I was requested to write this paper on 15 May 2012 by Sgt. Crawford on the grounds that my conduct was unsatisfactory and an entire lack of regard. I comprehend that I can't do that. As I have been told previously. We don't pay you to think. You will never win in the event that you believe you're being understated by attempting to make things helpful for yourself. It might just be at a minor scale however that is the place everything starts. Taking after orders is mandatory in the military and failure to do as such is a chargeable offense. Regardless of the importance of the request it must be taken after. Taking after requests additionally imparts teach inside the levels of leadership. The Army does not acknowledge people who can't take after
There are a lot of reasons for the rank structure and the chain of command. Every reason that I am going to explain in this essay is very important. I am going to separate them into two paragraphs. The first paragraph will be about the importance of the rank structure and why the rank structure is in place. The second paragraph will be about the importance of the chain of command and why the chain of command is set into place.
A raid that went wrong and the commander wants to cover it up to make it appears that they opened fire first to make it look like it was self-defense. As a member of the squad, I could not go along with this type of behavior and I would let the commander know that it is the wrong thing to do. I would speak up and be totally against this type of behavior. I would not take part of this type of behavior even if I was the only one in the squad that felt this way. My intellectual reasoning would of course see the commander’s point of view on this type of behavior and understand the reason they would feel this way. I could come to understand the reason behind the commander orders. I would have to disagree with this and stick with what I know is
You should only pass on the information in your scene sheet and do not fabricate extra information: When you’re playing a cast character and a player character asks you a question for which you do not know the answer don’t make up the answer. For example, if you’re a soldier, you are asked the name of your leader, and you’ve not been briefed on the name, just make the in-game response of, “I don’t know!” If you’re pressed, say I follow his instructions, and point to the scene leader. Never step out-of-game and say, “The writer didn’t tell me.”. The reason we do not make things up is because it can create complications with plots as the writer would have no clue what you were doing and you won’t know all of the details with every plot to
The Army in an extremely nostalgic organization with a copious amount traditions and has about a million different methods of conducting its business. Some are old and some are new, but possibly the oldest one that has been around since before the Army was officially established and still lives today is the Armys rules, regulations and policies on customs and courtesies. In this form of a remedial block of instruction given to me by my team leader, due to certain circumstances I am to explain the Armys customs and courtesies and the importance they have always and still do hold within the Army.
Deductive Reasoning — The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.|
The second component of the chain of command is responsibility. The manager assigns different jobs to his subordinates and it is
Since I failed to complete the 2000 word essay on Disrespect to a Non-Commissioned Officer that I was ordered to do I was reordered to write this 3000 word essay on Failure to follow orders and the possible consequences
The purpose of this essay is to further my knowledge of the Army NCO support channel, chain of command and why we, as soldiers, use them. I will also be explaining the importance of obeying a lawful order from a first sergeant and performing that order in a timely manner. First I am going to talk about The Army NCO support Channel.
Since egoism is part of morality it will involve the use of reason per Wollstonecraft philosophy. Now to test it lets use the scenario I described earlier with the mindset to create my answer which hopefully is made using reason. Now with the scenario of the two soldiers I have two possible choices to make which are to either save the soldier who has a family or save the soldier that is my best friend but has no other friends or family. As an egoist, I must make the choice that helps me out the most. If I save the soldier that has the family him and his family will be grateful towards but they don’t know me well enough to the point that they will help me a lot later. Also, the soldier is severely wounded meaning that if I did save him he would
Since I was a child, I have always listened to what my parents have told me to do like a soldier receiving orders from a commander. My mom and dad have worked long hours at their job and I love them for always caring and looking after me. But as I got older, I began to develop a mind of my own. In middle school, my parents would forbid me from watching more than an hour of television or they would refuse to let me hang out with my friends more often. It vexed me that they could not be more like other parents who let their kids do whatever they want. Next thing I know, my parents and I would always argue about everything I do. I refuse to do my chores and would constantly pick a fight with my siblings. Slowly, it got to the point that I would
For example when a soldier is told to build a stage or a wall and it requires planning and they are told by their leaders to do it a certain way it should be done the way they were told no matter if it’s the hardest way. A soldier who doesn’t follow the orders they were given is the only one to blame for not doing his job as a soldier properly and not living to the army vaults because every one of the soldiers knows that your should never disobey an order.
Military Discipline is a state of order and obedience existing within a command. It involves the ready subordination of the will of the individual for the good of the group. Military discipline is an extension and specialized application of the discipline demands habitual but reasoned obedience that preserves initiative and functions unfalteringly even in the absence of the commander. Discipline is created within a command by instilling a sense of confidence and responsibility in each individual. Discipline demands correct performance of duty. The need for discipline is best inculcated in individual by appealing to his sense of reason. In the few instances where appeal to reason fail, the use of
In my opinion, from the two articles read I do not believe that the sentence of 5 months in prison that Ms Vinson received coincided with her level of involvement. Ms Vinson was the Senior of Corporate Reporting Department; for two years she chooses to continue to misrepresent and inflate figures that were to be used on WorldCom Financial Reports. Perhaps in the beginning it was strongly encouraged to her inflate the figures by Mr. Ebbers so that the Financial Reports would be favorable for WorldCom. And perhaps she convinced
Every day I should understand that accepting my personal responsibilities is utterly important. Being a soldier personal responsibility should be one of the biggest subjects one should take seriously, without it I wouldn’t get anywhere or anything out of the Army except for a punishment of UCMJ or a chapter 15 out of this organization that has zero tolerance for nothing but the best. It is highly known that the United State Army is downsizing. In other words “getting rid of the bad apples” is what’s going on. I myself, a young E1 just kicking of her
I had CQ this past weekend for 24hrs. I sent up an appointment for a tattoo that same day without even realizing it. So I made a dumb decision I had one of my fellow battle buddies cover down for me. While I went and got my tattoo for about three and a half hours. That took time away from my battle buddy from his Saturday. It was wrong to ask him to do that and also it was wrong for me to leave my post. My priorities were out of order I left my place of duty to get a tattoo. A future leader that I know I can be can’t be doing dumb stuff like that. While doing a job no one is perfect and everyone knows that. To progress in the military you have to mold yourself as a leader. To separate yourself with your peers I want to be a future