
The Importance Of Technology In Education

Decent Essays

The speed of technology is growing at an exponential rate. In this digital age, students have more opportunities through electronic products such as computers, tablets, and mobile devices. The average student graduating from college in the United States has spent less than 5,000 hours on studying, but 10,000 hours on computer games or social networking. Moreover, since 2012, as many as sixty-three percent of universities offer online courses. Educational leaders throughout the U.S. are using electronic devices to try to engage students in a classroom setting through familiar technology. But are electronic devices good for the growth of education? Low standardized test scores show that students that use electronic devices for schoolwork …show more content…

When reading a passage through a digital device, the student does not have the sense of feeling through the pages of the text which can cause them not to remember. The roles of teachers in a classroom setting have begun changing because of technology. The London School of Economics conducted a study where they asked schools to ban smartphones in the classroom. The study revealed that teachers saw a remarkable improvement in test grades (Lee et al.).Many teachers believe that electronic devices with internet connectivity are a source of distraction for students, therefore they have become a negative learning tool. As technology has become a distraction in classroom settings, high schools should revert to old teaching methods such as print textbooks, workbooks, paper test and face-to-face contact. In another study, seventy-two Norwegian tenth graders were divided in half and given a text to read in print or a PDF, which resulted in the students who read texts in print scoring significantly better on reading comprehension test than students who read it digitally. In the past few years there has been research on how technology is disrupting student sleep patterns which leads to the result of poor performances at school such as reading comprehension (Connell et al)(Independent School Management). Evidence has also proven that smartphones, tablets, laptops and many other electronic devices are impacting the quantity and

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