding of the spiritual intimacy and closeness our Creator desires to have with us as individuals. Sexual fulfillment does not automatically occur in marriage between the two individuals that have united as one. They have to purposefully and intently strive towards obtaining this goal together to deepen and grow the marriage relationship. “The Gift of Sex: A Guide to Sexual Fulfillment” by Clifford and Joyce Penner provides the information and guidance to understand and obtain sexual fulfilment in marriage the way God created and intended sex to be enjoyed, a wonderful gift from God, while learning together how to overcome the stumbling blocks Satan places in your path.
In 2005, nearly half of all high school students have had sexual intercourse. Plainly stating that abstinence programs do not work (USA Today). Abstinence programs were beneficial many years ago, but since they are ineffective in delaying teen pregnancy, then teen pregnancy rate has increased. Abstinence programs teach the “no sex until marriage” clause, but they don’t teach teens about birth control and the consequences of having sex at before they’ve matured. Although many studies argue that abstinence programs are educational and beneficial, other studies will show that they don’t delay teen sex, they don’t prevent the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), and are a waste of taxpayers’
As I get out of the car, I hear a girl screaming in the distance. Hearing such a noise instantly made me feel a chill go down my spine. As I walk against my own fear, I approach an overwhelming sign that says “Welcome to Six Flags over Texas”. My mother looks at me with a huge smile, reassuring me that there is nothing to be afraid of. Being only 8 years old at the time, I was a very hyper and ecstatic kid. Going against my own fears, I timidly rushed to the entrance. As I stood there before this monstrosity of amusement, my jaw was on the floor with astonishment. Leaving me in a state of shock,I could only slowly walk in with aw, and marvel at what was before me.
Overtime, scientist created a more efficient “Stem Pessary”, by mixing synthetic estrogen and progestin to block sperm cells from reaching the ovaries. They decreased the size and made it an oral pill, making it easier to consume. The Birth Control pill wasn’t legal in the United States until 1960. “As sexual relations outside of marriage and for reasons other than childbearing became more socially acceptable and women seeking careers sought family planning methods, the environment was ripe for introduction of this discreet, easy-to-use form of contraception,” (NPR). Women started taking birth control pills daily because they were 99% effective and ultimately a cheaper option than condoms.
Oral contraceptive has been a controversial topic for years. Oral contraceptives are a common form of birth control. Birth control is used to prevent pregnancy by blocking a male’s sperm from fertilizing a female’s egg. Women take birth control to prevent pregnancy. Also, teen women can prevent unwanted pregnancies by having access to over the counter birth control pills. Birth control pills should be available without a prescription.
Healthcare professionals are faced with a multitude of ethical and legal conundrums. Since the introduction of birth control in American history, healthcare professionals have been put in situations to either follow their own moral and ethical beliefs, or choose to follow the law and give healthcare services to those who seek it. A large constituent to the disapproval of contraceptives other than natural family planning, is health professional’s religious beliefs. In addition, Adolescent females who need contraceptives are less likely to seek access to health care providers for these contraceptives in fear of personal information due to their age being released. Through the research provided, cases of pharmacist denial of prescribed or over the counter contraceptives to women have been the majority of conflict in this nation and in others.
To tell you truth my paper feedback was not so helpful. Whoever looked my paper pointed out some of my grammar errors but nothing more than that. There is no helpful comment or positive negative words or any constructive idea or thoughts. I guess my paper make sense then. You haven’t comment on our paper yet so I have no idea where I have to improve. Final paper is not due until next week so if you are still planning to give some feedback, that would be great. I can still modify my paper and submit the perfect one like you want to see in any paper.
There have been hundreds to thousands of treatments that have been conducted, some similar and others drastically different. In this paper, I will go over just a few of the more important types of treatments. Brown et al, (2017) demonstrates three types of treatments. Pharmacological treatment, behavioral therapy, and most importantly cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). With pharmacological treatment’s their purpose is to reduce sex drive. The most common types of drugs used are antiandrogen, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and gonadotropic releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists. to go into more detail antiandrogen’s like cyproterone acetate (CPA) and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA)
Within the pro-choice world there are many issues that are discussed like abortion, the instant where life begins and the use of contraceptives. This article will focus on not only the issue of using of contraceptives, but specifically the distribution of oral contraceptives (“the pill”) to teenage girls without their parent’s consent.
Over the counter birth control pills have been a topic of discussion for many women. Some might say it would pose many risks such as not receiving medical checkups and not knowing the side effects of birth control pills. Others may see it as a helpful to women because of the convenience of accessing the pills and not having to take time to schedule appointments. Additionally, due to health care and insurance policies some women might not have an easy access to birth control pills but the cost should not be a factor. Although over the counter birth control would allow an easier access for women, there are reasons why a doctor’s visit and a prescription are required to receive birth control pills.
I do not think that our society should find a way to remove sexual desire from people. The way our society is now is great, why should we change it. I believe that sexual desire is natural and shouldn’t be eliminated. Yes there are real issues it would get rid of, for instance, rape, unwanted pregnancy, pornography, STDs especially. I know some religions don’t agree with some things like masterbation but I personally don’t think it is bad. I don’t think that humans should find a way to get rid of sexual
Another major argument about this subject arises because it is in human nature to feel the need to reproduce and to have sex. This makes treating the problem baffling , because it goes against human nature to completely cut out all forms of sex. This is another reason why “sex addiction” is incorrect terminology, because sex isn’t hurtful to oneself, however it does become a problem when it starts to affect a person’s life in detrimental ways. It only becomes a problem when it is out of control. It is normal for some people to have a higher sex drive then others, and it is healthy to want to have multiple partners. The problem comes into play when it is needed for emotional purposes, to need validation and affection. Only then is it considered unhealthy, because people should have secure relationships, and coping mechanisms that can help them get the feelings they need. Just like many other compulsive behaviors, sexual compulsive behaviors can be treated, just not